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Meals in the priestleys’ family

1. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.

  1. Why did Frieda want to know about English meals and cooking?

  2. What are the names of the usual meals?

  3. What, to English people, is "the Continent"?

  4. What is a "continental breakfast"?

  5. What, does Mrs. Priestley say, is "the usual English breakfast"?

  6. What is the difference (in England) between "marmalade" and "jam"?

  7. Where does a business man in London usually go for lunch?

  8. What do the Priestleys have for lunch?

  9. Mrs. Priestley said that afternoon tea was hardly a meal. What phrase did she use to describe it?

10. What did they have for their "special" dinner? Why was this a special dinner? 11. What is a "high" tea?

  1. Why are table-mats used?

  2. What is cutlery?

  3. What is a carving-knife used for?

  1. Where did Susan get the ice?

  2. Mention three things used in making a cake.

2. Compare the procedure of laying the table in your family and in the Priesteys’ family. Restaurants in hungary

spice – специи

apparently – вернее (наречие)

curry –овощные и мясные блюда с острым соусом

the hottest curry - самые острые кари

to prove one’s machismo – доказать, что они настоящие мужчины

spinach – шпинат

lentil – чечевица

to queue – стоять в очереди

gulyasporkolt – (венгер. блюдо) гуляшперкельт

to overdo – зд. перестараться

students’ getto – студенческое гетто (студ. городок)

frequently – часто

neighbour – сосед

to complain – жаловаться

the ceiling is shaking – пол ходит ходуном

to book a dub – арендовать клуб

  1. Listen to the tape and mark true and false statements.

  1. Vivien’s favourite food is Hungarian.

  2. There are no good Hungarian restaurants, as far as Vivian knows.

  3. In London you may go out for a few beers and then for a curry.

  4. Curry are not very expensive and the girls like to try the hottest ones.

  5. The Italian restaurants in London are very good.

  6. A little tiny pizza place in Brixton is really popular.

  7. In Soho Chinese food is worse than in China.

  8. When Vivien goes out to restaurants she tries local Hungarian food.

  9. But actually she hates cooking herself.

  10. At Universities they very seldom made house parties.

  11. While having a party the neighbours always joined them.

  12. Vivien will probably go out to a club at New Year than book a dub.

  1. Listen to the tape again and fill in the missing words and prepositions.

  1. Well, I’ve heard … one which is apparently quite …, but very … .

  2. When I was a … for a long time, it was very good, as they have a lot of … and … and … dishes with really interesting … .

  3. Every weekend there would be … or more than …, often a whole selection of … .

  4. The … would frequently come because there would be … .

  5. I have been to a few … parties here, which were mainly with people from work.