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2.3. Listen to each part of the interview again and decide whether the statements below are True or False.

Part 1

1. Craig Claiborne had several weeks of summer vacation.

2. He works for the «New York Times».

3. He sees a decline in our manners. Part 2

Craig Claiborne says he...

  1. would never go out in public with dirty fingernails.

  2. would not go out without brushing his teeth.

  1. leads a very formal lifestyle. According to Craig Claiborne, you should...

  2. never put candles on a table.

  3. put only low flower arrangements on the table. Part 3

According to Craig Claiborne, you should...

9. always hold a wine glass by the rim.

  1. hold a good wine glass by the stem.

  2. wipe your lips each time you drink some wine.

  3. not order champagne at dinner.

  4. let wine drop on the label when you pour it.

  5. show your guests the wine before you serve it.

III. Follow up activity

What's your opinion of the role of good manners in general and at the table, in particular. Who should teach people good manners?

Comparing table manners

I. Pre-listening task

Go over these words and phrases to avoid difficulties of understanding the recording.

Curiosity – любопытство

Point – 1. Craig Claiborne had several weeks of summer vacation.

2. He works for the «New York Times».

3. He sees a decline in our manners. кончик (ножа, вилки)

messy — (зд.) крошащийся

posh, smart—шикарный, первоклассный (о ресторане)


toast someone — произнести тост в чью-либо честь


roughly—(зд.) приблизительно

sideways — сбоку от

on the lap — на коленях

II. Listening and comprehension tasks

2.1. Listen to the recording and decide whether the statements below are True or False.

  1. The conversation takes place in Britain.

  1. The interviewer comes from Germany.

  1. Stephen isn't very particular about table manners.

  2. Some of the English table manners sound strange to the interviewer.

2.2. Listen again and from the list below choose the table manners that are being discussed in the сonversation.

a. the way the English use a napkin;

b. the clothes they wear at dinner;

с the kind of meat served normally at formal dinners;

d. the way they put the fork and knife after the meal's finished

e. the place they keep their hands both during the meal and before or after it;

f. the kind of jokes that are acceptable at table;

g. the way they eat cakes and chicken in Britain;

h. the way they express gratitude after a meal;

i. the words they toast people with;

j. the kind of drinks preferable at formal dinner.

2.3. When listening this time note down briefly what Stephen answers to the following questions.

a. When do the English have lunch and dinner?

b. How long does a typical lunch or dinner last?

c. At which meal would the English eat the following: melon, meat, fish, pasta?

d. At what season do the English eat soup and salads?

e. When do they take tea or coffee?