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методичка по еде.doc
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3. What went wrong? Watch part 2 and put the sentences in order.

  1. The waiter brought the main courses.

  1. Matthew asked the waiter foe a cloth.

  1. Matthew tried to clean up the mess.

  2. The waiter brought the bread.

  3. Matthew knocked over the glass of wine.

4. Watch again and complete these extracts.

  1. Can I get you ____________ else?

  1. Who ____________ the omelette?

  1. Don’t ___________me!

  2. Oh, no! I’m terribly _________.

  3. I seem to have ____________ some wine.

5. Match the sentences in 3 with the extracts in 4.

Parts 1 and 2.

6. Watch Parts 1 and 2 and complete these with an appropriate quantifier.

  1. Would you like ...... some wine?

  1. Two glasses of red wine, please, and could we have......... olives with that, please?

  1. Oh, dear, I didn’t know you were a vegetarian. I don’t think they’ve got ...........vegetarian dishes on the menu.

  2. Yeah, there are. Look there are ......... of things.

  3. And could we have .......... French bread and a bottle of mineral water, please?

  4. Did any go on your skirt? It’s just ............ . It’s OK.

  5. Waiter, waiter! Could you get a cloth? I seem to have spilt ......... wine.

  6. It’s OK, honestly. Hardly .......... of it’s gone on my skirt. It’s just a drop.

After you watch

7. Work with a partner. How do you think the two people felt? Use some of the adjectives given below.








8. Complete the expressions below. They are all things you may hear in a restaurant. What is the hidden expression?

a) A t . . .

for two, please.



b) Are you ready to

. d . . ?

c) An


thing else?

d)Is e . e .

thing OK?


e) What . o

l . you like to drink?

f) Would you like a s . .

t . r?

g) What does it c .

. with?


h) I’ll .

v . the calzone.

i) Could we have the b .

l, please?

9. Put the expressions in 8 in the order you would expect to hear them.