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The Public Talks

What do you think of British food? If you've been to Britain, we're sure you've got an opinion. We asked the general public for their ideas, and this is what they said. Do you agree with any of the comments?

Against British Food

“No matter where you stop to eat in France, you are guaranteed good food. Even the more basic meals such as steak-au-poivre or chips and salad are always great. The same cannot be said of Britain; and it's normally a surprise if any cheap meal in this country is de­cent”. Graeme, England.

“Traditional British food gives me indigestion”. Tina, Norway.

“I don't want to hurt anyone but English food is boring if you compare it with French food. There is a real lack of imagination and creativ­ity”. Paula, Italy.

“I went to England for 3 months and I found that English products are without any taste. All foreigners complain about English food. It's famous”. Elena, Russia.

“I'm a Scotsman who is married to a French lady and I can honestly say that there is not a lot of difference between everyday French food and everyday British food. However, the big difference is that most motorway service stations in France serve better food than is served in restaurants in Britain!” Jim, Scotland.

“Traditional British cooking is unappealing, unimaginative and unappetizing. As has been said before: “The French live to eat; the British eat to live”. Sam, Lichtenstein.

“Talking of British Cuisine is like talking about German humour, French generosity; Italian self-control; and American modesty”. Mark, Canada.

“The service that is provided in restaurants and cafes must be the world's worst”. Lee, China.

In Favour of British Food

“Well, if British food is bland compared to the rest of Europe – at least its safe to eat. The French for example have an extremely bad reputation for hygiene”. Jim Brunton, Wales.

“OK, so British food isn't great, but what great contributions have other countries made? Germany? Sauerkraut and sausages! France? Horse meat, snails and frogs' legs! Eastern Europe? Boiled meat and potatoes!” Sandra, Spain.

“People's opinion of British food is all based on ignorance. They as­sume that we eat potatoes with everything. But did you know, you rarely get a cheap meal anywhere in Europe that does not come with chips, especially France. The difference is that we don't boast about our local cuisine”. Michael, England.

“The British are much more adventurous when it comes to food – and that's why they have one of the most varied selection of inter­national restaurants anywhere. When I was in Britain, I once went to a pub in the East End of London that was serving Columbian tapas!” Paula, Luxembourg.

“British food is great. When I'm in England I can wake up and have an “English” breakfast, a slice of “Italian” pizza at lunchtime, “Indian” curry for dinner and a “Turkish” kebab on the way home from the club. What more could you ask for!” Kenneth, Mongolia.

“I first went to England as a student many years ago and I remember that all the food had no spices. You had to put black pepper and salt on everything. However, all those cheap dinners of fish and chips and baked beans kept me alive and healthy during my days as a student, and I'll never forget it”. Bobby, USA.

“There's no country like England for a good, healthy nourishing bowl of thick soup”. Crac, Ireland.

“Having just finished a lunch of meat pies, I can honestly say that I enjoy British food. Oh French cuisine is fine, but I just find it difficult to hold my nose for any length of time”. Juice, USA.

‘The best thing about visiting the UK is traditional British food. The best breakfast I've ever had is served at the bus station in Exmouth for 3,75 British pounds. So to blazes with the French! And pass the brown sauce please”. Peter, USA.

“Anyone who says they don't like British food hasn't tried roast gammon in cider with fresh vegetables”. Shirley, Switzerland.

Who gives a damn what the French think of our cooking!” Jeanette, England.

“Britain has the best choice of foreign and ethnic restaurants in the world.” Pauline, Canada.