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Trust each other. You may find it hard in life and think that it is impossible to keep your best friend happy. To be a good best friend really doesn't take much. All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other with everything and you don't keep secrets. You will go through rough patches but everyone does a some stage in their lives. Just remember though, in order for them to tell you things you do have to tell them things too, even if it's nothing big. Being a best friend means you talk about everything together and you have so much in common. Some best friends do everything together, they have fun and they can be on the phone for hours just talking about their day they have had. You also need to make sure that they know you are always there for them, when ever they need you and that they feel comfortable talking to you about any problems they have. Bear in mind though that sometimes you will have to give the some space so that they can have time alone and think things through. Being a best friend you have to understand them and maybe sometimes or most of the time ask them for advice. You should never keep anything back from them either, even if you think that they will get hurt by it.

Exercises on the text

    1. Find the equivalents for the Russian words and word combinations in the text:

Болтун; внимательно слушать; граница; демонстрировать преданность; друг (товарищ); ёрзать (постоянно менять место); зарабатывать положительные очки; издеваться; иметь в виде (не забывать); крепкая дружба; надежный; не расставаться (постоянно находиться вместе); обнаруживаться (стать известным); пережить неудачные моменты; постоять за кого-либо; превратности судьбы; превращаться в слухи; представлять (прикидываться); придерживаться; приставать и дразнить; пройти огонь, воду и медные трубы; расстроенный и обманутый; сплетничать; тусоваться (обитать); убраться (исчезнуть); уважать (разделять) ценности; увлечься кем-либо сильно; утаивать (скрывать); хранить тайну; честный (прямой друг); чувствительный.

  1. Match the situations and the problems:

  1. Tom wants to be Lucy’s best friends, but she’s already got one. He tries to show off but nothing works.

  1. The first is not a good listener. On the other hand the second should learn how to talk smb’s head off. It’ll surely help her in some situations in future.

  1. When Peter was in trouble, Paul was with his girlfriend. After that Peter doesn’t call him ‘best friend’ any more.

  1. After some failure in their business he doesn’t trust him.

  1. Jane is a superactive girl. She’s always the first in anything. No wonder even in conversation she is an awful chatterbox. But her friend Phoebe is a bit of timid person. She doesn’t step beyond the limit.

  1. She doesn’t know him well. When they are together he is not himself.

  1. Tim always expects something bad from George.

  1. He didn’t stick up for him. That’s the real cause.