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  1. Listen to a radio documentary about the life of w.B. Yeats, a famous poet. What do you know about him? Choose the correct answers:

  1. Where did Yeats spend his childhood?

    1. in Ireland

    2. in Ireland and England

    3. in England.

  1. Where did he first hear Irish folk tales?

    1. at home

    2. in Dublin

    3. at school.

  1. Maud Gonne was:

    1. an English nationalist

    2. a terrorist

    3. an Irish nationalist.

  1. Yeats asked Maud Gonne to marry him:

    1. twice

    2. three times

    3. four times.

  1. Which of Yeats’ works are more romantic?

    1. his early poems

    2. his later poems

    3. his plays.

  1. When did he die?

    1. in 1923

    2. in 1939

    3. in 1948

  1. Try to complete this famous poem by Yeats with the nouns in the box. Remember that poems often rhyme:

Bars beauty book eyes face fire mountains sleep sorrows stars

1) When you are old and grey and full of a) ______,

And nodding by the b) ______, take down this c) _______,

And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

Your d) _______ had once, and of their shadows deep;

2) How many loved your moments of glad grace,

And loved your e) _______ with love false or true,

But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,

And loved the f) _____ of your changing g) ______;

3) And bending down beside the glowing h) ______,

Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled

And paced upon the i) ______ overhead

And hid his face amid a crowd of j) ___________.

  1. Match each verse of the poem (1-3) with a summary (a-c):

  1. Remember that there were lots of people who loved you for your looks, but that I loved you for yourself. I especially loved you when you look sad.

  2. As you bend down near the fire, say quietly to yourself how you lost my love. But though I was very sad, my love for you didn’t die.

  3. When you are an old woman, falling asleep by the fire, read the book which contains this poem and think about how beautiful you were when you were young.

  1. Have a try to give a literary translation of the poem. Unit 4. Party


Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:

  1. candelabra (n pl) In the 18th century craftsmen used candelabra to light up their workshops.

  2. cardboard (n) Nowadays the life-like statues are made of cardboard.

  3. change one’s mind (phr) “Where’s Suzy?” “Oh, she changed her mind at the last minute.”

  4. craftsman (n) Craftsmen are people who make beautiful or practical objects using their hands.

  5. Do you fancy ...? (phr) “Do you fancy coming to the cinema?” “Yes, good idea.”

  6. dumplings (n pl) Dumplings are small pieces of cooked food made from flour and water.

  7. get down to sth (phr v) At night people get down to some serious celebrating.

  8. get over sth (phr v) It will take me weeks to get over Las Fallas but I’ve had the time of my life.

  9. high heels (n pl) Paul dressed up as Marilyn Monroe and wore lipstick and high heels!

  10. life-like (adj) Life-like statues were dressed up to look like well-known local characters.

  11. light up (phr v) In the 18th century craftsmen used candelabra to light up their workshops.

  12. lipstick (n) Lipstick is a coloured substance that women put on their lips.

  13. the locals (n pl) “The locals” are the people who actually live in a city or area.

  14. workshop (n) In the 18th century craftsmen used candelabra to light up their workshops.4

  15. be worth (adj) Some of the statues are worth $200,000.

Collocations with make & do

  1. do some decorating They’re doing some decorating in the new house.

  2. do a degree She did a degree in French and Spanish.

  3. do some exercise You should do more exercise.

  4. do your homework I do my homework every evening after school.

  5. do the ironing I hate doing the ironing!

  6. do a job What sort of job does he do?

  7. do some research At the moment she’s doing some research at the university.

  8. do some skiing We thought we’d do some skiing over Christmas.

  9. make arrangements They’re making arrangements for a party.

  10. make a comment Could I just make a quick comment?

  11. make a decision Come on! It’s time to make a decision.

  12. make an excuse She made an excuse about why she couldn’t come.

  13. make a mistake Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

  14. make money It’s important to some people to make a lot of money.

  15. make a noise Stop making a noise!

  16. make a profit The company made a good profit this year.

  17. make progress The children are all making good progress.

  18. make something clear Make it clear that you want your guests to dress up.

  19. make a suggestion Could I make a suggestion, please?

  20. make sure Make sure that there’s enough space for people to dance.


  1. bonfire (n) To celebrate the end of winter, they burnt candelabra on bonfires.

  2. brass band (n) A brass band wakes everyone up in the mornings!

  3. burn down (phr v) When the last statue burns down the party is over.

  4. buzzing (adj) The city is alive and buzzing all week.

  5. celebrate (v) How do you celebrate New Year?

  6. celebrations (n pl) Chinese New Year celebrations go on for about three days.

  7. the Chinese New Year (n) The Chinese New Year usually takes place in early February.

  8. decorate (v) Children decorate the statue of the Virgin Mary with flowers.

  9. decorations (n pl) Chinese people put red paper decorations on the walls.

  10. a display of fireworks (n) There is a display of fireworks in the park at midnight.

  11. dress (sth) up (phr v) The statues were dressed up to look like unpopular local characters.

  12. the early hours of the morning (phr) People carry on eating and drinking until the early hours of the morning.

  13. a family dinner (n) On New Year’s Eve we have a big family dinner.

  14. fill up (phr v) The bars fill up at night and people carry on eating and drinking.

  15. firecrackers (n pl) Firecrackers are fireworks that make a lot of loud noises.

  16. fireworks (n pl) Fireworks are things that explode and produce coloured lights and noises at parties or festivals.

  17. flower parade (n) For many people the highlight of the festival is the flower parade.

  18. frighten away bad luck (phr) Red is the colour that frightens away bad luck.

  19. go off (phr v) Firecrackers go off every second or two.

  20. go on for a day/week etc (phr) Las Fallas, Valencia’s famous festival, goes on for a week.

  21. go up in flames All the statues go up in flames before the end of the festival.

  22. highlight (n) For many people the highlight of the festival is the flower parade.

  23. join in (phr v) Everybody joins in the preparations for the festival.

  24. keep up with sb (phr v) A fter only an hour’s sleep it’s difficult for guests to keep up with theValencians.

  25. look forward to (phr v) Valencians really look forward to Las Fallas, which takes place in March.

  26. make New Year’s Resolutions (phr) He made a New Year’s Resolution to stop smoking.

  27. New Year’s Eve (n) The 31st December is New Year’s Eve.

  28. organise (v) It takes a year to organise Las Fallas.

  29. outfit (n) I usually try on several outfits before I go to a party.

  30. prepare (for sth) (v) Everybody spends the month before the Chinese New Year preparing for it.

  31. procession (n) A procession of 200,000 children march into the city centre.

  32. public holiday (n) A public holiday is a day when people do not work.

  33. put on a party (phr) The Valencians really know how to put on a party.

  34. reach its climax (phr) The festival reaches its climax on 19th March when the statues are burnt.

  35. smb’s wishes come true (phr) If your wishes come true, the things you hope for actually come true.

  36. serious celebrating (phr) The bars fill up and people get down to some serious celebrating.

  37. a shower of explosions (n) Fireworks go off and midnight passes in a shower of explosions.

  38. spectacular (adj) The fireworks display is absolutely spectacular!

  39. sweep away the bad luck (phr) Chinese people clean their houses to sweep away the bad luck.

  40. have the time of your life (phr) I really enjoyed the festival – in fact, I had the time of my life!

  41. try on (phr v) I usually try on several outfits before I go to a party.

  42. turn (the music) down (phr v) The music’s too loud. Could you turn it down?


  1. atmosphere (n) It’s important to create a good atmosphere for a party.

  2. balloon (n) Balloons and candles add to the party atmosphere.

  3. candle (n) Balloons and candles add to the party atmosphere.

  4. clear up (the mess) (phr v) I hate clearing up the mess after a party.

  5. delegate (v) Delegate jobs – you can’t do everything yourself!

  6. fairy lights (n pl) Fairy lights are small lights used to decorate something.

  7. fancy dress (n) Paul dressed up in fancy dress as Marilyn Monroe.

  8. fancy dress party (n) A fancy dress party is one where everyone has to dress up.

  9. farewell/leaving party (n) A farewell/leaving party is one that takes place to say goodbye to someone.

  10. get people in the mood (phr) Soft lighting helps to get people in the mood for a party.

  11. golden rule (n) What are the three golden rules for organising a party?

  12. host (n) The host is the person who organises a party.

  13. housewarming party (n) A housewarming party is one that people have when they have just moved into a new house.

  14. ice-breaker (n) An ice-breaker is something that encourages people to be friendly to each other.

  15. light-bulbs (n pl) Before the party, push back the furniture and change a few light bulbs.

  16. the mess (n) I hate clearing up the mess after a party.

  17. meet and greet (phr) It’s important to have someone to meet and greet the new guests.

  18. mingle (with) (v) If you mingle with other people, you go and talk to them.

  19. mix (v) She was happy that everyone mixed so well at her party.

  20. mixer (n) Invite some good mixers who’ll mingle with the other guests.

  21. party animal (n) Invite some party animals who’ll get the dancing started.

  22. party clothes (n pl) Nobody wants to be dressed as a gorilla when everyone else is in glamorous party clothes.

  23. push back (v) Push back the furniture to make space for the dancing.

  24. run out of smth (phr v) Make sure you don’t run out of food and drink.

  25. send invitations (phr) If you want your guests to dress up, make it clear when you send invitations.

  26. soft lighting (n) Soft lighting helps to create a party atmosphere.

  27. stock up (on) (phr v) Stock up on chopped carrots for the vegetarians!

  28. theme (n) The theme of the party was that everyone dressed up as something beginning with the letter “M”.

  29. throw a party (phr) What are the golden rules for throwing a party?

  30. a warm welcome (n) A warm welcome makes your guests feel special.

Supplementary Reading