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4. Complete the sentences with the correct key vocabulary item:

•To pass the mountains it was necessary to _________________________________________.

•Explorers moved to the Far East ____________________________________

•All great explorers ____________________________ of their routs.

•To learn the Daurian way of life it was necessary to _____________________________ .

•Indigenous peoples did not want to ______________________________________ and ________________________________________.

•_______________________________ is a sum of money granted to a person for his good work.

• In ancient Russia _______________________________ of great value.

• Every ruler must know ______________________________________ .

• That person was______________________ of Khabarovsk.

• In old times_______________________________ was very difficult.

5. Translate into English:

В XVII веке русские цари ничего не знали о восточных границах своих владений. Чтобы получить больше информации, они отправляли на Дальний Восток экспедиции. В состав экспедиций входили в основном казаки и охотники. Они шли на восток не из-за денежного вознаграждения или отреза ткани, в качестве подарка. Желание узнать и увидеть что-то новое, было для них главным.

В те времена дальневосточная земля называлась Даурией. Во время экспедиций исследователи изучали земли и жизнь местных народов. Они составляли карты и описания земель. Такие путешествия были очень трудными, т.к. места были незнакомыми, климат суровым, а местное население было агрессивно настроено против русских, т.к. они силой заставляли аборигенов принять русское подданство и платить дань.

Путешественники двигались, в основном, на лодках по рекам. По суше летом двигались на лошадях, а зимой на собаках. Иногда, чтобы пересечь сушу и горные хребты им приходилось тащить лодки волоком. Но усилия первооткрывателей были не напрасны, т.к. каждый из них открывал что-то новое и вписывал свое имя в страницы истории не только Дальнего Востока, но и России.

7. Scan the table. Analyze the peculiarities of the expeditions. What differences and similar features have you found?

Name of the explorer

Ivan Yurievich Moskvitin

Vasily Danilovich Poyarkov


Unknown origin;

In a family of Kashin (Siberia) Cossacks;


•Cossack from Tomsk;

•Member of Dmitry Kopylov’s team exploring the Yenisey and Lena rivers;

•Head of team, consisting of 31 persons;

•Clerk in the administrative office of Yakutsk;

•Head of the expedition consisting of 130 persons;

Dates of expeditions


1643 -1646

Goals of expeditions

•To find the way to the Sea of Okhotsk, called the ‘Lama Sea’;

•To see unknown lands and describe them;

•To study the life of local peoples;

•To make the local population to take out the Russian citizenship;

•To collect a tribute;

•To reach the Amur river, to research it;

•To see unknown lands and describe them;

•To study the life of local peoples;

•To make the local population to take out the Russian citizenship;

•To collect a tribute;

•To find copper and lead ores;

Route of movement

•Water way down the rivers: Aldan, Maya, Ulya, Okhota, Aldoma;

•Land way, towing boats through taiga;

•Water way on the Sea of Okhotsk;

•Water way down the rivers: Lena, Aldan, Uchur, Gonam;

•Land way, towing boats through the Stanovoy range;

•Water way down the rivers: Zeya Umlekan, and Amur;

Relations with the local population


They had several conflicts with the local men.


40 Cossacks were killed by the local men, as they were afraid of Cossacks and didn’t want to pay a tribute.

Conditions of the expeditions

Very difficult because of very severe climate and starvation (ate roots, grass, and berries);

Very difficult because of hunger and conflicts with the local residents;

80 members of the expedition were killed and died of starvation.


•Opened the land way to the Pacific;

•Explored the life of the local population and nature;

•Got information about the great ‘Mamur’ (Amur) river;

•Sailed southwards the Sea of Okhotsk;

•Opened the Amur for Russia;

•Explored the life of the local population and nature;

•Researched the water way to the Pacific coast;

•Poyarkov and his team were the first Russians to see Sakhalin and the Amur estuary.

Back way

Up the rivers: Maya, Aldan, Lena;

From the Sea of Okhotsk up the rivers: Ulya, Maya, Aldan, and Lena;

Importance of discoveries for Russia

•Charted a map;

•For the first time the Europeans were on the Pacific coast;

•Russian Tzar got the information about the boundaries of his possessions.

•Built the first Russian stockade on the Pacific coast;

•Opened the Russian Pacific epoch

•Charted a map;

•Was the first to see the Amur territory called ‘Dauria’

•Discovered a new water way to the Pacific ocean, important not only for Russia, but for Europe too;

• Described the Amur river, nature, indigenous peoples, their way of life and crafts;

Recognition of merits

•Got monetary gratification and a length of fabric;

•Cape near Magadan was named in his honor;

•Monument in Ulya town;

•Was appointed head of Yakutsk;

•One of district centers of the Amur oblast was named in honor of V. Poyarkov.

8. Group work. Divide into two groups. Prepare 7-8 questions about I. Moskvitin and V. Poyarkov.