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учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2.doc
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6. Answer the following questions:

•When and in what family was Nikolay Muravyov born?

•What kind of experience did he obtain during his life?

• How did he want to improve the life of Tula residents?

• How long was he governing by Eastern Siberia?

• What views concerning the development of the Far East did Karl Nesselrode have?

• Why did he use the help of political exiles?

• What did Nikolay Muravyov think about religion?

•Did China always or never claim the lower courses of the Amur River?

•When was the period of mass resettlement to the Far East?

7. Translate the sentences with the key vocabulary into Russian.

8. Complete the sentences:

• Nikolay Muravyov got the higher education at the age of ___________________________.

•He was a brave man but his health was ___________________________________________.

• He participated in suppression of not only Polish people, but _______________________.

•The duration of his Governorship in Tula was _____________________________________.

• The Emperor Nikolay I referred to Muravyov as a "liberal" and a "democrat” because ________________________________________________________________________________.

• His appointment was a subject of much controversy, as _____________________________.

• It was necessary for the local population to study Russian language because____________


•Political exiles were exiled to Siberia and the Far East for ____________________________.

• St. Petersburg officials feared ____________________________________________________.

•People started to settle exactly on the Amur Liman and Sakhalin because ________________________________________________________________________________.

9. Fill in the table about the career of Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov:


His steps to climb the career ladder

10. Explain why the Russian Emperor Nikolay I put the East of Russia in charge of N. N. Muravyov.

11. Make a list of reforms made by Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov in the Far East:

11. Give a key sentence to each paragraph.

12. Give a summary of the text.

14. On your own. Use the Internet and other sources to find new information about the personal life, character and activities of Nikolay Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky.

Lesson 18. The First Raftings of the Russian People down the Amur River

1. Study the key vocabulary:

adjacent territory – прилегающая территория

to persuade - убеждать

free access – свободный доступ (выход)

to acquire - приобретать

to confirm and expand the provisions – одобрять и расширять условия

voluntarily - добровольно

to petition - ходатайствовать

mandatory work – принудительная работа

military core - основная военная сила

2. Replace the following words by the antonyms:

Adjacent, to persuade, free access, to acquire, to confirm, to expand, voluntarily, mandatory;

3. Write word-combinations with the key vocabulary from ex.2.

4. Make up sentences with your word-combinations.

5. Translate into English:

•Территория, прилегающая к границе, называется приграничной.

•Чтобы вести успешную международную деятельность, нужно уметь убеждать оппонентов.

•При Петре I у России не было свободного выхода к Тихому океану через реку Амур.

•Как получить право на пользование этим участком земли?

•Согласно подписанному договору право на владение этой территорией было одобрено и перечень условий расширен.

• В городе созданы добровольные группы ребят по уборке территории.

• Вы не могли бы ходатайствовать о встрече с директором компании?

• В царской России крестьян принудительно заставляли работать на рудниках.

•На границе с Китаем сосредоточены главные военные силы Дальнего Востока.