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учебник по регионоведнию версия для печати 2.doc
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7. Answer the following questions:

•How can you characterize the return of Russia to the Amur in the middle of the 19th century? Why?

•When was N. N. Muravyov appointed a Governor- General of Eastern Siberia?

• What had the leading European powers been competing with each other for at the Pacific?

• Why was N.N. Muravyov very bothered about the uncertainty in the problem of the Amur estuary?

•What was the result of a battle for Petropavlovsk Port?

•Who was the main opponent of Russia’s movement to the Amur?

• What did the Аigun and Beijing Treaties determine?

8. Complete the sentence:

• Emperor Nikolay I ______________________________________________________

a) did not want to solve the Amur question

b) started some arrangement to solve that problem

c) postponed this question till better times

• Leading European powers wanted ____________________________________________

a) to establish a new republic in the Far East

b) to develop the Far East and China

c) to tap the recourses of the Far East and China

•Avacha Bay _______________________________________________________________

a) was located in a picturesque place

b) was the location of the Russian port

c) attracted whalers and various foreign emissaries by sea resources

•A military squadron of French and English ships lost the battle for Petropavlovsk Port because _________________________________________________________________________

a) the number of the Russians prevailed

b) Petropavlovsk Port was fortified very well

c) Russian officers and soldiers were very courageous

•The opponents of Russia’s movement to the Amur __________________________________

a) got bribes from the UK

b) disliked Russian people

c) were afraid of the Minister of the Finances

•China agreed to solve the Amur question because ___________________________________

a) there was a new government

b) it had realized the profit of trade between two countries

c) it could lose all territories

9. Translate into Russian the letter of N. N. Muravyov to the Foreign Minister and analyze it. How is he describing the possible future of the Far Eastern lands?

10. Give a key sentence to each paragraph.

11. Give a summary of the text.

12. On your own. Use the Internet and other sources to find some information about the activity of the Russian Emperor Nikolay I.

Lesson 16. Important Discoveries of Captain Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy

1. Study the key vocabulary:

to inculcate love (for) – прививать любовь к чему-то

to enroll - записывать

to submit - представлять на рассмотрение

to destine – предназначать для чего-то

appropriate - подходящий, соответствующий

to alter drastically –изменить круто (радикально)

to betray –предавать, betrayal -предательство

notification - уведомление

fidelity - преданность

to investigate - получать сведения

2. Match the words and word-combinations to key vocabulary

• to change sharply____________________

• letter_______________________________

• love for something___________________

• something fitting ____________________

• to acquaint with _____________________

• to enter in the list ____________________

• to leave in trouble ___________________

• to make somebody like something _________________

•to use for something_____________________

• be right (for) _______________________________________

• to get some information _____________________________