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Министерство образования Республики Беларусь



Кафедра английского языка № 2

М.А. Чумаков

Н.А. Финская



Пособие по английскому языку

в 2 частях

Часть 2

М и н с к 2 0 0 9

УДК 802.0(075.8):656.612

ББК 81.2Англ.я7


Р е ц е н з е н т ы:

доктор технических наук, заведующий кафедрой

«Гидравлика» БНТУ , доцент И. В. Качанов;

кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков БНТУ Т. И. Васильева

Чумаков, М.А.

Ч-90 Shipbuilding. Кораблестроение: пособие по английскому языку: в 2 ч.М.А. Чумаков, Н.А. Финская. – Минск.: БНТУ, 2009. –186с.

ISBN 978-985-525-210-9(4.2)4.2.-

Настоящее пособие является частью учебно-методического комплекса по английскому языку и логически продолжает серию по собий по кораблестроению. Основу пособия составляют 8 разделов, построенных по единому принципу. Особое внимание отводится изучению лексики по кораблестроительной тематике. Цель издания – развить навыки устной и письменной речи по предложенным темам. Пособие дополнено кратким тематическим словарем, словарем сокращений и словарем собственных имен и географических названий. Данное издание предназначено для студентов второго курса БНТУ по специальности « «, а также для тех, кто стремиться совершенствовать навыки общения на английском языке.

Часть 1 настоящего издания shipbuilding, автор Чумаков м. А. Удк 802.0:629.12(075.8) ббк 81.2Англ.Я 7. Вышла в свет в 2007 году в бнту

ISBN 978-985-525-210-9(4.2) © Чумаков М.А.,

© Финская Н.А., 2009

© БНТУ, 2009

Unit I water vessels

Ex. 1. Read and translate the words. Include them into your vocabulary:

Warfare, seacoast, paddle wheel, soybean, machinery, liquid, vessel, dry bulk carrier, zipper, canoe, steam, propeller, cargo, prosperity, bunker fuel, craft, barge, objective, aborigine, conquistador, strait, row, propulsion, navy, deck, hovercraft, pusher-prop fan, petroleum, power, heat, provision, garbage, hull, engine, rudder, regulation, keel, rib, shape, compartment, boiler, bow, stern, wire, pipe, framework, shipway, superstructure, valve, pier, trial, bulkhead, gear, shaft, motor-ship, screw, funnel, winch, mooring line, runway, timber, stem, hatch, butt, seam, poop, coaming, bulwark;

To haul, to conquer, to brave, to cripple, to refine, to accomplish, to generate, to dispose, to adjust, to prefabricate, to assemble, to weld, to christen, to slide, to deliver, to trap, to roll, to pitch, to rock, to descend, to ascend, to bobble, to spin, to jut, to hinge, to exhaust, to pump, to grease;

Inland, jet, raw, marine, merchant, inboard, perishable, complicated, enormous, watertight.

Ex. 2. Insert the right word:

Braved, seacoast, merchant, crippled, liquids, propulsion, canoe, strait, vessels, conquered, inland, paddle wheels, cargo, to haul, petroleum, non-perishable, prosperity, propellers.

1. Well-developed economy guarantees the … of the country. 2. … transportation is made by … … . 3. … and other … are carried by tankers. 4. The Medieval sailors … the unknown waters and … new lands. 5. … is probably the first type of the boat. 6. … fruit by sea it must be … . 7. For the … of the first steamboats … …, later replaced by …, were used. 8. The ship was badly … in the battle. 9. In summer time a lot of people prefer to spend their vacation at the … or near … rivers and lakes. 10. The … of Dover is the narrowest part of the English Channel.

Ex. 3. Change the words of italic type with their synonyms from your active vocabulary:

  1. The storm damaged the ship greatly. 2. For the moving of an air-cushion vessel a special propeller is used. 3. The aims of the war program were fulfilled with the help of the battle fleet. 4. Heavy weights are carried by sea transport. 5. Australian natives may be considered the inventors of ocean going ships. 6. Trade fleet is being developed in our country nowadays. 7. Bulky equipment was stored on deck. 8. The country’s well-being has always been dependant on the development of its fleet. 9. The transportation of oil demands special ships called tankers. 10. A small troop of Spanish conquerors, armoured much better than Indian tribes, soon won control of much of their land.

Ex. 4. Define in one word:

    1. one of a horizontal surfaces dividing the ship’s hull;

    2. a straight line of smth or smb;

    3. form or contours of an object;

    4. a plate or screen preventing the passage of liquid or gas;

    5. a rule, law or order;

    6. a vessel being moved by diesel engine;

    7. a large flat piece of metal or wood that steers a ship;

    8. a rope being used to tie a vessel at a pier.

Ex. 5. Translate into Russian:

mean of transportation

inland waterways

throughout history

to haul copper to

be as important as ever

giant tankers

country’s prosperity and strength

cargo ships

the world’s leading trading nation

promise of adventure

to bring in food and raw materials

to win control

a large merchant marine

the first Pilgrim settlers

warships and naval vessels

sailing vessels

a matter of size

steam-powered ships

a horse-drawn boat

ocean going craft

a combination of two

to drive a paddle wheel

a mechanism for conducting warfare

to produce the steam

a refined type of petroleum

an inboard water jet

internal combustion engines

in shallow draft areas

large quantities of goods

a fraction of the time

Ex. 6. Read and translate the text: