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Полякова Английский.docx
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1 congratulate you on...

My congratulations.

1 congratulate you.

I'm very glad to congratulate you on.../Happy to congratulate you.

Let me wish you...

Vocabulary list

  1. although (cj)

  2. branch (n)

  3. calculate (v)

  4. capital (n)

  5. carefully (adv)

  6. channel (n)

  7. considerable (a)

  8. construction (n)

  9. convenient (a)

  10. district (n)

  11. establishment (n)

  12. exist (v)

  13. expand (v)

  14. facilitate (v)

  15. facility (n)

  1. feature (n)

  2. found (v)

  3. improvement (n)

  4. increase (n, v)

  5. instead of (prp)

  6. length (n)

  7. link 11, v)

  8. major (a) .

  9. means (n)

  10. number (n)

  11. perform (v)

  12. permanent (a)

  13. population (n)

  14. previous (a)

  15. quality (n)

  1. rapid (a)

  2. reason (n)

  3. recent (a)

  4. remain (v)

  5. route (n)

  6. scale (n)

  7. seat (n, v)

  8. several (a)

  9. significance (n)

  10. solvejv)

  11. successful (a)

  12. task (n)

  13. unite (v)

  14. valuable (a)

  15. within (prp)





, Прочитайте новые слова вслух, познакомьтесь с их русскими эквивалентами. Опре­делите их значения в данных предложениях. )

  1. ТО DEPEND ON (UPON) After school she started working as зависеть от she did not want to depend on her


  1. WOOD

  1. лес, роща 1) Though it was dark they had to go

through the wood

  1. дерево (материал), древесина 2) Houses in the country are made

of wood.

  1. EARTH The moon goes round the earth and земля, земной шар the earth goes round the sun.

  2. top The top of the mountain was covered верхушка, вершина with snow.

5 REGION There are many woods in the Moscow

область region

  1. STONE A path paved with stone went to the камень garden.

  2. WITHOUT He left without saying good-bye. без

  3. STILL werc Я working when we left, eiue


  1. появляться I)The ship appeared on the horizon.

  2. казаться 2)11 appears to me that you were right.

  1. SHALLOW *n summer some rivers become very мелкий shallow.


  1. HOLE There was a big hole in the roof of the

дыра, отверстие old house.

  1. ROOF The roof of the house was painted

крыша green.

  1. BRICK The art of brickmaking dates back to кирпич veiy early times.

  2. TO PUT UP (PUT)

  1. поднимать 1) Put your hand up if you want to

ask a question.

  1. возводить 2) A new bridge was put up across the


  1. ABOVE Our parents live in the flat above, над, выше


  1. занимать, брать взаймы 1) Не often borrows money from his


  1. заимствовать 2) The Romans borrowed much from

the Greeks.

  1. FLAT In Asia one can see many houses with плоский flat roofs.

FLAT They have just moved into a new

квартира comfortable flat.

  1. TO AROUSE The exhibition of old cars aroused пробуждать, вызывать great interest.

  2. DIRECTION They were driving in the direction of направление the forest.

  3. MIDDLE There was a table right in the middle середина of the room.

  4. IN TURN The teacher called out the names of по очереди; в свою очередь the students in turn.

  5. THUS The information thus collected helped таким образом to solve the mystery of this crime.


  1. сила 1) He is a man of great strength.

  2. прочность 2) They developed a new synthetic

material of great strength.

  1. UNFORTUNATELY Unfortunately they, were out when we к сожалению called.

  2. THICK

1) толстый 1) The people were safe behind the

thick walls of the house.


2) густой 2) They were going through a thick


/о.iwowvycYoung men have to serve in the army.


  1. TO DESTROY Minsk was almost completely dcs-

troyed during the war.

  1. EFFORT Please make an effort to arrive on усилиеtime.

  2. TO RESTORE Many fine old buildings will be реставрировать* restored.

  3. SHORTAGE Among other difficulties the ex- нсхватка,недостатокpedition had a shortage of food.

  4. ADVANCED Advanced technologies must be used передовойto increase the scale of production.

  5. UNIT

  1. единица1) The metre is a unit of length, and

the gramme is a unit of weight.

  1. агрегат,узел2) The construction units were brought

to the site by lorries.

  1. TO ASSEMBLE He is a good engineer. He has собирать(ся) assembled a motor-car of his own. ASSEMBLY The assembly of heavy units took a lotсборкаof time.

  2. ADVANTAGE Living in a big town has many преимуществоadvantages.

  3. TO CUT (CUT)

ЩрезатьI) Glass is usually cut with a diamond

2) сокращать 2) The company has cut the workforce

by half.

36 TO EXTEND According to the new plan the railway

удлинял,wil1 extendcd“ far as the


37. TO HEAT How are these houses heated?

отапливать , Я . ЯН

  1. FURTHERMORE ^thc Panting was a forgery.

кроме того, к тому же Furthermore, they knew who had

painted it

  1. DURATION He will be in hospital for the duration - —. nnrrfi of the school year.


40. EXPENSIVE This car is very expensive, дорогой