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Relative clauses

Pearson said he was concerned about the amount of time that was being lost because of breakdowns.”


B erlitz is a company. It teachers languages.

Berlitz is a company that teachers languages.

Berlitz is a company. Everyone knows it

Berlitz is a company that everyone knows.

Berlitz is a company everyone knows.*

B erlitz is a company. The director works for it.

Berlitz is a company that the director works for.

Berlitz is a company the director works for.*


M iss Johnson is a secretary. She works for Berlitz.

Miss Johnson is a secretary who works for Berlitz.

M iss Johnson is a secretary. The director hired her.

Miss Johnson is a secretary whom the director hired.

Miss Johnson is a secretary the director hired.*

M iss Johnson is a secretary. I work with her.

Miss Johnson is a secretary whom I work with.**

Miss Johnson is a secretary I work with.*

* short forms

** No: with whom I work

More examples of relative clauses

Customers who pay by check must get the manager’s approval.

Cars that are parked in this area must be moved.

The bus (that) I take to work stops in front of my office.

The man I wrote to hasn’t answered my letter yet.

Exercise 1. Expand the following sentences using relative clauses. (Use the short form when possible.)

Example: I have some paperwork. (It has to be finished.)

I have some paperwork that has to be finished.

Mr. Wilson is an executive. (I work for him.)

Mr. Wilson is an executive I work for.

  1. I have a lot of questions. (They need answers.)

  2. There are 20 new trainees. (They were hired last month.)

  3. I’ve just had lunch with a friend. (I haven’t seen him in years.)

  4. I work for an electronics firm (It’s located in New York City.)

  5. The Board named a new president. (He’s had several years of managerial experience.)

  6. The train leaves from Track 22. (It goes to New York.)

  7. The salesman would like you to return the call. (He called while you were out.)

  8. The director is planning an expansion. (It should increase the company profits.)

  9. (Mr. Jones offered me the contract.) I turned it down.

  10. The passenger had to pay another fare. (He lost his ticket.)

  11. (They’re having problems at the plant.) The manager is concerned about them.

  12. (I met some people at the party.) I’m having lunch with them.

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences.

Example: The repairman is talking to Sally, whose typewriter is broken.

(Her typewriter is broken.)

I made several proposals, all of which the director approved.

(The director approved all of them.)

  1. The manager submitted a long report, ________

(Most of it was very informative.)

  1. John introduced me to his friends, ________

(I’d already met some of them.)

  1. We’ve already begun to distribute the product, ________

(Its sales are way ahead of plan.)

  1. The salesman showed me many expensive cars, ________

(I could afford none of them.)

  1. The police ticketed my boss, ________

(His car was illegally parked.)

  1. Our company produces electronic components, ________

(Twenty per cent of them are exported.)

  1. You’ll have to take this form to Mrs. Spenser, ________

(Her office is on the fourth floor.)

  1. My brother works for a small insurance firm, ________

(I’ve forgotten the name of it.)

  1. Last year we hired 50 new people, ________

(Two of them did not complete the training program.)

  1. The R&D people have come up with a new model, ________

(Its production should begin next spring.)

Exercise 3. Compete the following sentences choosing from the prepositions at right (Some may be used more than once.)

Example: Prospects don’t look very bright, but we’re hoping for the best.

  1. Many people disapprove _____ the proposed changes in the tax laws.

  2. You can’t build on this property; it belongs _____ the state.

  3. My boss complimented me _____ the way I handled things while he was away.

  4. After sending in the order forms, expect to wait at least two weeks _____ delivery.

  5. I’ve been close friends with George for 12 years now; I know I can rely _____ him.

  6. The President set a goal of reducing unemployment _____ at least 50%.

  7. The price of the car was reduced _____ $6,555 _____ $5,800.

  8. You can learn a lot _____ the economy from the news media.

  9. Our T.V. advertising should be aimed _____ younger viewers.

  10. The reporter asked some of the workers to comment _____ the new labour agreement.

  11. Mr. Sperring is a lawyer who specializes _____ real estate matters.

  12. Families earning under $6,000 may qualify _____ a special tax exemption

  13. Joan has been out for almost two weeks now, and she still hasn’t recovered _____ her back injury.

  14. Although he didn’t agree entirely _____ company policy, the director had to adhere _____ it.





















Peter had already studied the financial data on LTE, most of which was very encouraging.

Things People

The company has ten offices. Two of them are in the New York City.

The company has seven vice presidents. Three of them are women.

The company has ten offices, two of which are in New York City.

The company has seven vice presidents, three of whom are women.

T he company has ten offices. I’ve visited two of them.

The company has ten offices, two of which I’ve visited.

The company has seven vice presidents. I know most of them personally.

The company has seven vice presidents, most of whom I know personally.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences:

Example: John sent me four books, two of them I’ve already read.

(I’ve already read two of them.)

  1. We have three children, ________.

(All of them are married.)

  1. The plant is using outdated equipment, ________ .

(We’re going to replace most of it.)

  1. The plant has 300 employees, _________.

(Two thirds of them work on the assembly line.)

  1. The movie theatre showed two films, ________.

(Neither of them was very interesting.)

  1. This year Mr. Sherman has 20 students, ________

(He’s taught only two of them before.)

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