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Reference section Numbers, times and dates

1 one 13 thirteen

2 two 14 fourteen

3 three 15 fifteen

4 four 16 sixteen

5 five 17 seventeen

6 six 18 eighteen

7 seven 19 nineteen

8eight 20 twenty

9 nine 21 twenty-one

10 ten 22 twenty-two

11 eleven 23 twenty-three

12 twelve 24 twenty-four

30 thirty 70 seventy

40 forty 80 eighty

50 fifty 90 ninety

60 sixty 100 a hundred/one hundred

Numbers over 100

    1. a thousand

10,000 ten thousand

100,000 a hundred thousand/one hundred thousand

1,000.000 a million/one million

1,000,000,000,000 a billion/one billion

Ordinal numbers

1 first 11 eleventh 21 twenty-first

2 second 12 twelfth 22 twenty-second

3 third 13 thirteenth 23 twenty-third

4 forth 14 fourteenth 24 twenty-fourth

5 fifth 15 fifteenth 25 twenty-fifth

6 sixth 16 sixteenth 26 twenty-sixth

7 seventh 17 seventeenth 27 twenty-seventh

8 eighth 18 eighteenth 28 twenty-eighth

9 nineth 19 nineteenth 29 twenty-nineth

10 tenth 20 twentieth 30 thirtieth

Common Fractions (Простые дроби)

Числитель выражается количественным числительным (например, two, four, twenty-five и т. д.), а знаменатель — порядковым числительным (например, second, fourth, twenty-fifth и т. д.). Если числитель больше единицы, то знаменатель принимает окончание множественного числа s.

1/2 a half; one half

3/4 1) three-fourths

1/3 a third; one third

2) three quarters

1/4 1) a quarter; one quarter

5/16 five-sixteenths

2) a fourth; one fourth

9/10 nine-tenths

1/5 a fifth; one fifth

26/38 twenty-six thirty-eighths

1/10 a tenth; one tenth

79/100 seventy-nine hundredths

1/25 a (one) twenty-fifth

125/1000 a (one) hundred and

twenty-five thousandths

1/100 a (one) hundredth

1/2 one half (a half)

1/1000 a (one) thousandth

21/2 two and a half

1/1374 a (one) thousand three

hundred and seventy-


31/3 three and a third

2/3 two-thirds

1353/4 a (one) hundred and thirty-five and three fourths (three quarters)

Decimal Fractions (Десятичные дроби)

В десятичных дробях целое число отделяется от дроби точкой, называемой point. Каждая цифра читается отдельно. Ноль читается любым из трех следующих способов: zero, nought, о [ou]. Ноль целых может совсем не читаться. В Англии и Америке знаки десятичных дробей отделяют точкой, которая может стоять внизу, в середине или вверху строчки.


1) о [ou] point two

2) nought point two

3) zero point two

4) point two


1) о [ou] point о [ou] two

2) nought point nought two

3) zero point zero two

4) point nought two

5) point zero two


1) о [ou] point о [ou] о [ou] two

2) ought point nought nought two

3) zero point zero zero two


1) nought point seventy-five

2) point seven five


one point one


one point two five


1) sixty-three point five seven

2) six three point five seven


1) twelve point seven nought seven

2) one two point seven nought seven






Some ways to say it


5.15 am

oh five fifteen

five fifteen in the morning

five fifteen am


10.30 am

ten thirteen in the morning

ten thirty am


2.45 pm

fourteen forty- five

two forty- five in the afternoon

two forty-five pm


9.55 pm

twenty-one fifty-five

nine fifty-five pm

nine fifty-five in the evening


+ plus

- minus

± plus or minus

: sign of division; colon

= sign of equality


January, February, March, April, June, August, September, October, November, December.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Saying years

1998 = nineteen ninety eight

2000 = two thousand

2008 = two thousand and eight


A. absolute (temperature)

a-f audio-frequency

a.c, A. C. alternating current

BTU, B.T.U. or Btu British Thermal Unit

c/s cycles per second

cu. cubic DC,d.c, d-c direct current

emu electro-magnetic unit

e.m.f. electro-motive force

h.p., HP horse power

hr hour

kg/cm2 kilogram per square centimeter

kwh kilo-watt-hour

kvAh kilo-volt ampere hour

kv kilo-volt

m.c. megacycle мегагерц

m.p.h. miles per hour

n neutron

n. h. p. nominal horse power номинальная лошадиная сила

о. r. overload relay реле перегрузки

p. f. power factor коэффициент мощности

r.p.m. revolutions per minute

r-f radio frequency

sq. square


mm millimeter(s)

cm centimeter(s)

m metre(s)

km kilometre(s)


Mm2 square millmetre(s)

Cm2 square metre(s)

Km2 square kilometre(s)

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