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Daphne du Maurier .doc
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  1. Translate the sentences

1). Премьер-министр попросил оргкомитет по проведению Олимпиады сделать все от них зависящее, чтобы провести соревнования на должном уровне (to bid).

2). Лорд Н, проводя экскурсии по своему старинному фамильному замку, всегда предупреждает многочисленных гостей не впадать в оцепенение, при виде привидения его славного предка (stupefaction).

3). Печально, но во время последних боевых действий на территории этого государства, многие новобранцы симулировали разные болезни, только чтобы не идти на передовую (to make believe).

4). В тоталитарных государствах многие журналисты и другие свободомыслящие люди, живущие в стесненных условиях тоталитарного государства, оказавшись за его пределами, как будто бы заново обретают дар речи (to feel hampered, to find one’s tongue).

5). Чтобы скрыть навернувшиеся на глаза слезы, она отвернулась и резко и грубо ответила на этот простой и такой заботливо-трогательный вопрос (gruffly).

6). Я рекомендую вам именно этот ресторан, потому что в нем работает знакомый мне сомелье, известный своей придирчивостью (pernickety).

7). На последнем показе этого прославленного и отличающегося тонким и изысканным вкусом дизайнера все были поражены, что шляпки и обувь дисгармонировали друг с другом (to clash in with).

8). В зоопарке многие его обитатели живут в условиях совершенно несовместимых с их родным ареалом обитания. Именно поэтому их необходимо окружать заботой и вниманием (to hem about, to be out of keeping).

  1. Comment on the following:

1). The only things large about her were the eyes, which at first sight of me widened in sudden recognition, startled, like the eyes of a deer, and from recognition to bewilderment, from bewilderment to pain, almost to apprehension.

2). There is nothing so defeating to ease of manner as being uncomfortably seated, and I wondered what sort of figure I must cut, hunched there in the damnable little chair, with my large feet tucked awkwardly beneath it and my long arms hanging down on either side of it.

3). Something bubbled in her voice, and I was lost. She saw me laughing, that was the devil of it. I looked away.

4). My dignity vanished. Holding to it had become too great a strain. I went back to the fire and sat on the stool beside the table.

5). I had planned a few words of icy courtesy and an abrupt farewell, leaving the interloper snubbed, dismissed.

6). Anger seemed futile now, and hatred too, and as for fear – how could I fear anyone who did not measure up to my shoulder and had nothing remarkable about her save a sense of humour and small hands?

7) It was as though I had blown a bubble in the air and stood by to watch it dance, and the bubble had now burst.

6. Translate the following passages:

1). Her hands were clasped on her lap in front of her. I had never seen hands so small before on an adult person. They were very slender, very narrow, like the hands of someone in a portrait painted by an old master and left unfinished.

2) Once again I was aware of her hands, narrow and small and very white, and I wondered if Ambrose had called them city-bred. She wore two rings, fine stones, both of them, on her fingers, yet they seemed to clash in no way with her mourning, nor to be out of keeping with her person.

3) I thought of the expression in her eyes as she gave me the stick. Once, not so long ago, I had seen other eyes with that same age-old look of suffering. Those eyes too had held reserve and pride, coupled with the same abasement, the same agony of supplication. It must be, I thought as I came to my room, Ambrose's room, and examined the well-remembered walking stick, it must be because the eyes are the same colour and they belong to the same race. Otherwise they could have nothing in common, the beggar woman beside the Arno and my cousin Rachel.


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