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Daphne du Maurier .doc
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  1. Comment on the following:

1). The lassitude of noon and the activity of those hours between siesta and sunset had given place to a deeper animation, more alive, more tense.

2). The men and women who thronged the piazzas and the narrow streets strolled with another purpose, as if all day they had lain hidden, sleeping, in their silent houses, and now came out like cats to prowl the town.

3). I paid off my driver in the piazza by the cathedral, and the sound of that great bell, compelling, insistent, rang like a challenge in the still and vapid air.

4). There was something proud, disdainful about his cast of countenance, like that of someone who would have small mercy for fools, or for his enemies: but I think I noticed most his eyes, dark and deep-set, which at first sight of me startled into a flash of recognition that in one second vanished.

5). He knew my godfather was my guardian also, which was more than I did. Unless he spoke in error. Surely no man past twenty-one possessed a guardian, and I was twenty-four. This did not matter, though. What mattered was Ambrose and his illness, Ambrose and his death.

6). "A woman of feeling does not easily give way," he said. "You may call it pride or tenacity, call it what you will. In spite of all evidence to the contrary, their emotions are more primitive than ours. They hold to the thing they want and never surrender. We have our wars and battles, Mr. Ashley. But women can fight too."

  1. Translate the following passages:

1). “I still held Ambrose's hat in my left hand, and as I stood there in the great cathedral, dwarfed into insignificance, a stranger in that city of cold beauty and spilt blood, seeing the priest's obeisance to the altar, hearing his lips intone words, centuries old and solemn, that I could not understand, I realised suddenly and sharply the full measure of my loss. Ambrose was dead. I would never see him again. He was gone from me forever. Nevermore that smile, that chuckle, those hands upon my shoulder. Nevermore his strength, his understanding. Nevermore that known figure, honoured and loved, hunched in his library chair, or standing, leaning on his stick, looking down towards the sea. I thought of the bare room where he had died in the Villa Sangalletti, and of the Madonna in her niche; and something told me that when he went he was not part of that room, or of that house, or of this country, but that his spirit went back where it belonged, to be amongst his own hills and his own woods, in the garden that he loved, within sound of the sea”.

2). “I made a vow there, to myself, beside the Arno. I swore that, whatever it had cost Ambrose in pain and suffering before he died, I would return it, in full measure, upon the woman who had caused it. Because I did not believe Rainaldi's story. I believed in the truth of those two letters that I held in my right hand. The last Ambrose had ever written to me. Someday, somehow, I would repay my cousin Rachel.”


  1. Translate the following words and word combinations and reproduce the situation from the text:

To break the news, to dull all feeling, solicitous, welfare, to summon, to make a safeguard, stilted words, calamity, to reconcile smb to the fact, to bring a case against smb for slander, to broach smth.

  1. Define the meaning of the following word combinations:

To do smth with deference, a sense of strain, to press with questions, black as sloes, a pulling race, to be confined to the house, to be baffled.

  1. Find synonyms for the following:

Sinuous, humble, bequest, a sponsor, to challenge smb , codicil, provision, assistance, perception, benign.

  1. Translate the sentences:

1). Оратор еще долго говорил о мужестве, самопожертвовании и героизме, употребляя и другие высокопарные слова, но, было видно, что он уже перегибал палку, так как ежедневные публичные выступления притупили все его чувства (to dull all feelings, stilted words).

2). Не трать много денег на пустяки, не болтай лишнего, а то тебе предъявят иск за клевету, не… - А не слишком ли много советов ты даешь? – Нет, я всего лишь забочусь о твоем благополучии (to bring a case against smb for slander, solicitous, welfare).

3). Если вы хотите, чтобы именно Джон, а не его мошенница-сестра, получил это огромное наследство, то будет необходимо принять все меры предосторожности заранее: найти и вызвать к себе толкового адвоката, чтобы он смог заранее составить неоспоримое, впоследствии, завещание (to make a safeguard, to summon).

4). Экологическая катастрофа в Мексиканском заливе подняла много насущных вопросов о безопасности и сохранении для будущих поколений окружающего нас мира. Ведь никак нельзя смириться с фактом тотального уничтожения живой природы (a calamity, to broach smth, to reconcile to the fact).

5). В некоторых известных кругах, хорошим тоном считается сообщать о случившемся только высокопарными словами (to break the news, stilted words).

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