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5. Comment on the following:

1). Those jewels remain in trust for your wife, Philip, when you marry. And that's another thing. That collar has a significance of its own, which some of the older among the tenants at dinner tonight may remark upon. An Ashley, on his marriage, allows his bride to wear the collar on her wedding day as sole adornment. That is the kind of family superstition which the people about here delight in, and, as I have told you, the older amongst them know the tale. It is unfortunate, and the sort of thing that causes gossip. I am sure that Mrs. Ashley, in her situation, is the last person to wish that.

2). I was so bitter and angry I could have ridden to the bank upon the instant, and gone to the vaults, and brought back every piece of jewellery there, every stone, every gem, and given them to her, and all the gold and silver in the bank as well. I could have given her the world.

6. Translate the following passages:

1). His manner was abrupt. He stood with one hand behind his back; the other tugged at his white moustache. I wondered if something about the dinner had upset him. Had the cider flowed too freely for his liking? Then I saw him stare at Rachel. His eyes were fixed upon the collar of pearls around her throat. He saw me staring, and he turned away. For a moment I felt back again in the Fourth Form at Harrow, with the master discovering the crib hidden under my Latin book. Then I shrugged my shoulders. I was Philip Ashley, aged four-and-twenty years. And no one in the world, certainly not my godfather, could dictate to me to whom I should or should not give Christmas presents. I wondered if Mrs. Pascoe had already dropped some fell remark. Possibly good manners would prevent her. And anyway, she could not know the collar. My mother had been dead before Mr. Pascoe held the living. Louise had noticed it. That was already plain. I saw her blue eyes waver towards Rachel and then drop again.

UNIT 18.

  1. Translate the following words and word combinations and reproduce the situation from the text:

To see to smth, to have one’s way, to make amends for, to submit to, a clipped word, to think little of smth, misgiving, to do smb irreparable harm, to have a pernicious influence upon smb, with the proviso.

  1. Define the following words and word combinations:

Petty, to resent smth, hermit, to set one’s heart beating, awe, to get along, to feel a wrench at one’s heart, to haunt smb.

  1. Make up a dialogue using the following words and word combinations:

1). To be surfeited, to stick to smth, a blend of torment and delight, to soar, to infer, to get along.

2). To tumble, to bring oneself to a decision, to give smb company, face downwards, to dispense upon smth, to be consoled, to be through some nightmare.

3). To have reserve, to dissuade smth, omission, the onset, to trudge off, scaffolding, consternation,

  1. Translate the following sentences:

1). Вторая жена мистера де Винтера была юной и неопытной. Она боялась, что у нее не получится управлять огромным домом, но муж ее заверил, что экономка миссис Джэнвэрс позаботится обо всем (to see to).

2). Бак никак не хотел надевать упряжь и таскать сани, но его новый хозяин, методом кнута и пряника, настоял на своем (to have one’s way).

3). Пройдет много десятилетий, прежде чем природа покроет причиненный ей за эти годы варварской вырубки леса ущерб (to make amends for).

4). Блокада Ленинграда длилась 872 дня. Героически город не покорился натиску огромной вражеской армии (to submit to).

5). Некоторые современные политики ни в грош не ставят мнение этого авторитетного экономического эксперта, в результате чего средства, отложенные государством на черный день, уже благополучно истрачены (to think little of).

6). Мистер Браун когда-то доверял своему шестому чувству, но в этот раз, несмотря на дурное предчувствие, он сел на этот злосчастный самолет и разбился (misgiving).

7). Потребительское отношение населения нашей страны к ее природным богатствам причиняет непоправимый вред экологически безопасному будущему нашей планеты (to do irreparable harm).

8). Этот химический магнат всего добился сам. Какая жалость, что он встретил эту танцовщицу! Она его разорит: промотает все его состояние всего за год (to have a pernicious influence upon smb).

9). Я подпишу на вас завещание, и вы будете управлять всем имуществом, но со следующей оговоркой: Счастливчик должен одобрить этот план, ведь вы будете его опекуном (with the proviso).

10). Иногда она совсем не обращала на него внимание: только бросала два – три резких слова, а иногда была сама доброта, заботливость и обходительность, так, что он и не знал, что думать (clipped words).

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