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Daphne du Maurier .doc
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  1. Make up a dialogue using the following words and word combinations:

1) Welfare, wagging tongues, to look at smb shrewdly, to pout and toss one’s curls, to defer smth, a fervour of interest, a meaning smile, illegible, a testy voice.

2) To skulk at home, to make sad allusion to the future, to bring irritation, to begrudge smth, a fervour of interest, a single train of thought, a close winter, a cutthroat, to do for smb

3) To shun smb, to feel one’s way with smb, to go about the place with a long face, to come into one’s own, to stop short, to drill oneself to, to avert one’s eyes, a mint of money.

  1. Translate the sentences

1). Пэт всегда старалась избегать эту таинственную экономку, которая всегда ходила по дому с мрачным видом и постоянно твердила о былом великолепии усадьбы (to shun, to go about the place with a long face).

2). Чтобы заработать большую сумму денег, недостаточно просто делать все от себя возможное и работать не покладая рук, иногда нужна просто удача (a mint of money).

3). Не отводите взгляд и не смущайтесь. Ведь не вы же причина всех его проблем (to avert one’s eyes).

4). Торнтон постепенно налаживал отношения с Баком, шаг за шагом завоевывая любовь этого благородного пса, никогда не скупясь на любовь (to feel one’s way with).

5). – О, миссис Смит такая праздная женщина! А голос-то у нее какой брюзгливый! – Что это ты так внезапно замолчала? – Да вот и наша дорогая миссис Смит! Мы так рады вас видеть! (to stop short).

6). К сожалению, многие художники и музыканты, шагнувшие далеко вперед своего времени, добились признания только после своей смерти (to come into one’s own).

7). Окончательным ударом его самолюбию стали многочисленные многозначительные улыбки соседей, означавшие, что он таки, наконец, приучил себя к обществу и капризам этой привередливой дамы (to drill oneself to).

  1. Comment on the following:

1). And then would follow jocularity, and jesting, and much amusement at the breaking in of a confirmed bachelor to wedlock.

2). The drawing room will come into its own at last.

3). Nick Kendall, who made the final thrust, unaware, of course, that he w doing so, and speaking bluntly in his plain straightforward way.

4). At twenty-three it takes very little to make the spirits soar.

5). For God’s sake, come to me quickly. She has done for me at last, Rachel my torment.

  1. Translate the passage in the written form:

“Hitherto, when I had thought of my cousin Rachel — which I did but sparingly, brushing her name from my mind as one does all things unpleasant — I had pictured to myself a woman resembling Mrs. Pascoe, only more so. Large-featured and angular, with a hawk's eyes for dust, as Seecombe prophesied, and far too loud a laugh when there was company for dinner, so that one winced for Ambrose. Now she took on new proportions. One moment monstrous, like poor Molly Bate at the West Lodge, obliging one to avert the eyes from sheer delicacy, and the next pale and drawn, shawl-covered in a chair, with an invalidish petulance about her, while a nurse hovered in the background, mixing medicines with a spoon. One moment middle-aged and forceful, the next simpering and younger than Louise, my cousin Rachel had a dozen personalities or more, and each one more hateful than the last. I saw her forcing Ambrose to his knees to play at bears, the children astride his back, and Ambrose consenting with a humble grace, having lost all dignity. Yet again, decked out in muslin, with a ribbon in her hair, I saw her pout and toss her curls, a curving mass of affection, while Ambrose sat back in his chair surveying her, the bland smile of an idiot on his face.”


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