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Рыжков (Деловой английский).doc
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I. Translate into Russian.

Costs; fire; warehouse; sprinkler; insurance premium; industri­al espionage; vital; important; computer staff; heating; lighting; claim of damage; accident; legislation; protection; liability; total loss; common sense; market share; strike; top executive; the same; agreement; spread; restrict; select; suggest; prevent; ac­cept; evaluate; appoint.

II. Find the English equivalents.

Области риска; склад; пожар; способ (метод) складиро­вания; система огнетушения; страховая премия; промыш­ленный шпионаж; безопасность компьютеров; информация, хранимая в компьютере; уполномоченные лица; персонал, обслуживающий компьютеры; условия работы; доступ; часы работы; освещение; отопление; вентиляция; иск о нане­сении ущерба; ответственность компании; законодатель­ство; защита потребителя; здравый смысл; сырье; постав­щик; огромные потери; двухстороннее соглашение; конку­рент; конвейер; конечная продукция; ценные товары; забас­товка; рассматривать (изучать), назначать; устанавливать; предотвращать; предлагать; увеличивать; хранить; сталки­ваться (с); предотвращать; оценивать; страховать.

III. Fill in the blanks.

1. Risk is the possibility of ... .

2. Risk management involves ... all the areas of risk to a company and preparing a series of ... to minimize potential losses.

3. Fire is still the greatest ... .

4. Computer security is particularly important, and it is absolutely vital that only ... should have access to the information . .. in the computer.

5. Working conditions are another ... of risk management.

6. If a supplier of a vital raw material for a company suffers a total loss of his production, the company faces ....

7. Valuable goods should not all be stored in one building but ... over a number of sites.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What is risk?

2. What does risk management involve first of all?

3. What can a risk manager recommend to avoid (избежать) fire?

4. How can a risk manager provide (обеспечить) computer se­curity?

5. Are working conditions another area of risk management?

6. What main recommendations fall into the "common sense" category? Give some examples.

V. Retell the above text.

VI. Read and translate.


Sometimes firms are in trouble. It is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms in order to save a firm:

1. There is no real plan for the future. The company is merely reacting to events as they occur. For example, the company de­pends entirely on one supplier for an important component and has

not found an alternative supplier in case the first one is closed by a strike or goes bankrupt.

2. There is a chronic shortage of working capital. Payments to suppliers and even payrolls are delayed.

3. Employee' morale is low, with frequent absenteeism, and high turnover in the work force.

4. Profits are low or non-existent because sales are weak от costs are higher than expected.

5. Shipments are chronically late as a result of raw material shortages or a lack of them, poor work scheduling or low produc­tivity.

6. Inventory turnover is low as a result of poor work schedul­ing or lagging sales.

7. There is a lack of timely and adequate management infor­mation; intra-company communications are poor.

8. Orders from major customers are lost and no effort is made to find or correct the cause.

9. Executives work overtime but never catch up with their workload. Foremen have so many petty day-to-day problems that they have no time to plan better working procedures.

10. Pricing is done by guesswork instead of by good cost ac­counting.

11. There is far more waste left after production than in other plants with similar operations.

12. There is too much reworking of products after final in­spection as a result of poor work along the assembly line.