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Unit VIII Chapters 20-21 (pp. 132-147)

The list of words and word-combinations under study:

  1. to beat out of the room – (132) выбежать из комнаты

  1. to join smb for a drink –(132) выпить с кем-то

  1. to get boisterous –(133) расшуметься, стать неистовым

  1. to pass out – (134) потерять сознание

  1. to stagger – (134) идти шатаясь, спотыкаясь

  1. to shiver – (134) дрожать

  1. to feel depressed – (135) чувствовать себя подавленным

  1. a checkroom – (135) гардероб, раздевалка

  1. to chatter- (135) стучать

  1. the back of one’s hand – (136) тыльная сторона ладони

  1. hunks of ice – (137) льдинки

  1. funeral – (137) похороны

  1. cemetery – (137) кладбище

  1. tombstone – (137) надгробный камень

  1. in the light from the street lamp – (138) в свете уличного фонаря

  1. an apartment house – (138) многоквартирный жилой дом

  1. to creak – (138) скрипеть

  1. to squeak – (139) пищать, скрипеть

  1. break=luck – (139) удача

  1. to look suspicious – (139) выглядеть подозрительным

  1. make a racket – (140) шуметь

  1. loafers – (141) мокасины, обувь без застежек или шнурков

  1. to go with – (141) гармонировать

  1. to be wealthy – (141) быть зажиточным, богатым

  1. recess – (142) перерыв, перемена (в школе)

  1. to be wide awake – (143) не спать, бодрствовать

  1. to betray – (143) выдавать, предавать

  1. to kneel – (144) стоять на коленях

  1. suffocate - (144) задыхаться

  1. for life imprisonment – (144) пожизненно

  1. a drawer – (145) ящик

  1. adhesive tape – (145) лейкопластырь

  1. a windbrеaker – (145) куртка-ветровка

34.to flop – (146) упасть, бросить

35.to keep in touch with smb – (146) поддерживать связь


  1. Read chapters 20-21 paying attention to the given list.

  1. Look up the pronunciation of the following words:

boisterous; finally; envelope; pneumonia; cousin; funeral; cemetery; tombstone; superintendent; suspicious; foyer; hanger; closet; gigantic; mouthes; Pageant; suffocate; imprisonment; adhesive; windbreaker.

  1. Reproduce the situations in which the words under study are used.

  1. Make up a situation of your own, use from five to ten words and word combinations from the list of active vocabluary.

  1. Give synonyms or synonymous expression to the following:

1. next to

2. break

3. to keep smb from doing smth

4. a madman

5. to shiver

6. to get soaked

7. to hit the sack

8. checkroom

9. to make a date with smb

10. a bunch of people; flowers

11. a cemetery

12. toget one’s mind off smth

13. to be fond of

14. an apartment house

15. to be good at doing smth

16. to be wealthy

17. affectionate

18. to betray

  1. Translate in writing the paragraphs into Russian:

1) “Boy, I sat at that goddam bar…

…Boy, was I drunk.” (pp.132-133)

2) “ I went around the room, … I’m not kidding”. (p.141)

  1. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Мальчик вошел в комнату родителей пошатываясь. Он дрожал, и у него зубы стучали, как от холода. Он сказал отцу, что плохо себя чувствует. Через некоторое время его бросло в жар, он начал задыхаться и чуть не потерял сознание. Отец пощупал у него лоб тыльной стороной руки и понял, что у него высокая температура. У мальчика была температура 102 градуса (по Фаренгейту).Отец тут же позвонил и вызвал врача, а сына уложил в постель. Но тот не спал, а о чем-то напряженно думал. Он чувствовал себя подавленным.

  2. Человек, за которым полицейский Кейн должен был следить, был очень богатым, поэтому он жил не в многоквартирном доме в городе, а в собственном особняке, окруженном невысоким кустарником, за городом. Это осложняло слежку, так как дом днем и ночью охранялся собаками. Кейну пришлось надеть темную ветровку и удобные макасины, которые не скрипели, чтобы не наделать шуму и не выдать себя. Он долго неподвижно простоял в засаде на коленях, когда увидел, что вскоре после полуночи к дому подъехала машина с незажженными фарами. Это была удача. Кейн подумал, что, если он сейчас добудет доказательства (evidence) против этого человека, то его можно будет засадить пожизненно в тюрьму.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why did Holden want Valencia, the singer, to join him for a drink?

  2. How long did he stay in the bar?

  3. Why did he pretend to be wounded again?

  4. Did he really want to phone Sally?

  5. What did he do in the man’s room?

  6. Why was he crying when he went to the checkroom?

  7. Why did the hat-check girl make him put on his red hunting hat?

  8. Did he have much money left?

  9. Where did he drop the record?

Did he throw away the pieces?

  1. What did he want to find in Central Park?

  2. Where were the ducks?

  3. What did he think about sitting on a bench in the park?

  4. How many relatives did Holden have?

  5. Why did Holden quit going to the cemetery with his parents?

  6. What did he do with the money to take his mind off getting pneumonia

and dying?

  1. Was he sure that Phoebe was fond of him?

  2. What did he decide to do?

  3. What was the best break he had in years when he got home?

  4. What should you do to make people do what you want them to?

  5. How did Holden open the door?

  6. Why did he know he was at home?

  7. Why wouldn’t the maid hear him?

  8. Do you think Holden loved his mother? Give your reasons.

  9. Was Phoebe sleeping in her room? Why not?

  10. Why did Holden feel swell in the bedroom?

  11. What characterises Phoebe as neat?

  12. What was there on D.B.’s desk?

  13. Was Phoebe glad to see Holden?

  14. What was the play Phoebe was in in school about?

  15. Why wouldn’t her father be able to come to see the play?

  16. Where were the parents that night?

  17. What movie did Phoebe see?

  18. What spoilt the movie?

  19. Was D.B. coming home for Christmas?

  20. What was wrong with Phoebe’s arm?

  21. How did Phoebe guess that Holden had got kicked out?

  22. Was she worried about it?

  1. Give a summary of chapters 20-21.

  1. Describe in detail:

  1. The picture of Holden’s funeral.

  2. D.B.’s bedroom.

  1. Speak on the following points:

  1. Holden feeling lonesome and depressed.

  2. In the Park.

  3. Getting into the apartment.

  4. Holden’s love for his family.

  1. Comment on the following:

  1. “ All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they’ll do practically anything you want them to”. (p. 139)

  2. “...I can read that kind of stuff some kid’s notebook, Phoebe’s or anybody’s, all day and all night long. Kids’ notebooks kill me”. (pp.142-143)