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1 Earthquakes

An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the Earth’s surface that often causes a lot of damage.

When an earthquake occurs, part of the Earth’s surface moves. In fact, the surface of the Earth moves all the time. The tectonic plates, which make up the surface, press against each other very slowly. Over thousands of years, this movement creates great stress. In some places where the layers of rock are weak, this eventually causes a sudden movement – an earthquake. Thousands of earthquakes happen every day, but most are very small and cause no damage. A large earthquake shakes buildings to the ground, or causes a tsunami wave. The effects are usually very serious.

Severe earthquakes are common in southern Europe, and on 1 November 1755 a powerful earthquake hit the city of Lisbon in Portugal. Between 60,000 and 100,000 people died. After the earthquake a tsunami struck the city, and there was also a fire, which caused nearly total destruction. People as far away as Finland felt the shock, and the tsunami reached Barbados in the West Indies. Geologists now believe that the strength of the earthquake was as high as 9 on the Richter scale. This is the same strength as the Indian Ocean earthquake of 26 December 2004.




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шкода, збитки


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Write questions to these answers:

a What moves when an earthquake occurs?

e When ………..………………………………?

Part of Earth’s crust moves when an earthquake occurs.

On 1 November 1755.

b What …………………………………………..……?

f How many ……..……………………………?

The movement of tectonic plates creates this stress.

Between 60,000 and 100,000.

c How many ……………………………………….…?

g In which distant country …..………………..?

Thousands happen every day.

In Finland.

d What …………………………………………….….?

h What …………..……………………………?

It shakes buildings or causes a tsunami wave.

The strength of it was 9 on the Richter scale.

1 What is an earthquake? 2 Are all earthquakes dangerous? 3 How is the strength of an earthquake measured? 4 Have you ever experienced an earthquake? 5 Are you afraid of it? 6 Do you know what to do when an earthquake happens?

Grammar: Passive Voice Revision (1)

be + Past Participle V3 / Ved

В англійській мові дієслова можуть вживатися як в активному стані, так і в пасивному. Усі пасивні часи формуються однаково. Змінюється лише час дієслова be. Додаток активного речення стає підметом пасивного.

My grandpa built

this house

in 1970. (активний стан) – Мій дідусь збудував цей будинок у 1980.

This house

was built in 1970. (пасивний стан) – Цей будинок був збудований у 1980.

Ми вживаємо пасивний стан, якщо:

- нас не цікавить або нам не важливий виконавець дії

The room is cleaned every day. – Кімнату прибирають щодня.

- нам не відомий виконавець дії

My flat was burgled yesterday. – Мою квартиру вчора пограбували.

- виконавець дії зрозумілий з контексту

He will be put in prison for life. – Його посадять до в’язниці довічно.

Якщо треба вказати, хто виконав дію / виконавець дії є важливим, використовуємо прийменник by:

Paper was invented by the Chinese. – Папір був винайдений китайцями.

I was attacked by a dog yesterday. – Вчора на мене напав собака.