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4. Philosophy in its various representations.

The contemporary interpretations of the philosophy structure are in:

 Ontology - a theory of being;

 Gnoseology - a theory of cognition;

 Logic - a theory of veritable thinking;

 Ethics - a theory of moral;

 Aesthetics - a theory of art and artistic activity;

 Social philosophy - a theory of society;

 History of philosophy - a systematized account of philosophical views by chronological, logical, contansive and other principles.

The aim of philosophy is understanding the purport of man’s relation to the world. The higher forms of its theoretical level are the methodology systems (from the Greek methodos”meaning the way to something, and logos” - teaching about means, methods of man’s activity.)

5. Worldview. Historical forms of worldview.

Worldview - a complex social phenomenon, which is integral to feelings, emotions, feelings, knowledge, freedom (willingness to certain actions), beliefs, goals, dreams, hope, faith illusions, aspirations, ideals, etc. . that in the process consist of people under the direct influence of their material and spiritual living conditions.) Worldview has a historical character. Throughout history it has been three historical phases, which correspond to the following types of historical vision: the mythological, religious and philosophical. Mythological worldview (Myth - Legend of the acts of heroes and gods) was characteristic originally communal society. It is based on totemism (the people of faith in supernatural communication of this generic group of some animals, plants, etc., are considered by forefathers and became the object of worship for the family). Go to a religious worldview marked by the fact that through the emergence and development of production man was singled out by nature, began to oppose themselves to nature. In turn, the process of production (land cultivation, animal husbandry, handicraft top) requires knowledge of the laws of nature and leads to the separation of natural and supernatural in people's minds. Philosophical worldview. The basis of the philosophical outlook was the need for knowledge about natural phenomena with which they did business in the manufacturing process. It was necessary to identify the specific properties of objects of nature in order to meet daily needs, leading to the formation of generalizations and abstract concepts, which also occurred through the formation proto-sience, which laid the foundations of intellectual attainment surrounding world.

6. The main functions and the significance of philosophy.

Function of philosophy: - Ideological function (associated with a conceptual explanation of the world); - Methodological function (is that philosophy serves as a general theory about the method and as a collection of the most common methods of knowledge and understanding of reality by man); - Predictive function (formulates hypotheses about the general trends of development of matter and mind, man and the world); - A critical function (applies not only to other disciplines, but also to the very philosophy, the principle of "subjects all doubt" demonstrates the importance of a critical approach to the existing knowledge and socio-cultural values); - Axiological function (from the Greek. Axios - valuable, any philosophical system contains a point estimate of the object from the viewpoint of different values: moral, social, aesthetic, etc.); - A social function (based on her philosophy is designed to perform a dual task - to explain the social being and contribute to its material and spiritual change.)

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