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  1. The nature of philosophical knowledge.

Philosophy (from the Greek words filio - love and sophia - wisdom) - a form of spiritual activity, aimed at the formulation, analysis and solution of the indigenous worldview issues involved in developing a complete view on the world and man in it. The origin of philosophy as a specific form of spiritual activity enjoy about the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. The term "philosophy" coined Pythagoras (the middle of the VI. BC) The first fairly detailed explanation of the meaning of the term owned by Plato. Before Plato philosophical knowledge was a systematization of worldly wisdom, expressed in a symbolic, artistic, imaginative form. Beginning with Plato and Aristotle, philosophy was no longer satisfied with a simple love of wisdom, but aims to be deployed, consistent doctrine, resting on a solid foundation of representations not only of man but of a world in which he live. What exactly is the subject of philosophy depends on the age and intellectual position of the thinker.Disputes what is subject of philosophy are continues. Variants of answer on the question about the subject of the philosophy was offered by different schools. One of the most important variants belong to Immanuel Kant. In Marxism-Leninism was proposed own wording of "the fundamental question of philosophy." Despite all the controversy, the most important issues are: Questions concerning the notion of being. "Does God exist?" "Is it possible knowledge?" (And other problems of knowledge). "Who is this man and why he came to this world?" "What makes a particular action is right or wrong?" etc.

2 Philosophy as the theoretical basis of worldview.


Every philosophy - is a worldview, ie the set of the most common sights on the world and place in it of person. Philosophy is the theoretical basis of worldview: - Philosophy - is the highest level and kind of worldview, it is system-rational and theoretical formalized worldview; - Philosophy - is a form of social and individual consciousness, which has a higher degree of scientific than just worldview; - Philosophy - is a system of fundamental ideas in the social world. Worldview - is a generalized belief system of man and society in the world and their own place in it, understanding and appreciation of his life's meaning, the fate of mankind, and a set of generalized philosophical, scientific, legal, social, moral, religious, and aesthetic values, beliefs, convictions and ideals of the people.

  1. Philosophy as general methodology.

The universal methods of philosophy are the necessary condition for the solution of various concrete tasks they do not replace the special scientific methods – rather they are given concrete form in these methods. Philosophical methods are devices for the study of objects with the aim of discovering in them the universal laws of movement and development manifested in specific ways in accordance with the specificity of the object.

Methodology is a system of basic principles or elements of generalized modes of the organization and construction of theoretical and practical activity. It is a particular area of philosophical knowledge.

The main philosophical methods are dialectics, metaphysics, phenomenology, hermeneutics.

Dialectics is the method, by which we study development in its most complete deep-going and comprehensive form. Dialectics affords a reflection of the extremely complex and contradictory processes of the material and spiritual world.Dialectics is not a mere statement of that, which happens in the reality but an instrument of scientific cognition and transformation, an instrument for moving from the domain of non-knowledge into the realm of knowledge, a methodology of knowledge based on action and methodology of action based on knowledge. It is in this that the unity of dialectics as theory and method is manifested.

Metaphysics is characterized by the static mode of thinking, by the veering of thought from one extreme to the other by exaggeration of some aspect of an object, such as stability, repetition and relative independence. A characteristic feature of metaphysics has always been one-sidedness, abstractness and the lifting of certain elements to an absolute.

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