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2 Answer the questions

1. What do you know about the greenhouse effect? Why is it dangerous? 2. What do you know about the problems of environmental pollution? 3. What are the major causes of pollution in general? 4. What can we do to protect the environment in our everyday lives? 5. Are humans the only creatures who can communicate? Comment on your answer. 6. Name some natural disasters. Why do they occur? Which are sometimes the results of human actions? 7. What measures can be taken to avoid some natural disasters?

Grammar: Непряма мова: розповідні речення

§ 1 При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму утворюється складнопідрядне речення з підрядним додатковим реченням із сполучником that, або без нього. Як і в українській мові, особові й присвійні займенники при заміні прямої мови непрямою змінюються або залишаються без змін залежно від змісту:

Peter said, ‘I will come at 5 o’clock’. – Peter said that he would come at 5 o’clock.

She said, ‘Peter has taken my book’. – She said that Peter had taken her book.

§ 2 Якщо в словах автора присудок виражено дієсловом say з додатком, що позначає особу, до якої звернено пряму мову (цей додаток вживається з прийменником to), то перед непрямою мовою say звичайно замінюється дієсловом tell, після якого додаток вживається без прийменника. Але якщо дієслово say у словах автора вжито без додатка, то воно залишається і перед непрямою мовою:

Не said to me, ‘I know it.’ - He told me that he knew it.

He said, ‘I know it.’ - He said that he knew it.

§ 3 Якщо в словах автора дієслово-присудок виражає минулу дію, то при перетворенні прямої мови на непряму час дієслова змінюється відповідно до правил узгодження часів, а саме:

  1. Present Simple змінюється на Past Simple:

Не said, ‘I know it.’ - He said that he knew it.

He said, ‘I get up at eight o’clock.’ – He said that he got up at eight o’clock.

She said, ‘ I don’t like it.’ – She said that she didn’t like it.

  1. Present Continuous змінюється на Past Continuous:

‘I am working,’ she said. - She said that she was working.

He said, ‘I am reading a book.’ – He said that he was reading a book.

  1. Present Perfect змінюється на Past Perfect:

He said, ‘I have translated the text.’ – He said that he had translated the text.

They said to me, ‘We have spoken to him.’ - They told me that they had spoken to him.

  1. Past Simple змінюється на Past Perfect:

He said, ‘I saw her there.’ - He said that he had seen her there.

‘I finished my work early,’ Alex said. – He said that he had finished her work early.

  1. Past Perfect залишається без змін:

They said, ‘We had finished our work by 7pm.’ - They said they had finished their work by 7pm.

  1. Усі форми майбутнього часу замінюються відповідними формами Future-in-the- Past:

He said, ‘I will go there.’ - He said that he would go there.

She said, ‘I will be writing an essay at 5pm.’ - She said that she would be writing an essay at 5pm.

He said, ‘I will have spoken to her by Monday.’ – He said he would have spoken to her by Monday.