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Англ(2курс, 2 семестр)

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Today Kyiv is a political, economic, scientific and cultural centre of Ukraine. We can appreciate the beauty of present-day Kyiv by remembering that only several decades ago the city lay in ruins and ashes. The German fascist invaders massacred 200,000 Kyivites; 100,000 were driven off for slave labour. The Hitlerites devastated 1,000 industrial enterprises and over 40 per cent of the dwelling space, plundered museums, theatres, institutes and other cultural establishments. The rebirth of this large city required titanic efforts.

Tens of thousands Kyivites went out onto the streets in the first days after the Ukraine’s capital liberation and started rebuilding their home city. Assistance came from all part of Ukraine. And it was thanks to this disinterested assistance and support that Kyiv miraculously rose from ruin and became ever more beautiful and majestic.

Today Kyiv is expanding its borders – new districts are being constructed. New residential areas lined with 20-30-storied modern apartment buildings are rising on the former outskirts of Kyiv.

The city’s old districts are, of course, also being reconstructed. The ancient city is being continuously beautified and rejuvenated to be a model one for its dwellers.

Comprehension Check

3. Answer the questions.

1.What does Kyiv look like in different seasons of the year? What season is it incomparable?

2.What is Kyiv’s peculiarity that gives it its charm?

3.What’s the ancient name of the Dniepro?

4.What territory do the new residential areas occupy?

5.What happened to Kyiv during the German fascist invasion? Was it difficult to rebuild the city?

6.What is the aim of constant beautifying of Ukraine’s capital?

4. Match the words with their definitions. Use them to make up sentences of your own.


a. to make sb/sth look or feel younger or more lively.

2. to spring up

b. a state of thinking about pleasant things, almost as though


you are dreaming.

3. verdure

c. the lush greenness of flourishing vegetation.

4. attire

d. to appear or develop quickly.

5. to rejuvenate

e. to kill a large number of people, especially in a cruel war.

6. to massacre

f. to steal things from a place, especially using force during a


time of war.

7. to intermingle

g. to mix ideas, colours, etc. together.

8. to plunder



5. Fill in the blanks with the words and expression from the box making any necessary changes.

to rise from ruin; to rejuvenate; to give an emphasis; to beautify; to be driven off; incomparable; to disinterested assistance; to require titanic efforts; to spring up

New play areas for children __________________ all over the city.

City Authority has to ___________ the city centre after the attacks of football fans.

Recently new technologies have been applied to create special creams helping

___________ the skin.

Three centuries have passed till this city ____________________ after being occupied by the enemy.

In 1943 my granny _________________ to Germany, managed to survive there and lived a long happy life after the liberation.

He was so lazy that even reading a book ____________________, so he was able only to press buttons on the remote control.

While studying at the university it’s very important to ______________ to selfstudy and self-control to achieve good results.

Thanks God, I have a sister who supports me in any situation – you know,

_______________ means much in this materialistic world!She was _____________ in her violet silk evening dress.

6. Translate into English.

1.Взимку Київ незрівняний у білосніжному вбранні.

2.Осінні барви змішались з золотими куполами храмів та білою цеглою будівель.

3.Безкорислива допомога у тяжку хвилину – от що вирізняє справжнього друга.

4.Мільйони людей були жорстоко вбиті під час другої світової війни.

5.Розкішна зелень обрамляла береги річки,надаючи місту неповторну атмосферу парку.

6.Музеї створюються тоді, коли країна процвітає, а розкрадаються тоді, коли не вистачає часу і грошей на культуру.

7.Реконструкція собору після пожежі потребувала величезних зусиль.


7.Do you agree with the authors that these are blossoming trees that make Kyiv incomparable? Why is Kyiv often called “a city within a park”? What season is the city the best-looking, to your mind? Are there any changes taking place in the architectural ensemble and the green areas of the city? Are these changes positive or negative? Share your point of view with your groupmates.

8.Kyiv is an ancient city with its glorious history. Scan the historical information to get ready to speak about facts of Kyiv foundation. These questions will help

you concentrate the attention on the points which are important.


1.What was discovered by scientists during the excavation?

2.How important were the results of the excavations?

3.What does the legend say?

4.When was the foundation of the stronghold laid?

5.Which hills are connected with the names of three brothers?

Historical Information

It is not too long ago that Kyiv archeologists finished studying the 5th – 8thcentury materials they unearthed during excavations on Zamkova, Starokievska and Detinseva Hills in the Podil district. The most important result of these digs was the discovery of an ancient settlement, whose moats and ramparts defended the northwestern projection of Starokyivska Hill. In it specialists saw actual traits of ”Kyi Town” about which the chronicler Nestor relates the following ancient legend in the Povesti Vremennych Let annals.

Once there were three brothers Kij, Shchek and Khoriv, and they had a young sister who was called Lybed. They settled on the hights above the Dnipro; and founded a city on one of the hills and called it Kyiv after the eldest brother. And in honor of the younger brother one hill was named Shchekovitsa, and another Khorevitsa, while the river was called Lybed after their sister.

The excavations have proved that there is some truth in this legend. The little town of Kij had actually existed on the site of present Kyiv and was built long before anything appeared in writing. It is believed that Kij did exist and was the Prince of the Polyane tribe and lived at the end of the 6th and at the beginning of the 7th century A.D.This is probably the time when the foundation of a stronghold, later known as Kyiv, was laid on Mount Staro – Kyivska.

The three Kyiv hills which the legend connects with the names of three brothers still exist. The first one is Mount Staro – Kyivska, the second hill is Mount Shchekovitsa, which has regained its ancient name, and the third hill, Khorevitsa, is Mount Kyselyovska, which received its present name in the 17th century.


9. Read the text about history of Kyiv and be ready to discuss it. Study the new vocabulary to do the following tasks and exercises.

The Mother of All Russian Towns

Ancient Kyiv was a large commercial centre of the East Slavs where craftsmen plied their trades. Its position on the important waterway known as "route from the Varangians to the Greeks", which included the whole length of the Dniepro, helped promote its trade. This was a principal trade route of the 9th-11th centuries which served as a link between northern and southern Europe. Byzantine, Varangian and Arab merchants brought their wares to Kyiv. The Slav merchants made their way through the Dniepro and the Black Sea to Byzantium and by waterways and land routes to the Baltic and the Caspian. Lively trade and various crafts favoured the economic growth of Kiev which by the end of the 9th century developed into a


political, administrative and cultural centre of Kiev Rus, an ancient Russian state which came into being following the unification of the East Slavs.

According to an ancient chronicle, in 882 Prince Oleg of Novgorod and his men- at-arms sailed down the Dnipro to Kyiv. He left his men hidden in the boats and entered the town as a merchant. Tricking Askold and Dir, the Princes of Kyiv, out of the stronghold, he ordered their death.

Having seized Kyiv, Oleg was known to have said: "This will be the mother of all Russian towns!" The Novgorod principality united with that of Kyiv, and the town was made the capital of a unified Russian state.

The lands of Kyiv Rus, the cradle of three fraternal peoples: the Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian, soon covered a territory which stretched from the Black Sea to Lake Ladoga and from the Volga to the Western Bug. As the state of Kyiv Rus gained strength, its capital grew and developed too. Kyiv became one of the largest towns of medieval Europe and was known as the rival of Constantinople.

Kyiv was at the height of its glory towards the end of the 10th and the beginning of the 11th centuries, during the rule of Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich. The conversion to Christianity in 988 helped to establish closer links between Kyiv Rus and the European states, particularly with Byzantium.

Upper, or Old Kyiv, was the centre of the ancient town. Today this is the part that lies between the funicular railway, Great Zhytomyr Street and Lviv Square, and in the north stretches up to the steep hills that border on the Dniepro. This was the site of the Grand Duke's palace which was surrounded by the mansions of the aristocratic boyars and the houses of the metropolitans, the big merchants and the moneylenders. The greatest edifice of those times was the stone Church of the Tithes built by Prince Volodymyr at the end of the 10th century.

Lower Kyiv stood on the territory of present Podіl and was inhabited by merchants and artisans: blacksmiths, potters, tanners,carpenters, joiners, and jewellers whose goods were in demand far beyond the borders of Rus. Lower Kyiv became the town's commercial and economic centre. This was the usual stopping place for foreign merchants who moored their vessels in the mouth of the Pochaina River which entered the Dnipro near the present Post Square (Poshtova Ploshcha.)

In addition to local merchants, tradesmen from Germany, Italy, Poland, Bohemia, Hungary and the Scandinavian countries, lived in Kyiv. The town had special suburbs and quarters occupied solely by foreigners. Merchants from Byzantium, the Caucasus, the countries of the Arab East and other places regularly visited the capital.


Under Prince Volodymyr's son, Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) Kyiv Rus grew more powerful and was known throughout the world. Travellers and chroniclers considered that Kyiv surpassed most beautiful European towns of that period Kings and Princes of many states established dynastic ties with the Princes of Kyiv. Thus the daughters of Yaroslav the Wise were married to the Kings of Norway and France, one of his sons Vsevolod married a Byzantine princess and other sons - the daughters of important German rulers.

Kyiv continued to grow in wealth and importance. It was fortified by powerful walls and defences. The famous Golden Gate, allegedly carried off by Prince Volodymyr, the father of Yaroslav the Wise, from Chersonesus, became Kyiv's chief gateway.

In 1037 St. Sophia's Cathedral (Sophyisky Sobor), an outstanding monument of ancient Russian and world culture, was built on the site of the 1036 battle against the pechenihy hordes in which the Kyiv warriors were victorious. In building this edifice Prince Yaroslav followed the example of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian who built the Constantinople St. Sophia's Cathedral. There are numerous legends about the splendid Kyiv Cathedral one of which tells of a magic mirror that was fixed in the gallery of the building in which one could see the surrounding territory for many miles distant. The mirror is said to have been smashed in a fit of rage by a Kyiv maiden who saw in it her lover courting a Gothic damsel.

Kyiv played an important role in the development of written language, literature, painting, architecture and applied arts. Several schools and the first Russian library grew up around the Cathedral of St. Sophia. Schools were organized in monasteries and in the Prince's palace. Numerous chronicles were written in the monasteries, and there were also many talented people in literature and the arts among laymen. One of these was the creator of the famous medieval masterpiece of Russian literature The Lay of Igor's Host which glorifies the heroism of the Russian people in their struggle for the unification of Russia.

Kiev remained the capital of Ancient Rus for nearly three centuries. Gradually other feudal centres came into being; internecine strife and rivalry among the independent princes undermined the authority of the Grand Duke of Kyiv, weakened Kyiv Rus and led to its disintegration into separate principalities.

Comprehension Check

10. Answer the following questions.

1.What centre was Kyiv in the 9th – 11thcenturies?

2.What was the historical role of Prince Oleg of Novgorod?

3.What contribution was made by Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich to make Kyiv a glorious city?

4.Who inhabited Upper Kyiv?

5.What do you know about Lower Kyiv?

6.What changes took place under the rule of Prince Yaroslav the Wise?

7.What made St. Sophia Cathedral very important?


8. For how long did Kyiv remain the capital of Ancient Rus?

11. What do the following dates refer to?










Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings.



Merchants brought


a. commercial and economic centre.


He left his men


b. the most beautiful city in Europe.


Various crafts


c. became Kyiv’s chief gateway.


The conversion to Christianity

d. a usual stopping place for



The Pochaina river was

e. hidden in the boats.




Lower Kyiv became the town’s

f. wealth and importance



The town had special suburbs

g. their wares to Kyiv.




Travellers considered Kyiv

h. undermined the authority of Grand










Kyiv continued to grow in

i. favoured the economic growth.


The famous Golden Gate

j. written in the Cathedral.



Numerous chronicles were

K .where foreigners lived.



Internecine strife and rivalry

l. helped to establish economic ties.

Language Focus

13. Explain the meaning and give the context of the following words from the

text above.


1. a commercial centre

8. a chronicler

2. a principle route

9. allegedly

3. to seize a stronghold

10. a splendid cathedral

4. a principality

11. in a fit of rage

5. fraternal peoples

12. the conversion to Christianity

6. the greatest edifice

13. internecine strife and rivalry

7. disintegration

14. to undermine the authority

14.Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future.

Route; merchants; seize; rival; fraternal; conversion; duke; Byzantium; Byzantine; artisans; carpenters; jewellers; lively; moor; quarters; occupy; solely; the Caucasus; surpass; edifice; dynastic; allegedly; warriors; feudal; internecine strife; authority; men-at-arms; weaken.

15.Find the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian words and word combinations.

Називати на честь когось; на місці сучасного Києва; займатися ремеслами; шлях із варягів у греки; перетворюватися (на щось); об’єднання східних слов’ян; літопис; виманити з фортеці; колиска трьох братніх народів; сприяти


розквіту торгівлі; прийняття християнства; здобути могутність; великий князь;маєток; перевершувати; купці; ремісники: ковалі, гончари, дубильники, тесляри, столяри та ювеліри; далеко за межами; кидати якір, причалювати човни;мати попит на товар; у гирлі річки; розкопки; зберігати стародавнє ім’я; встановити династичні зв’язки; дружина; вибух (напад)гніву; залицятися; боротьба за об’єднання; мирянин; феодальний устрій; прикладне мистецтво; призводити до розпаду на окремі князівства.

16.Translate the following into Ukrainian.

To ply trades; the important waterway; to promote trade; to make one’s way

through the Dniepro; to favour the economic growth; to come into being; unification of the East Slavs; to trick out of stronghold; at the height of one’s glory; Church of the Tithes; the conversion to Christianity; to moor vessels; to occupy quarters; to establish dynastic ties; to carry off; applied arts; to glorify heroism; medieval masterpieces; separate principalities; to grow in wealth; to fix in the gallery; for many miles distant; to court a damsel; strife and rivalry.

17. Match the adjectives to the nouns.

1. victorious

a. ties

2. magic

b. edifice

3. lively

c. Cathedral

4. to establish

d. centre

5. the greatest

e. stronghold

6. ancient

f. gateway

7. splendid

g. place

8. aristocratic

h. trades

9. occupied

i. merchants

10. local

j. quarters

11. unified

k. boyars

12. stopping

l. dynastic ties

13. dynastic

m. chronicle

14. commercial

n. state

15. fortified

o. mirror

16. chief

p. warriors

18. Match the two columns to find the appropriate definitions for the words.

1. conversion

a. to provide suitable conditions for something to happen

2. layman

b. to work at your job or business

3. to ply

c. a building, especially a large one

4. to favour

d. that happens between members of the same group or nation

5. edifice

e. a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport,


business, a fight

6. principality

f. a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger

7. internecine

g. to be even better or greater than someone or something else



8. rival

h. someone who is not trained in a particular subject or type of



9. to surpass

i. the place where something important began

10. to undermine

j. an act of changing from one religion or belief to a


different on

11. a fit of rage

k. country ruled by a prince

12. cradle

l. gradually make someone or something less strong or

19.Complete the following sentences using the material of the text.

1.Princes of many states established dynastic ties … .

2.This was the usual stopping place for foreign merchants who … .

3.Kyiv was fortified by … .

4.The greatest edifice of those times was … .

5.Having seized Kyiv Oleg of Novgorod was known to have said: “ … .

6.The lands of Kyiv Rus soon covered a territory which stretched from … .

7.Lower Kyiv was inhabited by … .

8.This was the site of the Grand Duke’s palace which was surrounded by … .

9.The famous Golden Gate, allegedly carried off by … .

10.St. Sophia Cathedral was built on the site of the 1036 battle … .

11.Kyiv played an important role in the development of … .

12.Schools were organized in … .

13.There were many talented people in literature among … .

14.Rivalry and strife undermined the authority of Grand Duke and … .

20.Use the word combinations from the text to express the same idea.

1.Kyiv was a large trading centre of the East Slavs.

2.The ancient Rus state appeared in the 9th century.

3.Active trade effected the growth of Kyiv.

4.Its territory extended for many miles.

5.Kyiv made connections with other European towns.

6.At that time the first greatest constructions appeared.

7.Merchants haboured their ships in the estuary of the river.

8.There is a supposition that the Golden Gate was carried off by Prince Volodymyr.

9.The power was weakened by the rivalry and strife.

10.The state was broken into fragments.

21. Translate into English.

1.Древній Київ був великим торговим центром древніх слов’ян.

2.Візантійські, варязькі та арабські крамарі привозили свої товари до Києва, причалюючи човни в гирлі річки Почайна.

3.Олег, виманивши київських князів з фортеці, наказав їх вбити.

4.Землі Київської Русі, колиски трьох братніх народів, незабаром вкрили територію, яка простяглася від Чорного моря до Західного Бугу.


5.Нижній Київ стояв на території теперішнього Подолу, там жили купці та ремісники, ковалі, гончарі, дубильники, теслярі, столяри, ювеліри.

6.Навернення до Християнства у 988 році допомогло встановити міцніші зв’язки з Європейськими державами та Візантією.

7.У Верхньому Києві знаходився палац Великого Князя, який був оточений великими будинками аристократичних бояр.

8.Під владою князя Ярослава Мудрого Київ став більш могутнішим і відомим.

9.Його краса перевершила найбільш красиві міста Європи.

10.Міжусобна боротьба та суперництво окремих князів підірвали авторитет Великого Князя, послабили Київську Русь та привели Русь до розпаду на окремі князівства.

22. Render the following text in English.

Київ за часів Володимира

Князювання Володимира Святославича в Києві (980-1015 рр.) було періодом найбільшої політичної могутності Київської Русі. Оспівуючи Володимира Святославича у билинах, народ цінував його насамперед як видатного державного діяча свого часу, при якому Русь стала однією з наймогутніших європейських держав. Його ім’я було символом державної єдності Русі.

Найважливішим заходом Володимира Святославича, що був спрямований на зміцнення держави, можна вважати адміністративну реформу 988 р., суть якої полягала в остаточній ліквідації місцевих племінних князівств. Окрім цього, Володимир побудував багато нових міст і фортець. Це були містафортеці над Десною, Остром, Трубежем, Сулою, Стугною для захисту кордонів Київської Русі від нового грізного ворога, що насувався зі сходу – печенігів.

Князь Володимир Святославич мав високий авторитет серед європейських королівських дворів. Про це свідчать його династичні зв’язки. Сам він був одружений з візантійською принцесою Анною, син його Ярослав Мудрий – з дочкою шведського короля Інгігердою, другий син Святополк – з дочкою польського короля Болеслава І Хороброго.

Володимир заснував у Києві першу відому нам державну школу.

Релігійні реформи Володимира мали на меті ослабити супротивників сильної центральної влади. Офіційною релігією в державі залишалось поки що язичництво.

Язичницька релігія, що виникла за часів родового ладу, не відповідала новому, феодальному суспільству. Цю складну ситуацію добре розумів князь Володимир. У 980 році він робить спробу оновити язичницьку релігію, пристосувавши її до нових умов. Але язичництво, як уже згадувалося, пережило себе. Ось тому Володимир Святославич і змушений був звернутись до однієї з моноїстичних релігій. Такимu релігіями на той час були іслам, іудейство та християнство.


Після тривалих роздумів Володимир Святославич обрав візантійське православ’я. У 988 році Володимир «хрестить Русь», тобто християнство проголошується державною релігією Київської Русі.

Християнство сприяло зміцненню нових, більш прогресивних феодальних суспільних відносин, розширенню економічних і культурних зв’язків Київської Русі з європейськими країнами і особливо з найрозвиненішою тоді Візантією.

23. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

Стародавній Київ

Київ – одне з найдавніших міст нашої країни. Невідомий літописець назвав його матір’ю міст руських, вказуючи на велику роль Києва в історії Давньоруської держави – колиски трьох братніх народів російського, українського, білоруського. Точну дату виникнення Києва наука досі не встановила. Відомо лише, що на території, де пізніше виросло місто, жили ще люди кам’яного віку. Про заснування Києва розповідає літописна легенда: Про плем’я полян, в якому було три брати – Кий, Щек і Хорив та сестра їхня Либідь. Брати збудували місто й назвали його на честь старшого брата Києвом. Завжди багатолюдно на Володимирській гірці, названій на честь князя Володимира, якому над Дніпром споруджено в 19 столітті бронзовий пам’ятник.


Pre – reading task


Answer the following questions.


What do you know about Batu Khan?


Why did he decide to invade the territory of Rus, to your mind?


What was his further destiny?


Scan the article about Batu Khan to check your answers.

Batu Khan (1207 – 1255) was a Mongol ruler and founder of the Golden Horde, the principality of the Mongol empire.Batu was a grandson of Genghis Khan.“Batu” or “Bat” literary means “firm” in the Mongolian language. After the death of Genghis Khan’s son, he became the most respected prince in the Mongol Empire.

When Genghis Khan died in 1227, lands were divided between Batu and his older brother Orda. Orda ruled the lands roughly between the Volga river and Lake Balkhash, whileBatu ruled the lands west of the Volga. In 1235 Batu became commander of the Mongol army assigned to the conquest of Europe. By 1240 he had Moscow and Kyiv in his grasp, and in the following two years he conquered Hungary and Poland and invaded Germany. His recall to Karakorum in 1242 to participate in the election of a grand khan is sometimes said to have, saved Europe from subjection to the Mongols. Batu died while preparing additional campaigns in 1359.

After Batu’s death in1255 the prosperity of his dynasty lasted for a full century till a partial civil war in the late 1290’s. Beginning from 1359 the Golden Horde had begun to experience violent internal political disorder before it was briefly reunited in