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604, 605, 708


Pool - 2
















Restaurants - 1st floor 3rd floor










Checkout - 10:00 A.M.






Pool - 5th floor









Restaurants - 1st floor 3rd floor



604, 605, 708


Checkout - 11:00 A.M.





1.You are traveling with your husband/wife. You would like a single room. You would like to pay by credit card. You will be staying 2 nights. You would like a wake-up call at 6:00 A.M.

2.You are with your brother. You would like a double room. You would like to pay cash. You will be staying for 2 nights. You would like a wake-up call at 6:00 A.M.

3.You are traveling with two friends. You would like a double room. You would like to pay with the credit card. You will be staying 1 night. You would like a wake-up call for 6:30 A.M.

4.You are traveling with your family (3 kids and spouse). You would like a suite (or a double if there are no suites available). You would like to pay with the credit card. You will be staying for 2 nights. You don’t want a wake-up call.

97. Describing a Journey.

Read three extracts from a travel diary.

A.After picking up the Honda in Buenos Aires I carefully packed my camping equipment and left the city. I was soon making my way south along the stormtossed Atlantic coast, passing glorious, golden beaches and small bustling resorts. I decided to stop off at Bahia Blanca and enjoy the hospitality of the friendly locals, before heading out West. A few days later I set off inland, and was soon riding through bleak wasteland. The days were getting shorter now, and the night temperatures were definitely cooler. It was exciting, but also a little troubling to see the next stage of my journey loom ahead – the barren, snow-clad Andes.

B.Chile’s lush green vegetation was a welcome change after the desolate landscape of the Andes. But then it started raining. Unfortunately, this was no ordinary shower – it was a real downpour and it went on for days, which was pretty depressing. I passed several rain-drenched, dreary towns, which were about as welcoming as full of the gloomy-looking people. In fact the rain continued until I reached the capital, Santiago.


C.After Santiago, the weather picked up. It was great riding along the wild Pacific coast in the bright sunshine. But as I approached the Atacama desert, the scenery started to change again. Instead of grassland, there was cactus, then sand. Soon I found myself on the edge of the driest desert in the world, where temperatures ranged from a sizzling 40C˚ in the day to a freezing -5C˚ at night.

Comprehension Сheck

98. Answer the questions.

1.What means of transport did the traveler use?

2.What places was he passing?

3.Why did he stop at Bahia Blanca?

4.What was the inland like?

5.What was the traveler concerned about before the next stage of the journey?

6.What was a welcome change?

7.What appeared to be pretty depressing?

8.What gave a rise to his spirits?

99. Find adjectives in extracts A-C (above) which describe...


towns and cities

the coastline


the mountains

100. Read another extract by the same writer. Add adjectives from the box to expand the sentences.

windswept desolate spectacular derelict shimmering blazing

In the Atacama desert, the road ahead was my only link with civilization. The sun beat down on the sand dunes and ghost towns which lined the route. In the distance I could see volcanoes which marked the edge of the desert and the border with Bolivia.

101.Match the sentence halves.

1.It was a beautiful sunny day when we headed

2.They crossed the swamp, then slowly made

3.After travelling for several hours on the motorway we stopped

4.The road was flooded, so we had to turn

5.If you follow this road for 15 kilometres, you’ll find

6.It was hard work hiking through the snow, but we soldiered

7.The express train sped

8.We were crossing a bridge when the bus broke

a.off at a service station for lunch.

b.their way to the crocodile farm.

c.out towards the mountains.

d.through the countryside without stopping/towards the gloomy city.

e.on until we got to the cabin.


f.back and look for an alternative route.

g.yourself on the coast.

h.down and blocked the road.

102.Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English.

Storm-tossed Atlantic coast; bustling resort; bleak wasteland; to loom ahead; the barren, snow-clad mountain; desolate landscape; rain-drenched; dreary town; to pick up; on the edge; sizzling.

103.Translate into English.

Злива; гола пустеля; вкриті снігом; залитий дощем; покращитись; спекотний; гостинність; галасливі курорти; маячити; сумні похмурі люди; на краю.

104. Read the information about popular tourists destinations and be ready to answer the following questions.

1. Which place do you think can be considered the most interesting and worth visiting?

2.What are the most attractive things for you in travelling? Why do you choose this very place?

3.Why do people think that these five places are among the world’s best places for travel destinations?

The Grand Canyon, USA

Known to native Americans as the ‘Mountain lying down’, the Grand Canyon stretches for 443 kilometres where the Colorado River cuts through north-west Arizona. The canyon is a baby by geological standards – only five or six million years old. It is the incredible colours of these different layers of rock that delight visitors.

Venice, Italy

What could be more romantic than going down a Venetian canal in a gondola? No wonder Venice is the favourite of lovers all over the world. The unique city is located on 118 flat islands, and has over 200 canals and 400 bridges. There is the Piazza San Marco, one of the most beautiful squares in the world with its 500-year-old buildings and the Doge’s Palace, the home of many of Venice’s most famous paintings and sculptures.

Koh Samui, Thailand

A tropical paradise located in the warm blue waters to the southeast of Thailand. Although it is the kingdom’s second largest island after Phuket, it was unknown to tourists until a few years ago. It is covered with coconut trees and brightly coloured flowers and it is surrounded by white sandy beaches and turquoise seas. You can rest on remote beaches, you can do great shopping, you can eat in first class restaurants and see an exciting night-life.


Northern Thailand can also propose you a three-week ‘adventure’ walking holiday. You will walk through jungle and across high hills in a remote part of the country where there are few people and a lot of wild animals.

Las Vegas, USA

A surprising, choice as your favourite city, Las Vegas means the ‘meadows’ in Spanish, but meadows are probably the only thing you can’t find here. Even for those who are not interested in gambling. It is one of the most exciting cities of the world. ‘The Strip’, in the centre of town, is five kilometers of the most extravagant hotels you will ever see, including replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Egyptian Pyramid and ancient Roman Palace.


Ireland is separated into two parts. The north is still part of the UK, while the Republic of Ireland, in the South, has been an independent state since 1921. People speak two official languages here: English and Gaelic. Ireland is famous for its beautiful scenery, especially its coastline and green rolling hills. It is often known as the ‘Emerald Isle’. It is also famous for its traditional music, its many great writers (Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, to name just a few), and finally for its national drink, Guinness, a thick black beer. You should visit Limerick which is one of the most beautiful cities in Ireland. It is situated on the river Shannon, and is famous for its cathedrals and castles. You can be attracted by the Ring Kerry and it’s the most beautiful scenery of Ireland.

105. Speaking.

You are an interviewer, you want to know people’s opinions about the best places to visit. Prepare questions you want to ask and interview the students. Summarize and present your results.

Think of a place you would like to visit. Explain to the class why you think it is the place of your priority. Use active vocabulary.

106. Listening and Writing.

1.You will hear the description of the city of Sydney by a guide who is on a city tour with a group of tourists. Make notes of what was said and be ready to describe the city using the similar way of presentation of information naming the places of interest and its specific attraction for tourists.

2.Write a short description of the place you have been to or you are planning or dreaming to go to. Your description should include the following:


Paragraph 1: set the scene (name, location of the place, reasons for choosing the place)

Main body

Paragraph 2, 3: overall look and particular details (place, sights, facilities, free-time activities, buildings with their specific details)


Final Paragraph 4: feelings and final thoughts about the place, recommendation.




Discuss the following issues.


What do you know about the development of tourism industry in Ukraine?


Tourism industry is very profitable. What are the best ways to develop it?


Read the article, translate it into Ukrainian. Be ready to discuss it.

Investing in the Future of Ukrainian Tourism

On September 27 Ukraine celebrates together with the rest of the planet World Tourism Day. Ukraine's potential in the tourism and recreation industry, together with its abundance of vacation resorts, is right up there with the most frequently visited countries in the world. The expansion of international contacts is opening up new windows of opportunity for bringing the country's tourist industry as a viable product to the global market and capitalizing on the experience of leading tourism organizations around the world.

Ukraine has concluded bilateral agreements on cooperation in the tourism industry with 28 countries on different continents. Joint inter-departmental committees on tourism and inter-government committees on economic and scientific cooperation further the execution of such agreements and the setting up of working groups on tourism within their framework.

An important component of international contacts is institutional cooperation.

Accordingly, Ukraine is emerging onto the global arena of tourism through direct participation in the activity of international organizations. The possibilities of exploiting the financial and organizational mechanisms of international bodies for enhancing the economic efficiency of the national tourism industry are limitless.

In October 1997, at the 12th session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization held in Istanbul, Turkey, Ukraine became an official member of this organization.

Two years later, in September 1999, Ukraine was elected to the World Tourism Organization Executive Council at the body's 13th session in Santiago, Chile. This governing body is responsible for formulating global tourism policy, actively influences its realization and controls budget processes. The inclusion of Ukraine in the organization's executive council has strategic significance. In particular, this will help to promote Ukrainian tourism on the world market, increase proceeds to the country's national budget, and introduce the latest innovative technologies in compliance with international standards.

It is noteworthy that the tourism industry accounts for 10.9% of gross product in the world. Ukraine today is showing average world indicators with an aggregate income from tourism (which includes 50 sectors) of around 10% of GDP. The country's potential in this sector, however, can be multiplied by 2-3 times.

Today tourism in Ukraine is taking steps forward. New routes are being built and it's been understood that tourism is a sector of the economy that works towards the


development of the economy and culture in the country. Today we must take a serious approach to this sector at a governmental level.

In conclusion, development of Ukrainian tourism has a profound effect on such sectors of the domestic economy as transport, trade, communications, construction, agricultural and production of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and tourism today is one of the most promising sectors of structural rebuilding of the national economy.

What Makes Tourism in Ukraine Attractive?

There are many features that are advantageous to the development of Ukraine tourism:

Over 500 cities of Ukraine were founded more than 900 years ago, also 4,500 villages of Ukraine are more than 300 years old.

More than 150-thousand monuments of culture, history, and archeology reflect the remarkable history of the Ukrainian people. 80 % of the monuments of Kyivan Rus epoch (IX - XII centuries) are concentrated in the territory of Ukraine.

The excavations of ancient towns in Tira, Olviya, Chersonese dating from the 5th century B.C. as well as the magnificent fortresses built in the 14th-15th centuries by Italians, are located in the Crimea.

More than 600 museums introduce the most outstanding facts and personalities of Ukrainian history and culture.

Ukraine has excellent and diverse geography, climatic conditions, and scenic nature. Ukraine tourism operators consider the Black Sea and the Crimea as an ideal place for mountaineering, mountain bicycling, rock climbing and diving. The Carpathian mountains are a traditional place for skiing, mountaineering and


Many regions of Ukraine have saved their ethnic originality. Tourists therefore have a great opportunity to get acquainted with national culture, songs, dances, and meals.

Comprehension Check

109. Answer the questions.

1.Why is the expansion of international contacts so important for our country?

2.When did Ukraine become a member of the World Tourism Organization?

3.Why is the inclusion of Ukraine in the World Tourism Organization Executive Council of great significance?

4.Do you think tourism industry is very profitable?

5.What is the impact of tourism on the economy of the country?

6.What makes Tourism in Ukraine attractive?

7.What are the recent changes in the visa regime of Ukraine with other countries?

110. Complete the sentences.

1. Ukraine's potential in the tourism and recreation industry_____________.


2.The expansion of international contacts________________.

3.Ukraine has concluded bilateral agreements_________________.

4.Ukraine is emerging onto______________.

5.Ukraine became an official member of___________________.

6.The World Tourism Organization Executive Council is responsible for________.

7.The inclusion of Ukraine in the WTO Executive Council will help_____________.

8.Today tourism in Ukraine is_______________.

9.Ukraine has visa-free access for_____________.

10.The development of Ukrainian tourism has a profound effect on______________.

Vocabulary Focus

111. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations in English and use them in situations of your own.

Аbundance of vacation resorts; the expansion of international contacts; a viable product; to capitalize on the experience of leading tourism organizations around the world; to exploit the financial and organizational mechanisms; to enhance the economic efficiency of; to promote Ukrainian tourism on the world market; to increase proceeds to the country's national budget; in compliance with international standards; aggregate income; impetus ; relaxation of the visa regime; visa-free access; CIS countries; to have a profound effect on; scenic nature.

112. Translate into English.

Велика кількість курортів; розширення міжнародних контактів; конкурентоспроможний продукт; укласти двосторонню угоду; просувати виконання; створити робочу групу; у рамках співробітництва; відповідно; з’явитися на світовому ринку; розширювати економічну ефективність; виконавча рада; стратегічне значення; запровадити останні новітні технології; просуватися вперед; відповідно до світових стандартів; серйозно поставитися; мати значний вплив; послаблення візового режиму; безвізовий доступ; стимул, поштовх; країни СНД; структурна реорганізація; відображати видатну історію; мальовнича природа; епоха.

113. Translate the sentences using the vocabulary of the article Investing in the future of Ukrainian tourism”.

1.За своїм туристичним і курортно-рекреаційним потенціалом Україна не поступається найбільш відвідуваним країнам світу.

2.Розширення міжнародних контактів відкриває перед нашої країною нові можливості у сфері туризму.

3.Україна уклала двосторонні угоди про співробітництво в галузі туризму з 28 країнами різних континентів.

4.Варто відзначити, що загалом у світі туристична індустрія дає 10,9% світового валового продукту.


5.Через особисту участь у діяльності всесвітніх і міжнародних структур активізується входження України у світовий туристичний простір.

6.Україна була обрана до Виконавчої Ради Всесвітньої туристичної організації. Цей керівний орган формує світову туристичну політику, активно впливає на її запровадження, контролює бюджетні питання. Залучення України до Виконавчої Ради Всесвітньої туристичної організації має стратегічне значення.

7.Розвиток туризму в Україні має значний вплив на такі галузі економіки як, зокрема, транспортна, торгівельна, будівництво та сільське господарство.

8.Протягом останніх років туристична індустрія в Україні є однією з найбільш прибуткових та життєздатних галузей.

9.Туризм та курортно-рекреаційний потенціал України є ефективним засобом, що забезпечує надходження до державного бюджету та сприяє розширенню міжнародних зв`язків.

10.Україна, зі своєю багатою історією та культурними традиціям, сприятливими географічними та кліматичними умовами має всі шанси стати повноправним членом світової організації туризму.

11.Всесвітня туристична організація формує світову туристичну політику, активно впливає на її зіпровадження та контролює бюджетні питання.

12.Оскільки туризм вважається однією з найбільш прибуткових галузей, що швидко розвивається, уряд розробляє заходи, спрямовані на її подальший розвиток та процвітання.


114. Read the article about green vacation opportunities in Ukraine. Learn the vocabulary to use it in further exercises.

Dreaming of a Green Vacation

By Leonid Uzvar

Do you want to change your surroundings and forget about the everyday hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle? Peace and quiet in a rustic natural environment is easily found in Ukrainian villages, where the owners of private estates offer a hearty reception and a plethora of entertainment opportunities. So, where can one find such «green» tourism in an environmentally clean place in Ukraine and how many greenbacks will it cost?

The right kind of vacation

Those who vacationed in the Maldives and Seychelles this summer, tried the exotic cuisine of Thailand and covered themselves from head to toe with the curative mud of the Dead Sea in Israel will now most certainly want a different kind of vacation. Your best bet is to drive out of the city closer to nature in a Ukrainian village. Just a few years ago, not many in Ukraine knew about such a form of recreation as green tourism. In truth, this can be just as enjoyable as a trip abroad and will most definitely save you a few bucks.

After all, where else can you eat apples picked right from the tree, drink fresh milk from a cow, taste freshly tapped honey and pick berries and mushrooms?


Green Carpathians

The owners of a number of homes located in the Carpathian Mountains are quite inventive in attracting tourists. They can offer you rafting on the Cheremosh and Dniester rivers, climbing Mount Hoverla and other mountains, horseback riding and mountain hiking, collecting berries and mushrooms with a guide, riding on mountain bikes and quads, trips through the mountains in all-terrain vehicles etc. You can also check out Lake Synevir, waterfalls, Yaremcha, Uzhgorod, the Mukacheve Castle, Chernivtsi and other famous sights in Western Ukraine.

The accommodation prices depend on the level of comfort of mini-hotels and their proximity to places of interest. Particularly attractive for tourists are the colorful log cabins built in the spirit of national Ukrainian traditions. They are often equipped with a sauna. Sometimes tourists prefer to stay in small country estates choosing a place where there are restaurants with national cuisine and places of entertainment nearby. The tourism infrastructure near the ski resort Bukovel is highly developed with expensive hotels that are almost never empty.

Those who want to go high up in the mountains should consider the surrounding area of Rakhiv and Drahobrat, where there are houses there at altitude of 1,300-1,500 meters above sea level. One can also look for places that are more remote from civilization.

Breathe and swim

In autumn Lake Svityaz, which along with dozens of other lakes is a part of the Shatskiy National Nature Reserve Park, becomes a real Mecca for green tourists traveling around Ukraine. There are many cozy cottages on the picturesque banks of the lakes in the natural reserve. These beautiful nice houses are built with pine beams situated 100-300 meters from the lakeshore. A large family or a big company is better off renting the entire cottage. Water in the local lakes is known for its high silver content. So, if you have no fear about catching a cold, go for a dip. Those who are active can rent a quad, boat or catamaran, reserve a cruise on a yacht, go horseback riding, diving, fishing or go on a walking, kayaking, auto or bicycle excursion.

Closer to the capital

The best attributes of renting private houses in the central and northern regions of Ukraine are authentic village traditions and national cuisine. Some homeowners rebuild old houses, equip them with special ovens and build hay lofts especially for tourists. However, there you can also find modern, comfortable houses amidst the natural surroundings.

To learn what real village life is about, go to the Cherkasy Oblast – the homeland of poet Taras Shevchenko. The Chernihiv Oblast invites tourists to enjoy the beauties of the romantic Desna River. The Vinnytsya Oblast attracts tourists with its rocky banks and rapids of the Pivdenniy Buh River. Not far from Kyiv, it is also possible to rent a house near the Kyiv Sea and go on splendid fishing trip.

Closer to the seaside

There are plenty of wonderful places to visit in the Crimea, though ‘Green tourism Crimean style’ is the most expensive. Besides accommodation, tourists are


offered decent living conditions, swimming pools, different excursions, diving, a jeep safari and traditional Tatar cuisine for an extra charge.

In general, wherever you decide to go, green tourism is a pleasant experience. Nature in Ukrainian rural areas will put you in a good mood and give the strength to last until the next vacation.

Comprehension check

A. State if the following statements are true or false, find the sentences in the article that prove it.

1.The owners of private estates in Ukrainian villages offer a hearty reception and entertainment opportunities.

2.If one vacationed in the Maldives, Seychelles or Thailand, they will most certainly go there again, but some of them may also want a different kind of vacation.

3.The best choice to go on a green vacation is to drive not far from big Ukrainian cities like Chernihiv or Kharkiv.

4.Such a form of recreation as green tourism can save you some money.

5.You can check out Lake Synevir, splendid waterfalls, Lake Svityaz in the Rivne region.

6.The accommodation prices in the Carpathian Mountains are practically the same in all villages of this region.

7.If you want to enjoy beautiful nature of Lake Svityaz, you will have to rent a minivan or a trailer to get there, because there are no cottages available for renting near the lakeshore.

8.You can find modern, comfortable houses amidst the natural surroundings, if you decide to go on a green vacation in Ukraine.

9.Those who are staying near rivers and lakes have at their disposal such forms of entertainment as a quad, boat, catamaran, liner or yacht.

10.The Shatskiy National Nature Reserve Park is a real Mecca for green tourists in Ukraine.

B. Answer the questions.

1.Why do people turn to alternative kinds of vacation?

2.What is ‘green tourism’?

3.How do agreeable hosts of the Carpathian Mountains attract tourists?

4.What influences the price of accommodation for tourists in the Carpathian Mountains region?

5.Why is Lake Svityaz considered to be a real Mecca for green tourists?

6.What are the activities that green tourists can enjoy near the lake?

7.What is particularly attractive in renting private houses?

8.What can the central regions, such as Vinnytsya and Cherkasy, offer for vacationers?

Vocabulary Focus