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All-Saints Church over the Economic Gates, a stone fortification, a refectory church, monastic cells, and the churches on the sites of the Near and Far Caves. They were in the Ukrainian baroque style which prevailed at that time and expertly combined the age-old traditions of Ukrainian wooden churches, Ukrainian folk motifs and the decorative elements of Russian architecture with the principles of classical baroque.

All-Saints Church over the Economic Gates and the Church and Tower of St. Onuphri with their faceted crosses and richly ornamented walls are lavish in details, the abundance of ornamentation and the extensive play of light and shade do not obscure their main features.

The dominating structure is the 96-metre- high Belfry of the Higher Monastery (1731-1745), in its time the tallest building in Russia. Designed by Johann Shedel, Petersburg architect, the Belfry follows an octahedral ground plan and has four beautifully proportionedtiers. The first tier is built of hewn stone slabs, while the second is encircled by 32 RomanDoric columns grouped in four. The third tier is surrounded by 16 ionic columns in groups of two,

and the fourth by eight Corinthian columns in groups of three. The cupolas are plated with gilded copper, and the entire structure blendsmagnificently with the surrounding landscape.




Uspenskiy Cathedral

8. Ukrainian State Museum of Books



and Printing


Great Lavra Bell Tower

9. Ukrainian State Museum of



Decorative Folk Art


Troitska Church


Ukrainian State Museum of



Theatrical, Musical and Cinema Arts


Mykolska Hospital Church


Thematic exhibitions


All-Saints Church with


Exhibition of micro-miniatures

economic gates




Refectory and church


Rebirth Church


Museum of historical treasures



The Belfry was constructed with the direct participation of Stepan Kovnir, a gifted architect and a serf of the Monastery. He also built other structures, including


the printing works, the so-called Kovnir Building and the Belfry of the Lower Monastery.

The Kovnir Building which is located in the eastern part of the grounds, is one of the first civil structuresof the 18th century.Its first part – the south wing – was used as a bakery. Later Kovnir added a symmetrical building with three pediments to house the monastery’s bookshop.

The Kovnir building was buit over three decades, which had an effect on its style. Although it has remained the same, the units (such as pediments) that were built earlier were more austere, while those of a later period are a little more ornate.

There is also the Kovnir Belfry (1754 -1761), graceful and elegant.

Near the walls of the former refectory (1893 - 1895) are the tombs of Vasil Kochubey and Ivan Iskra, prominent Ukrainian figures in the Northern War against the Swedes, victims of the treachery of Hetman Mazepa in 1708. Pushkin, in the commentary on his poem Poltava, quotes the old verses carved on the tomb stone.

For many centuries the Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery was the seat of Ukrainian culture. In the 16th and 17th centuries a number of outstanding public figures, writers and missionaries were educated in the monastery. For many prominent painters the monastery was a useful school of art. Books published by its printing works were beautifully illustrated with woodcuts and copper-plate engravings. They were in great demand in all the Slav countries.

The Monastery had also accumulated an extensive collection of valuable jewelry showing changes in artistic styles and the development of folk art.

In 1926 a Government Decree proclaimed the Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery an ancient monument under state protection.

Comprehension Check

44. Answer the questions.

1.Where is Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery situated?

2.Where are the Far Caves and the Near Caves located?

3.Where were the first buildings of the monastery built?

4.What role did the Monastery play?

5.What do you know about

a/ the collegiate Church of Dormition? b/ the Church of the Trinity?

c/ the Church of the Saviour ‘at the village of Berestovo’?

6.Why and when was the monastery neglected?

7.When did the intensive construction begin?

8.Which styles were prevailing in the buildings of the period of 1690-1702?


9.Why was the Belfry a dominating structure?

10.What is Stepan Kovnir famous for?

11.What role was played by the Lavra in its history?

45. Define the statements as true or false.

1.The Kyiv-Pechersk monastery occupies a small territory and was built at the end of the 11th century.

2.The origin of the name comes from the word “cave”.

3.The monastery’s development was slowed down by feudal order.

4.The first church of the monastery was the Church of the Domition.

5.The principle which was used in church construction was a cruciform plan.

6.When you approach the Lavra the first thing you see is All – Saints Church.

7.In construction of the Church of the Saviour they used the cruciform ground plan with three apses and two cupolas.

8.After the ravages of the Mongol – Tatar hordes the Lavra was neglected.

9.There was a shop where smalt was produced.

10.One of the dominating structures of the monastery was the Belfry.

11.Baroque was mainly used in column construction.

12.For many centuries the Monastery was the seat of Ukrainian culture.

46. Match the dates and the events using the material of the text.

1. 12th – 13th centuries

The Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery was a large-scale

2.13th century

enterprise with 56,000serfs.

The wealth, power and glory of Kyiv passed away

3.15th century

in the face of the ravages of the Mongol-Tatar hordes.

One of the oldest pinting shop in Ukraine was set

4.18th century

up in the monestery.

A number of outstanding public figures, writers,

5.16th – 17th centuries

missionaries were educated in the Monastery.

Restoration and reconstruction of the Monastery



Language Focus

47. Explain the meanings and give the context of the following words from the

text above.


1. austerity of style

9. a cupola

2. a large – scale enterprise

10. a carved iconostasis

3. ecclesiastical

11. feudalism

4. compactness

12. reliefs

5. to neglect

13. smalt

6. to blend magnificently

14. a prominent figure

7. treachery

15. to accumulate

8. extensive collection

16. to proclaim a decree



48.Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future.

Huge, monk, feudalism, chronicle, divine, smalt, ecclesiastical, collegiate, austerity, niches, iconostasis, baroque, octahedral, tomb, treachery.

49.Translate into English.

Сяючі куполи; келії монахів схожі на печери; фортеця; влада князя; осипати

цінними дарунками; церковні споруди; залишки майстерні, де виробляли смальту; викопувати на схилах Дніпра; церква Успіння Святої Богородиці; дерев’яна споруда; цегляна споруда, покрита розчином вапна; фундамент у формі хреста; суворість стилю; Троїцька надбрамна церква; різьблений іконостас; поховати у церкві; володіння київських князів; церква спаса на Берестові; нагадувати різьблення по дереву; спустошення;друкарський цех; цех з виробництва скла; велике підприємство; стиль бароко; поєднувати стародавні традиції; мати восьмигранний план; збудувати з витесаних кам’яних плит; куполи, вкриті позолоченою міддю; суворий, простий; вишукано прикрашений; мати попит.

50. Match the words in the left column to the definition in the right one.

1. stronghold

a.to fail to look after someone or something properly

2. prestige

b. a way of decorating wood, stone etc with a shape or figure that


is raised above the surface

3. ensemble

c. the respect and admiration that someone or something gets


because of their success or important position in society

4. obscure

d. an area where there is a lot of support for a particular way of


life, political party


e.to make something difficult to know or understand; to prevent


something from being seen or heard clearly

6. apse

f. a picture or pattern that is made on wet plaster

7. domain

g. a large impressive building

8. chapel

h. a room or building where there are tools and machines to make



9. mosaics

i. a number of buildings that go together to form a whole

10. reliefs

j. an area owned by somebody

11. fresco

k. a picture o pattern that is made by placing together small


coloured stones, pieces of glass, etc.

12. ecclesiastical

l. a small building or room that is used by some Christians as a



13. neglect

m.a curved inside end of the building especially east end of the



14. edifice

n. relating to the Christian church or priests

51. Translate into Ukrainian.


A wooden edifice; octahedral ground plan; gilded copper; to be adorned with mosaics and frescoes; carved iconostasis; austerity of style; to hew in the heights; printing works; to be interred; ravagers; an ecclesiastical building; the Church of Dormition; to shower valuable gifts; the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin; to lay the foundation; to be founded; apses; graceful and elegant a collegiate church; a brisk and mortar building; to carve on the stone; divine authority; existing feudal order; stone slabs; beautifully proportioned tiers; to blend magnificently; a gifted architect; refectory; a prominent figure; graceful and elegant.

52. Complete the following sentences using the words from the list.

catch the eye

Chronicle of Past Days ecclesiastical building monastery

showered valuable gifts set up

the backing of the church

carved iconostasis


brick and mortar

mosaics and frescoes baroque

1.The huge territory of the first Rus ____ covers two big hills and the valley between them.

2.Chronicler Nestor wrote his _____ here.

3.On the territory of Pechersky Monastery there are churches that ____ as soon as you approach the Lavra.

4.The church has a splendidly ____ the work of Ukrainian craftsmen.

5.The oldest printing works was ____ in the Monastery.

6.During the period between 1690-1702 several new buildings were erected, which were in Ukrainian ____ style.

7.The Kyiv princes who needed _____ , because its prestige lent divine authority to the existing feudal order, _____ , including the land.

8.This included the production of coloured smalt for mosaic work used in ornamenting the interiors of _______.

9.The collegiate Church of the Domition is a _____ building.

10.The interior of the church was adorned with _____, the work of Greek and Rus masters.

53. Match the words to make collocations.

1. the stronghold of

a. feudal disintegration

2. to be ornamented with

b. the picturesque environment

3. a brick and mortar

c. gilded copper

4. to harmonize with

d. in details

5. the period of

e. building

6. a large – scale

f. surrounding landscape

7. Ukrainian folk

g. feudalism

8. the principles of

h. classical baroque

9.to be plated with

i. enterprise

10.to blend magnificently

j. motifs



54. Match the adjectives to the nouns to make word combinations.

1. austerity of

a. frescoes

2. a symmetrical

b. construction

3. a graceful and elegant

c. ground plan

4. a carved

d. styles

5. to be adorned with

e. disintegration

6. huge

f. collection

7. a cruciform

g. art

8. an ecclesiastical

h. environment

9. intensive

i. reliefs

10.a wooden

j. iconostasis

11. picturesque

k. monument

12. feudal

l. church

13. collegiate

m. edifice

14.copper plate

n. slabs

15. accumulated

o. engravings

16. folk

p. figures

17. public

q. building

18. unique

r. belfry

55. Translate into English.

1.Києво-Печерський монастир розташований на зелених пагорбах над Дніпром.

2.Келії монахів, які нагадували печери, дали монастирю ім’я.

3.Центральне місце в архітектурному ансамблі займає колегіальна церква Успіння.

4.Колегіальна церква Успіння – цегляна будівля, покрита розчином вапна – пов’язана з періодом феодального розпаду, тому простота, стислість та суворість стилю були характерними.

5.Видатний архітектор з Петербурга Йоган Шедель в співпраці з Степаном Ковніром, який на той час був архітектором і кріпаком, спроектували та збудували Дзвіницю – найвищу споруду в Росії.

6.Протягом багатьох століть Києво-Печерський монастир був центром української культури.

7.В 16-му – 17-му століттях багато письменників місіонерів отримували освіту в Монастирі. Книжки, які друкували в Монастирі, були вишукано прикрашені різьбленням по дереву та гравюрами.

8.У монастирі зібрана велика колекція ювелірних виробів, які демонструють розвиток народного мистецтва різних часів.

56. Solve the crossword puzzle.


57. Render the text in English.

Києво-Печерський державний заповідник

Києво-Печерський державний історико-культурний заповідник засновано на території колишнього монастиря. Перша згадка про цей монастир зустрічається в літопису “Повість временних літ” під 1051 роком. Виникнення його пов’язане з поширенням християнства на Русі. Згодом, при підтримці панівних класів, монастир став основним релігійним вогнищем Давньої Русі, перетворився на великого феодала-землевласника. Києво-Печерський монастир(його так само, як і великі монастирі у Візантії, називали лаврою) став незабаром і провідним культурним центром. Тут жили і працювали літописці Нестор, Никон, Іаков, художник Сліпій, лікарі Агапіт, Даміант.


Першими кам’яними монументальними спорудами, зведеними на території монастиря, були: Успенський собор, церква Іоанна Предтечі, Трапезна і Троїцька надбрамна церкви. Навколо центральної садиби лаври були споруджені спочатку дерев’яні, а потім, у ХII столітті, кам’яні стіни.

Протягом багатовікової історії лаврські будови неодноразово зазнавали руйнувань. Та минав час, і вони піднімалися з руїн та попелу, відроджені руками талановитих майстрів. Остаточне формування архітектурного ансамблю лаври припадає на другу половину ХVII – середину ХVIII століття. Саме тоді, в умовах економічного і культурного піднесення, викликаного возз’єднанням України з Росією, були оздоблені древньоруські споруди, побудовані нові комплекси, що доповнили й естетично збагатили ансамбль.

З 1926 року територію лаври оголошено історико-культурним заповідником. Великий комплекс споруд, що виростали тут з ХI століття, становить історичну й архітектурну цінність.

58. Translate into English.

Києво-Печерська лавра

Києво-Печерська лавра є найдревнішою і найбільш шанованою лаврою на Русі. Вона була заснована в середині XI ст.преподібним Антонієм у виглядіпідземних храмів.

Спочатку виниклиДальні печери,а через кілька роківБлижні печери. Технічно Ближні та Дальні печери мають такі параметри: ширина - 1 -1,5 м, висота - 2 - 2,5 м, довжина Ближніх печер - 383 м, Дальніх - 293 м, глибина - 5 - 20 м. У невеликих нішах, що

відходять від основних коридорів, присвятивши себе Богу, проводили своє життя затворники. У Ближніх печерах знаходяться79 поховань.Серед них мощісвятих:Літописця Нестора, лікаря Агапіта,богатиря Іллі Муромця. Достовірно відомі випадки зцілення

паломників, які побували


мощів святих. Наземні споруди




спорудженняпечер.Першим у 1089

році збудувалиУспенський

собор –



Печерськоїлаври,у 1941 році храм підірвали,а у 2000 році Успенський соборвідбудували знову. Центральним входом на територію Лаври є Троїцька надворітна церква.

Існує повір'я, що людині, яка


пройшла через ті ворота, прощається половина із всіх її гріхів. Будівля ця була закладена напочатку XII століття.

Наступноюмонументальноюбудівлею єВелика дзвіниця,збудована у 1745 році.Її висота з хрестом 96,5 м,діаметр основи 28,8 м.

Також заслуговує уваги Трапезна палата і церква,біля якої знаходитьсямогила П.Столипіна -прем'єр-міністраРосійської імперії.

На території Лаврирозміщені:музейісторичнихкоштовностей України, Державниймузей українськогонародного декоративногомистецтва, Державниймузей книги такнигодрукування України, Державниймузей театрального,музичного і кінематографічногомистецтв України,виставка мікромініатюр ітематичні виставки.

Нині на територіїКиєво-Печерської лавризнаходиться діючийчоловічий монастир.


59. Discuss the following issues.

Have you heard about the tragedy of the Babyn Yar?Why is this place known all over the world?

What do you know about the concentration camps on the territory of Kyiv during the Second World War?

60. Read the text. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

The Babyn Yar

The Babyn Yar has been known in Kyiv since remote past as a natural ravine between two local areas Dorogozhitska and Syrets. But the name itself has come in notice at the beginning of this century and was closely connected with the ladylandowner, the master of a nearby estate. Ukrainian word "Baba" stands for the English "Old lady", "Yar" for a "Ravine". In September of 1941, right after Kyiv was occupied by the Nazis, the Babyn Yar became the place of massive execution of thousands of the Soviet people. The occupants chose it for the very convenient location. It was outskirts of the city, far from the centre, on slight vision of the

residence, and well connected by the direct highway with the city.

The first victims of the Babyn Yar were communists and activists, killed here. On the first day of occupation, and in a week, the Nazis announced that all the Jews of Kyiv were to be gathered with valuable property as if to bedeported from Kyiv. On the 29th of September people, mostly women, the old men and children, started along the street towards the railway junction. This street was lined up with soldiers who hurried people up to the Babyn Yar. In order to stifle shooting loudspeakers were broadcasting music. People began to understand what was going on


there but could not escape. In the Babyn Yar people were undressed, then placed on the edge of the ravine and killed. Kids were thrown to the pits alive. Many of the people were thrown there been only wounded.

The ravine was three kilometers long and forty meters deep. Corpses were thrown in it and covered with earth. For a few following days the ravine was stirring and roaringwas heard. During two days (the 29th and the 30th of September) 34 thousand people were executed there.

In a meanwhile the Nazis made a concentration camp right on the top of the ravine and it was in operation up to the liberation in November 1943. Thousands of people were kept in slavery conditions. They starved. In August of 1943 when commonliberation of Kyiv was real the Nazis decided to hide up the evidence of cruelty. They picked up the strongest men in the camp and forged them tight in groups of five by chains. These people were making a huge stove 10 meter long and 10 meter wide, then they put out a layer of firewood and next the corpses of the prisoners of the concentration camp.

The height of the stove reached 3m. After the big fire was fixed remained ashes were carefully checked for gold and precious things and mixed up with earth. Those people who were forced to make such stoves could not escape the execution themselves, and to preserve the truth of such tragedy they decided to organize a massive escape from the camp. But finally only 16 of them managed to come out alive. After the war the number of fell victims of the concentration camp and the Babyn Yar tragedy was estimated over 200,000.

Besides this there were two more concentration camps put in operation during the Second World War in Kyiv. The one in Darnitsa district - on the bank of the Dniepro river - was for the military staff only. 65, 000 people were executed there during the war. The third camp was organized in Syrets district for civilian population. Close to 40, 000 people were put to death there.

Comprehension Check

61. Answer the questions.

1.Where does the name the “Babyn Yar” originate from?

2.Why did the occupants choose this place for the massive execution?

3.Who were the first victims of the Babyn Yar?

4.What happened on the 29thof September 1941?

5.How many people were killed during 29th and 30thof September?

6.How did the Nazis treat people in a concentration camp?

7.How did the Nazis hide up the evidence of their cruelty?

8.Did anyone manage to come alive from the camp?

9.Were there any other concentration camps in operation in Kyiv? Where?

10.What is the official number of fell victims at the Babyn Yar?

62. Complete the sentences.

1. After Kyiv was occupied by the Nazis, the Babyn Yar became … .