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Українського Дому, який наразі є місцем проведення художніх виставок, ярмарків та культурний подій.

89. Read the article from Kyiv Post Magazine. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

Know your city: one monument to two events

As odd as it may sound, Kyivans managed to dedicate the first monument built in Kyiv to commemorate two separate events. The column of Magdeburg Rights, near Poshtova Ploshcha in the Podil neighborhood, is also known as the Lower Volodymyr Monument. Both names are legitimate as they mark two important events in Ukrainian history – the christening of Kyiv Rus in 988 and the return of Magdeburg Rights, laws rooted in the medieval era that granted municipal powers to Kyiv intermittently from the 15th century until the 19th century. There is an explanation that ties them both together.

The place where the white column stands may be where Prince Volodymyr baptized his sons, as a stream flowed there in the days of old before disappearing, perhaps being subsumed into the Dniepro River. The monument, though, was built soon after the Magdeburg Rights were returned to Ukraine. Since the 17th century, there was a small chapel that pilgrims visited, among other sacred places. The water in the stream was believed to heal eye diseases.

“The legend says that Volodymyr got blind before the christening,” said Anna Shevchuk, a Kyiv guide. “After being baptized, he began to see.” Though Volodymyr’s magical healing had nothing to do with the stream, as he was baptized somewhere else, people connected the two events. The stream is long gone. Over the years, the chapel fell into disrepair. Near the end of the 18th century, as Magdeburg Rights were taken away and then restored, the decision was made to build the monument that exists today.

The monument originally looked like a two-tier stone pedestal with an 18-meter column. Despite the then-popular baroque style, architect Andriy Melensky in 18021808 built the memorial in the tradition of classicism. The column is crowned with a small golden cupola with a cross on top. The chapel was kept, placed inside the pedestal and the stream flowed from a small fountain there. In the 19th century, Kyiv Christians, led by priests, stopped at the chapel during processions on church holidays.

Further renovations changed the face of the monument. Over the years, the pedestal was narrowed to one tier. In 1935, the chapel was turned into a cafeteria but later demolished. The cross on top of the column was also taken away in Soviet times, to be returned during the 1988 millennium celebration of Kyiv Rus’ conversion to Christianity.

In 1908, Kyiv journalist Anatoliy Savenko protested against the horrible condition of the wooden stairs leading to the monument. Seven years later, they were replaced by concrete ones with beautiful street lights in every stairwell. In Soviet times, it was a popular place for strolling in summer and skiing in winter.


Today the monument has lost all its former glory. The stairs are in poor condition, with street lights smashed and some steps missing. And the monument itself slopes. Some Kyivans even started to call it “the tower of Pisa.”

So, better go check it out before it collapses completely. The best way to get there is walking by the embankment from Poshtova Ploshcha.

Alexandra Romanovskaya

Kyiv Post staff writer

90. Translate into English. Give the summary of the textusing the vocabulary below.

Правильний, з перервами, впадати (про струмок), не мати нічого спільного з чимось, стати занедбаним (про будівлю), популярний у той час, обертання до християнства, проліт сходів, колишня велич, хилитися, обвалюватися.


91. Read the text carefully. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

St.Michael of the Golden Domes

Since its reconstruction last year, St.Michael’s Square is once again part of a wider architectural ensemble together with St.Sophia’s. It was only in the mid 19thcentury that this overall unity became apparent because until the defensive earth walls dividing Yaroslav’s city from that of his son Izyaslav’s were demolished in the middle of the 19th century, both squares were equally important as the centres of quite separate areas of town.

St.Michael’s was built at the beginning of the 12th century by Yaroslav’s grandson Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Prince of Kyiv. He chose a site right at the edge of the slope above Podil, where the even earlier monastery of St.Dmitri had stood. Like other Byzantine churches dating from the days of Kievan Rus, St.Michael’s was transformed at the end of the 17th century into a magnificent baroque structure. Architectural historians consider it to have been one of the most successful mergings of two distinct architectural styles. It was at this time, that the monastery took on a completely different appearance with the addition of its bell tower and the Refectory Church of St. John the Divine, among others.

Once Soviet power had been consolidated in Ukraine in 1920, the city of Kharkiv became the capital. Only 13 years later the Soviet authorities restored this title to Kyiv, on condition that the old city would be altered to suit the new idеology of the ‘workers and peasants’ state’. A commission decided accordingly to relocate the new government centre in Kyiv’s old city and this required at the very least the demolition of St.Michael’s Cathedral and the Church of the Three Blessed Ones (which stood where the Foreign Ministry is now).

In 1995 President Kuchma issued a decree on the reconstruction of a number of historical buildings which had been demolished including St.Michael’s. Work started in 1997 and gave rise to considerable controversy about the building of modern


copies of 12th century masterpieces. There is a small but interesting museum on the second floor of the restored bell tower telling the story of the Monastery and its reconstruction.

In the middle of the square stands a group sculpture. Carved from Carrara marble which was collected from Italy by the entire government delegation, it consists of Princess Olga (Yaroslav’s great grandmother), St.Andrew the Apostle on the left and the brothers Cyril and Methodius, authors of the Slavonic (Cyrillic) alphabet. It replaced the concrete monuments which stood there from 1911 to 1919, designed by Kyiv sculptor Ivan Kavaleridze, who also created the original design for the statue of Yaroslav the Wise by the Golden Gate.

Comprehensive Check

92. Decide the following statements as true or false.

1.St. Michael’s was built at the beginning of the 12th century by Yaroslav the Wise.

2.St. Michael’s was transformed at the end of the 17th century.

3.Once Soviet power had been consolidated in Ukraine in 1920, the city of Kyiv became the capital.

4.In 1993 President Kuchma issued a decree on the reconstruction of a number of historical buildings.

5.The monument is carved from Carrara marble.

6.It consists of Princess Olga, St.Andrew the Apostle on the right and the brothers Cyril and Methodius on the left.

93. Answer the questions.

1.When did St. Michael’s Square and St. Sophia’s become part of a wider architectural ensemble?

2.When did this overall unity become apparent?

3.When was St. Michael’s built ?

4.What site was chosen to build the Church?

6.What changes were brought in the period of Soviet power consolidation?

7.What motivation was used to relocate the new government centre?

8.What a decree was issued by President Kuchma?

9.What was erected in the middle of the square?

94. Match the left and the right columns to find the appropriate facts or events for the figures and numbers.


a. the concrete monument was replaced by a marbie group

2.17th century


b. President Kuchma issued a decree


c. two brother’s cities were demolished



d. work started and gave rise to a considerable controversy


19th century

e. Kharkiv became the capital of Ukraine

6. 1995

f. the concrete monument stood there





12th century

g. St.Michael’s was transformed into a magnificent baroque






h. St. Michael’s was built

Language Focus

95. Explain the meaning and give the context of the following words from the text above. Find the appropriate synonyms for the words.


to demolish


an overall unity



to consolidate the power



to restore the title to a city



to give rise to




to alter


a group sculpture








to replace


a marble group-sculpture

a concrete monument

96.Translate into English.

Зміцнюватися (про владу); змінити вигляд; розкішна будівля в стилі бароко; успішне поєднання відмінних архітектурних стилів; вирішувати відповідно; реконструювати ряд історичних будівель; урядовий центр; побудувати дзвіницю; монастирський комплекс; суперечки; відновити музей; витесаний з мармуру; церква св.Іоанна Богослова; відтворити початковий проект; успішне поєднання стилів; видати декрет; поштовх; історики.

97. Translate into Ukrainian.

To restore a museum; to relocate the government centre; to issue a decree; controversy; an architectural ensemble; to restore the title to Kyiv; to issue a decree; to take a completely different appearance; at the very least; to give rise to a controversy; successful mergin; to alter; to suit the new ideology; the bell tower; to create the original design; a statue; distinct; at the edge of the slope.

98. Match the columns to form appropriate collocation.

1. an architectural

a. the power

2. an overall

b. monument

3. to become

c. new ideology

4. separate

d. a decree

5. at the edge of

e. appearance

6. to give rise to

f. baroque structure

7. a successful

g. ensemble

8. a magnificent

h. apparent

9. to take a different

i. unity

10. to consolidate

j. controversy



11 to suit

k. merging

12.to relocate

l. the slope

13.to issue

m. areas

14. a oncrete

n. the government centre

99.Render the text in English.

Утретє тисячоліття Київ вступив осяяний золотими банями відновленого Михайлівського Золотоверхого собору. Ця подія стала однією з найяскравіших сторінок культурного життя міста на зламі століть, актом спільного покаяння нашого покоління безпрецедентному нищенні духовних цінностей.

Михайлівський Золотоверхий монастир – один з найвизначніших архітек- турно-художніх ансамблів – завжди мав велике значення у формуванні образу нашого міста. Михайлівський собор було засновано в 1108 р. онуком Ярослава Мудрого київським князем Святополком Ізяславичем. Архітектурний комплекс монастиря остаточно сформувався в добу бароко та класицизму. В XVIII-XIX ст. було побудовано дзвіницю, трапезну, мури з Економічною брамою та корпуси.

Долею Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря в різний час опікувались видатні діячі української історії, зокрема гетьмани України Богдан Хмельницький, Іван Мазепа, Іван Скоропадський. Вони сприяли розбудові й розквіту монастирського комплексу, утвердженню його як національної святині українського народу.

У1934 році, у зв'язку з перенесенням столиці Радянської України з Харкова до Києва, було затверджено проект Урядового центру, яким передбачалося знесення комплексу Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря, Трьохсвятительської церкви, будинку Присутствених місць, пам'ятника Богдану Хмельницькому, Софіївської дзвіниці.

У1934 - 1937 pp. Михайлівський Золотоверхий собор та інші будівлі монастиря були знесені. "Соціалістична реконструкція" Києва стала лише приводом для свідомого зруйнування стародавніх пам'яток — національних святинь.

Одним із перших кроків незалежної України в 1995 році став Указ Президента про відтворення видатних пам'яток історії та культури — Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря та Свято-Успенського собору КиєвоПечерської лаври і розпорядження голови Київської міської державної адміністрації О. Омельченка про відродження цих святинь. У 1999 р. Михайлівський Золотоверхий собор, історичну пам'ятку світового значення, одну з найважливіших архітектурних домінант історичного центру Києва, було відновлено. За цим грандіозним будівництвом — копітка праця політиків і археологів, мистецтвознавців і церковних діячів, архітекторів і реставраторів, інженерів і будівельників.

У1998 році було створено Музей Історії Михайлівського Золотоверхого монастиря. Його експозиція покликана зберегти для нащадків уроки і


звершення унікального відбудовчого процесу — відновити зв'язок національної духовної культури минулих епох з сучасним світом.

В експозиції Музею послідовно простежуються основні етапи історії Михайлівського монастиря від часу заснування і до відновлення у незалежній Україні, роль монастиря у духовному і культурному розвитку Києва, доля мистецької спадщини зруйнованої святині, етапи його відбудови.


100. Read the text carefully. Make sure you study the language of the text to be competent in further exercises and discussions.

St. Andrew Church

For over two centuries nowthis outstanding creation of the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli has delighted all who see it with its exquisite forms, majestic design and original location. The distinctive domed-cross five cupola church (length 32, width 23, and height 42,6 metres, foundation depth up to 15 metres) stands ona steep projection of Starokievska Hill, which rises nearly 90 metres above the Dniepro. Whenyou look at it from the streets of the ancient Podil district, it seemsto be floating in the air. From Volodymyrska Street lying on a hill, the contours of the church with its Corinthian columns, white pilasters and turquoise and gold cupolas stand out in bold relief against the background of the light-toned expanses beyond the Dniepro. Rastrelli's design was carried out by his assistant, the Moscow architect I. Michurin. The church's interior is also magnificent, with its fine three-tiered gilt iconostasis, carved ornamentation and sculptures, pulpit and altar canopy. The paintings in the iconostasis were executed by first-rate artists of the time, the Russian A. Antropov and the Ukrainian D. Levitsky. Equally worthy of attention are the paintings "Prince Volodymyr Selects a Faith" by an unknown artist and "Apostle Andrew's Sermon on the Banks of the Dniepro" by the local painter G. Borispolets. The church was repaired on several occasions following its consecration in 1767, but did not undergo any substantial alterations. Between 1974 and 1978 it was completely restored, and is now a branch of the St. Sophia Museum. It contains an exhibition devoted to the history of the church and the work of Rastrelli. Here on Saturdays and Sundays one can listen to recordings of 18th-century Russian and Ukrainian choral music.

Comprehension Check

101. Answer the questions.

1.Who is the architect of the church? Who assisted the architect?

2.What impression does its exterior produce on the viewer?

3.What is the church's interior?

4.Who were the paintings in the iconostasis executed by?

5.Has the building of the church undergone any changes?


Language Focus

102.Transcribe the following words to avoid possible mispronunciation and miscommunication in future:

Exquisite, contours, tier, iconostasis, pulpit, consecration, turquoise, pilaster, exterior, interior, alterations, to execute, sermon, choral.

103.Translate the following phrases into Ukrainian.

An outstanding creation; an exquisite form; a domed-cross church; to float in the air; a three-tiered gilt iconostasis; a pulpit; an altar canopy; a sermon; substantial alterations.

104.Find the words which correspond to the following definitions.

1.a high cover overarching an open space

2.a wall of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church

3.a speakers' stand in a church

4.a small, most often dome-like, structure on top of a building

5.a slightly projecting column applied to the face of a wall

6.the inner part or inside of something

7.a talk given as part of a Christian church service

8.a procedure of making something holy


1.Андріївська церква споруджена за проектом Бартоломея Растреллі в стилі барокко. Проект був завершений помічником архітектора, московським архітектором І. Мічуріним.

2.Обриси церкви, з її коринфським колонами, бірюзовими та золотими куполами, сміливо контрастують на світлому фоні дніпровських просторів.

3.Зовнішній вигляд Андріївської церкви чарує своєю легкістю та елегантністю. Вона святкова і урочиста, ніби висить над горою.

4.Не меншої уваги заслуговує і інтер’єр: триярусний іконостас, різб’яне оздоблення, кафедра та вівтар.

5.У вихідні в церкві можна послухати найкращі твори української та російської хорової музики.

106. Read the text below and find the words in the text which mean the following

a)very unusual or of very high quality and impossible to copy

b)making you remember a particular person, event, or thing

c)a loudsound, usually to express pain, sadness

d)a cruel trick that is intended to be funny

e)a feeling or character that a person or place seems to have

f)to escape by running away, especially because of danger or fear

g)a quality or an idea that a word makes you think of

h)to give special attention to one particular person or thing


i) living in a very relaxed way and not accepting society's rules of behaviour

The Andriyivsky Descent

The Andriyivsky Descent, popularly known as the Montmartre of Kyiv, is one of the most ancient streets in the Ukrainian capital. It charms with its legendary history, inimitable colors and unique architectural ensemble. Because of its atmosphere it successfully competes in popularity with Kyiv’s main street - Khreshchatyk.

The Andriyivsky Descent appeared in the times of the Kyiv Rus. Back then, it connected the upper and the lower part of the town (Podil) and was so narrow, that only pedestrians and those on horseback were able to go down it. Only in the 18th century was the street widened, enabling carriages and loaded carts to pass through it. The descent got its current name after St. Andrew's Church was built at the top.

In the 19th-20th centuries mainly artists, sculptors, musicians and writers lived here. It was at that time that the street’s distinct atmosphere and its original look were created. Almost each building here is an architectural monument. House №15, nicknamed by a Russian poet ‘the Castle of Richard the Lionheart,’ is the most unusual and mysterious one. The apartment house, created in English Neo-Gothic style reminiscent of a medieval castle, is the subject of many legends. For a while its name had bad connotations - guests who stayed in the house fled in terror, claiming that there were ghosts in the 'castle.’ Ghoulish groans and howls, constantly sounding in the house, made them tremble in fear. However, it turned out that the frightening noises were made not by ghosts. In fact, the building’s constructors placed objects in gas pipes as a mean prank on the owners.

One more remarkable building on the Andriyivsky Descent is the two-story house №13, where Mikhail Bulgakov lived and worked. Today the house is a museum with an interesting exhibition, which is focused on the writer’s stay in Kyiv. Recently a monument to Bulgakov was erected near the house.

If you want to find out more about the amazing history of the Andriyivsky Descent and its buildings and owners, you should check out the One Street Museum. The unique wares, ancient furniture, paintings and photos create a special atmosphere and takes the visitors back into the Andriyivsky Descent’s mysterious past.

Today, as many years ago, a bohemian atmosphere reigns here. The numerous artistic salons, galleries and art-cafes on the street reinforce this aura. Kyiv’sMontmartre is always full of artists and craftsmen selling pictures, decorations, glass and ceramic objects as well as souvenirs.

Comprehension Check

107. Answer the questions.

1.What is the informal name of Andriyivsky Descent?

2.What is the history of the street?

3.When did it acquire its distinct atmosphere and original look?

4.What mysteries are the buildings here cloaked in?


5.Whose admirers gather annually on May 15th at the House №13?

6.What unique collections hosts the One Street Museum?

108. Match the words to form the collocations.

1. inimitable

a. in popularity

2. bad

b. prank

3. to compete

c. the aura

4. ghoulish

d. many legends

5. the subject of

e. groans

6. mean

f. colors

7. to reinforce

g. connotations

109. Render the text in English.

Музей однієї вулиці – найбільш ностальгічний музей Києва. У відносно невеликому музейному приміщенні розташована надзвичайно насичена експозиція, присвячена історії Андріївського узвозу і минулому Києва. Кожен експонат музею – жива частинка колишніх часів, нагадування про роки, що пішли назавжди.

Умузеї можна побачити старі листівки, фотографії, грамофонні платівки,

атакож безліч симпатичних речей, які оточували киян минулої епохи в їх повсякденному житті: старовинні предмети одягу й аксесуари, посуд, столові прилади та інші побутові дрібниці. Особлива увага приділена історичним документам, рукописам, картам, які стосуються історії найвідомішої київської

вулиці і її жителів.

Від другої половини 19 століття на Андріївському узвозі жили видатні діячі науки та культури. Найбільш відома сім'я, що мешкала на цій вулиці, - це, безумовно, родина Булгакових, родичі видатного письменника, і сам Михайло Опанасович. Проте варто згадати й про інших важливих осіб епохи минулого. Так, на Андріївському узвозі проживали: український філолог Павло Житецький, письменник Григір Тютюнник, прославлений лікар-філантроп Теофіл Яновський та багато інших. Музейна експозиція присвячена їх життю, творчості, діяльності.

Музей однієї вулиці також оповідає про найвидатніші пам'яткиАндріївського узвозу: будинок Річарда, Андріївську церкву, садиби 19 століття.

Основна експозиція музею часто змінюється. Так, напередодні новорічних свят частина експозиції присвячена подарункам, листівкам і ялинковим прикрасам минулих століть. Тут постійно проходять істориколітературні і художні виставки.Особливий інтерес відвідувачів викликають експозиції, присвячені творчості Олександра Вертинського, Едіт Піаф, Володимира Висоцького та ін. Вражає колекція посмертних масок– одна з найбільших у світі.

У 2002 році Музей Однієї Вулиці став номінантом Європейського музейного форуму – міжнародної організації під егідою Ради Європи та під


патронажем Королеви Бельгії Фабіоли. Музей був першим та єдиним серед українских музеїв, що брав участь у даному форумі.

110. Project Work

Variant 1.

A.Work in groups of three. Each group chooses two of the famous landmarks in Kyiv.

B.Then each group collects as much tourist information as possible about this landmark and writes a short essay about it.

C.One member of each group then acts as a guide and takes the other students around his/her groups landmark.

Variant 2.

Below is a short guide on top places to see in Kyiv made up by one of the foreigners on visiting the Ukrainian capital. Read it and think of your own list of top 10 sights. Make use of the words and word combinations underlined.

Top 10 Things to Do in Kiev

1. Pray or meditate at St. Cyrill’s Monastery.

Completely off-the-beaten track, this small church is as old as time, dating back to 12th century. 800 sq.m of stunning frescoes have been restored in late 1970ies and showcase just a small bit of what this church must have been like in 1187. Paintings of the famous Mikhail Vrubel (1856-1910) take you into a different world. And the fact that the Monastery is away from the main tourist sites in Kyiv will make the experience even more humbling and inspirational.

What tourists say:

….today it’s an oasis of calm from the modern world outside. It is quiet and overwhelming… …a Rare, Perfect Moment.

2. Stroll along the green scenery of Kyiv’s parks.

Kyiv is no doubt a green capital, and has dozens of beautiful parks for short walks. Mariyinsky and Khreshchatyj Parks are among our favorites in the list of things to do in Kiev! Not only they are located right next to Kyiv’s majestic Dnieper River. They also have wonderful architectural landmarks, like Mariyinsky Palace, gorgeous building of Kyiv Academic Puppet Theater, and Lover’s Bridge – popular among newly-weds.

3. Learn more at National Chernobyl Museum.

An unprecedented tragedy at Chernobyl Nuclear Plant is the world’s worst nuclear accident. Pripyat, the town closest to the reactor (3 kilometers distance), was home to 49,000 residents before the disaster, mostly the families of the plant workers; now no one lives there. The city of Chernobyl is only 4 kilometers to the south of the reactor. High radiation levels forced the evacuation of more than 100,000 people from the region surrounding Chernobyl. The ghost of this tragedy will hunt Ukrainian people