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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Read and guess the meaning:













2) Choose the right answer:

It helps to advertise food if you have –

  1. background music

  2. sound effect of food

  3. percolating coffee in the background.

In an experiment, the people who said their water didn’t taste nice were tasting –

  1. mineral water

  2. tap water

  3. chlorinated water

The people in the glass jar and can experiment were tasting-

a) the same product

b) different products.

3) Match the job activities a-f with the people who perform them 1-3.

1. manager 2. clerical staff 3. underwriters

a) Take care of general administration.

b) Handle online and telephone applications and claims.

c) Agree to accept a risk or not.

d) Manage staff.

e) Deal with the majority of applications and claims.

f) Take decisions on special cases.

4) Match the job activities a-f with the people who perform them 1-3.

1. manager 2. clerical staff 3.underwriters

a) Take care of general administration.

b) Handle online and telephone applications and claims.

c) Agree to accept a risk or not.

d) Manage staff.

e) Deal with the majority of applications and claims.

f) Take decisions on special cases.

Reference: Adapted from the Financial Times, February 2, 1980, Morgan Witzel, p.7

Unit 2. Office Characters.


To appear – показаться, появляться

Urgent- срочный, экстренный

Annoyed – раздражённый, недовольный

Mood – настроение

Bossy – любящий командовать

To receive – получать

Repetitive – повторяемый, скучный

Compliment – комплимент, поздравления

To get a date – назначить встречу, свидание

This person is always very keen to appear to be your “friend”. They often ask you about your weekend or your family. But the next minute they are asking you whether you’ve written that urgent report. They are often annoyed of making jokes – which you have to laugh at. But the worst thing is that their moods change so quickly. When there is a crisis in the office this happy joking “friend” disappears and is replaced by a bossy boots.

For most people the office is a place where you work from nine to five. But for this person, the office is their home. In fact they spend much less time at home than they do at their desk. If they have to take a holiday, they always make sure they have their cell phone and laptop with them so they can send and receive emails. And they make more business calls than when they are at work.

He or she is usually the youngest person in the office, but is also the person with the most energy and enthusiasm. They have probably just finished school and are getting some work experience before they start university. No task is too boring for them and no job is too repetitive. They just love making coffee and really don’t mind doing all that last-minute photocopying.

This person spends more time chatting with their colleagues than working. They find work boring and they are always trying to make life in the office a little more interesting. They have always got a smile and a compliment for a visitor – especially if they are young and good-looking. They spend very little time at their desk and they may be found by photocopier or the coffee machine, trying to get a date for the next office party.

Answers the questions according to the text:

  1. Who asks you often about your weekend or your family?

  2. When does your joking “friend” disappear?

  3. Who spends much less time at home then at their desk?

  4. Who is the most energetic and enthusiastic in the office?
