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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Wоrk with a partner. Maкe up a dialogue about the main idea of the text.

Starting a business can be a confusing operation. What could you start with according to the text?

2) Translate and discuss.

Managing business is a difficult thing, the text gives some positive information for your future success, use it in the situation when a new assistant will help you in your day-to-daу work. Write a list of responsibilities you are going to delegate him.

Starting a business can be a confusing operation: so many decisions to take, so many actions to carry out. It can be important to keep to the right path. If you fail to take one step when it is necessary, this can delay your start. For example, failing to appreciate the right moment to give up work or to claim the Enterprise Allowance can mean less money and, as a result, you may find the early days more of a financial struggle then they need to be.

3) Change the singular forms of the nouns into plural form. Is it possible to do in every sentence? Name the uncountable nouns.

  1. There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him right.

  2. You should take legal advice before start job choosing.

  3. This is a matter I know little about.

  4. If I don’t pay this debt I shall lose my job.

  5. A solicitor deals with petty crimes.

4) Write a list of activities leading to a quality management in your future job. Mind the material of the text.


European transport. Institution of Civil Engineering Conference. / London: Thomas Telford, - 199, pp. 1-3

Unit 2. Getting the right staff.


Employee - служащий

Delicate – нежный, чувствительный, щекотливый

Manpower –рабочая сила

Straightaway – немедленно

Thumb – большой палец (руки)

Cost – стоимость, цена

Sale – продажа

Advantage - преимущество

Recruit – новобранец

Settle – решать, принимать решение

Deciding when to take on an employee is a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, if you increase your manpower, you might not be able to cover increased costs straightaway. On the other hand, extra manpower could free you to spend more time on other activities, such as marketing or planning, which should, in the end, mean increased profits.

A useful rule of thumb for choosing the best time to increa­se your manpower is to ask yourself if you can generate enough extra sales to cover the cost of taking on that extra employee. If you will not be able to increase your sales straightaway, you could still employ someone; but, in this case, you will need to be able to keep your business going until you have been able to build your sales up to the new level you need. It all sounds straightforward, but in practice it is very tricky. It is like being on a seesaw. One step in the wrong direction can tip the balance against you.

If you are clever enough, or lucky enough, to get your timing right, you will not want to throw away your advantage by employing the wrong person. The whole process can take several months; so finding you have made a mistake and having to recruit again can throw your business off its planning course. Nor should you underestimate the emotional problems of getting rid of an unsuita­ble employee, which can unnerve the toughest of businessmen or businesswomen and which can unsettle other employees.

Answer the questions according to the text:

  1. Do you think that deciding to take on an employee may turn to be a delicate balancing act?

  2. What must be taken into consideration when using extra man­power?

  3. Is there any balance between increase of sales and cost of extra employee?

  4. What can finding of mistakes in recruiting employee lead to?

  5. Can I make sure that if I offer the job it will be accepted?
