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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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4.8. Complete these sentences if necessary.

  1. I'd like to see MrSmith please. – Do you mean the MrSmith who works in ….. box office or ….. other Mr Smith?

  2. Did you come by ….. air? – No, I came by ….. sea. I had a lovely voyage on ….. Queen Elizabeth II.

  3. ….. most of ….. stories that ….. people tell about ….. Irish aren't true.

  4. When ….. Titanic was crossing ….. Atlantic she struck an iceberg which tore a huge hole in her bow. ….. captain ordered ….. crew to help ….. passengers into ….. boats.

  5. We're going to ….. tea with ….. Smiths today, aren't we? Shall we take ….. car? – We can go by ….. car if you wash ….. car first. We can't go to ….. Mrs Smith's in a car all covered with ….. mud.

  6. Would you like to hear a story? – No, I've heard ….. stories about ….. Englishmen, ….. Irishmen, and ….. Scotsmen before and they are all ….. same.

  7. But my is not a typical story. In my story ….. Scotsman is generous, ….. Irishman is logical and ….. Englishman is romantic. – Oh, if it's a fantastic story I'll listen with ….. pleasure.

4.9. Insert the where necessary and retell the story.

There is more water than land on our planet. (1) The largest and deepest ocean in (2) ….. world is (3) ….. Pacific. Then comes (4) ….. Atlantic. (5) ….. Indian ocean is only a little smaller. (6) ….. smallest ocean is (7) ….. Arctic. One of (8) ….. longest rivers in (9) ….. world is (10) ….. Mississippi, (11) ….. largest sea is (12) ….. Mediterranean, (13) ….. deepest lake is (14) ….. Lake Baikal. Large masses of (15) ….. land are called (16) ….. continents. They are (17) ….. Europe and Asia, (18) ….. North and South America, (19) ….. Australia and Antarctica.

There are mountain chains in many parts of (20) ….. world. Some of them such as (21) ….. Urals are old, others like (22) …..Caucasus are much younger. (23)….. highest mountain chain, which is called (24) ….. Himalayas, is situated in (25)….. Asia.

4.10. Use the proper article where necessary.

(A) The USA occupies southern part of North America and stretches for thousands of kilometres from Pacific Ocean in west to Atlantic Ocean in east. It has area of over 9.8 mln sq km.

In north USA borders on Canada and in south it borders on Mexico.

Rocky Mountains in west have many high ranges. High at peak is Mount Whitney 14,495 feet.

Among longest rivers is Mississippi which flows into Gulf of Mexico.

Population of USA is over 237.2 mln.

USA is highly industrial country. It is leading state.

(B) Netherlands is situated in north-western Europe. Country has area of over 41,000 sq km.

Netherlands borders on Germany in east and on Belgium in south. It is washed by North Sea in west.

Population of country is over 14 mln.

Netherlands is not very rich in mineral resources. It is a highly industrialized state.

4.11. Translate from Russian into English. Retell the story.

Венгрия расположена в Центральной Европе. Площадь – 93 тыс. кв. км. Население – более 10 млн. человек. Будапешт (Budapest), столица Венгрии, – один из красивейших городов Европы.

Более 4/5 поверхности страны – низменная равнина. На севере расположены Карпатские горы (The Carpathians) . На западе находится большое озеро Балатон (Balaton), которое венгры (Hungarians) называют "Венгерским морем". Озеро богато рыбой. Многочисленные туристы приезжают отдыхать на озеро. По территории Венгрии протекает одна из крупнейших рек Европы – Дунай (The Danube).

Венгрия – индустриально-аграрная страна.