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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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3.1. Make the plural phrases singular and the singular phrases plural.

  1. This door – these doors.

  1. These boys.

  2. That house.

  3. Those boys.

  4. This red apple.

  5. Those blue flowers.

  1. This new bicycle.

  2. Those black hens.

  3. That open window.

  4. These stupid boys.

  5. That large animal.

  1. This new book.

  2. These bright red flowers.

  3. That small yellow orange.

  4. That clever boy.

3.2. Put a demonstrative pronoun in each of the blank spaces.

  1. I like these flowers.

  2. I like flower.

  3. … stars are 5000 light years from the Earth.

  4. … star is called the North star.

  5. Have you read … book which I am reading?

  6. Do you like … shoes that I am wearing?

  7. Will you give me … pen?

  8. … boys on the back seat are not working as hard as … boys on the front seat.

  9. I bought … apples from … shop in the High Street.

  10. … exercises that we are doing on … page are more difficult than … exercises that we did on page two.

3.3. Substitute that or those for the repeated nouns

  1. Trollope’s novels are more entertaining than Dickens’ novels. – Trollope’s novels are more entertaining than those of Dickens.

  2. Ann’s eyes met the eyes of Grandma.

  3. Their poetry was not the poetry of Milton and Byron and Tennyson.

  4. The trees in our garden are taller than the trees in the park.

  5. But the train seemed to run twice as fast now, and its sound was almost lost in the sound of John’s sighing.

  6. Most people would consider such a marriage as the marriage of Soames and Irene quite fairly successful.

  7. His eyes were melancholy as the eyes of a monkey.

  8. His son saw him gravely hanging up his coat, with an expression on his face like the expression of a boy who intends to steal cherries.

  9. The climate in Moscow is better than the climate in St. Petersburg.

  10. ‘Oh!’ she said and the disappointment in her voice was the disappointment of a child who opens a beautifully wrapped package to find it empty.

3.4. Use one or ones instead of the nouns in italics.

  1. I think this department store is bigger than that department store. – I think this department store is bigger than that one.

  2. These shoes are less comfortable than those shoes.

  3. My watch isn’t working well. I’d like to buy a new watch.

  4. I’ve got a pair of black gloves but I have to buy brown gloves to match my new shoes.

  5. I think my watch is ten minutes slow. What’s the time by your watch?

  6. These cups are dirty. Can we have some clean cups?

  7. That biscuit was nice. That’s why I’m going to have another biscuit.

  8. Which car is yours? This car or that car?

  9. Is there a bank near here? – Yes, there’s a bank at the end of this street.

  10. I want today’s newspaper. This is an old newspaper.

3.5. Answer these questions using one or ones.

  1. How many cars are there? – Five. Three big ones and two small ones.

  2. What colour are they? – There are three white … and two black … .

  3. How many small cars are there? – Two. A black … and a white … .

  4. How many big cars are there? – Three. Two white … and a black … .

  5. Where is the small white car? – Between the small black … and the big … .