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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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2.1. Rewrite the sentences using singular nouns with a or an if necessary instead of plural nouns in italics.

  1. Dogs make good pets. – A dog makes a good pet.

  1. Lawyers usually earn more than policemen.

  2. You don't often see good programmes on TV nowadays.

  3. Sons are always a lot more trouble than daughters.

  4. Nowadays you can buy computer-controlled washing machines.

  5. I hate to hear children crying or dogs barking.

  6. Has anyone seen newspapers in the sitting room?

  7. It's not easy to learn foreign languages which are very different from your own language.

  8. Last night I saw interesting TV programmes about Eastern Europe.

  9. Sheep are grass-eating animals kept for their flesh and wool.

  10. Modern physical science is unable to explain phenomena of this sort.

  11. Mice are small and shy animals but they can do a lot of harm.

  12. The old gentleman gave Phillip six pennies. (шесть монет достоинством в один пенс каждая. Употребите слово, обозначающее одну монету достоинством в шесть пенсов).

2.2. Correct any errors. Put in a/an or nothing.

  1. I'll try to give you a decent lunch.

  1. They must have the third game to decide who is the real winner.

  2. Have you got shampoo for a dry hair?

  3. He made the effort to collect himself.

  4. It was real pleasure to him to give a pleasure to others.

  5. She was curious sort of girl.

  6. The plane was flying at the height of 3.000 feet above sea level.

  7. On the table the bottle of port was ready for him.

  8. The third man entered the room.

  9. I have wonderful clock, which is one hundred years old.

2.3. Insert a/an, one if necessary.

  1. One of my friends advised me to take ..... taxi; another said that there was quite ….. good service.

  2. ….. friend of mine lent me ….. book by Meredith. I've only ….. more chapter to read. Would you like ….. loan of it afterwards? – No, thanks. I read ….. of his books ….. few years ago and didn't like it. Besides I have ….. library book to finish. If I don't take it back tomorrow I'll have to pay ….. fine.

  3. ….. man I met on the train told me ….. rather unusual story.

  4. Most people like ….. rest after hard day's work, but Tom seemed to have ….. inexhaustible supply of energy.

  5. I've told you ….. hundred times not to come into ….. room with ….. hat on.

  6. It's unlucky to light three cigarettes with ….. match. – That's only ….. superstition. Only ….. idiot believes in superstitions.

  7. He says ….. caravan is no good, he needs ….. cottage.

  8. ….. plate is no good, we need ….. dozen.

2.4. What are these things?

An ant? – It is an insect.

  1. A cauliflower? – It' s …..

  2. A pigeon? – It's …..

  3. A dandelion? – It's …..

  4. A snake? – It's .....

  5. A rat? – It's .....

6) A skyscraper? – It's …..

7) A pike? – It's .....

8) A Rolls-Royce? – It's .....

9) A fly? – It's .....

10) A tower? – It's .....

Who are/were these people?

Beethoven? – He was a composer.

11) Pele? – He was …..

12) Shakespeare? – He was …..

13) Paul McCartney? – He is ......

14) Titian? – He was .....

15) Einstein? – He was …..

16) Marilyn Monroe? – She was…..

17) Stephen Spielberg? – He is .....

18) Elizabeth II? – She is .....