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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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4.4. Insert the if necessary.

  1. I went to ….. France last year, but I haven't been to ..... Netherlands yet.

  2. I live in ….. Tverskaya Street.

  3. ….. Thames flows through ….. London.

  4. ….. United Kingdom includes ….. Great Britain and ….. Northern Ireland.

  5. St. Bernard dogs are named after a monastery high up in ….. Alps.

  6. ….. USA is ….. fourth largest country in ….. world after ….. Russia, ….. Canada and ….. Republic of China.

  7. ….. English Channel is between ….. Great Britain and ….. France.

  8. ….. Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of ….. London.

  9. When a student, Tom spent two years in ….. Africa.

  10. ….. Houses of Parliament has over 1.000 rooms, and 2 miles of corridors.

  11. Where's ….. John's raincoat?

4.5. Insert the where necessary.

  1. Milan is in the north of Italy.

  2. Everest was first climbed in 1953.

  3. Last year we visited Canada and United States.

  4. Africa is much larger than Europe.

  5. South of England is warmer than north.

  6. We went to Spain for our holidays and swam in Mediterranean.

  7. Tom has visited most countries in western Europe.

  8. A friend of mine used to work as a reporter in Middle East.

  9. Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps.

  10. Malta has been a republic since 1974.

  11. Nile is longest river in Africa.

4.6. Fill in the blanks where necessary.

  1. Does Mark speak – Spanish?

  2. Show me ….. Canary Islands on this map, please.

  3. How much does it cost to stay at ….. Grand Hotel?

  4. ….. Volga flows into ….. Caspian Sea.

  5. Although the north of Scotland is called ….. Highlands the mountains aren't high there – ….. Ben Nevis (1343 m) is ….. highest peak.

  6. I've made up my mind to go to ….. Black Sea next summer.

  7. ….. Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world.

  8. On Wednesday ….. Moscow Times published an article about ….. Marcus Webb.

  9. ….. Urals are old and not very high.

  10. Every morning during breakfast bagpipes are played outside ….. Queen's dining-room in ….. Buckingham Palace.

4.7. Answer these questions. Find out the answers if you don't know them.

  1. What is the longest river in the world? (Amazon/ Nile/ Rhine). – The Amazon is the longest river in the world.

  2. Where is Bolivia? (Africa/ South America/ North America) –…..

  3. Where is Ethiopia? (Asia/ South America/ Africa) – …..

  4. Of which country is Manila the capital? (Indonesia/ Philippines/ Japan) – …..

  5. Of which country is Stockholm the capital? (Norway/ Denmark/ Sweden) – …..

  6. Which country lies between Mexico and Canada? ( Venezuela/ El Salvador/ United States of America) – …..

  7. Which is the largest country in the world? (United States of America/ China/ Russia) – …..

  8. Which is the largest continent? (Africa/ South America/ Asia) – …..

  9. What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America? (Rocky Mountains/ Andes/ Alps) – …..

  10. What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia (Atlantic/ Pacific/ Indian Ocean) – …..

  11. What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia? (Atlantic/ Pacific/ Indian Ocean) – …..

  12. What is the name of the sea between England and France? (Mediterranean Sea/ English Channel/ French Sea) – …..

  13. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe? (Black Sea/ Red Sea/ Mediterranean) – …..

  14. What is the name of the sea between Britain and Norway? (Norwegian Sea/ English Channel/ North Sea) – …..

  15. Which river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade? – (Rhine/ Danube/ Volga) – …..

  16. What joins the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? (Suez Canal/Panama Canal) – …..