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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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2.1. Read the sentences with adverbs and translate them into Russian. Work out general rules of placing the adverbs as in the model generalization. Give your own examples on analogy.

Adverbs of frequency:

  1. She always stays in bed on Sunday morning.

  2. He is always in time for meals.

  3. I can never understand or I have often been told about it.

  4. They sometimes stay up all night or Sometimes they stay up all night or They stay up all night sometimes.

Model generalization:

  1. Adverbs of frequency usually precede verbs but follow the verb TO BE.

  2. When a verb is two or more words (can remember, doesn’t smoke, has been stolen), the adverb is used after the first part of the verb.

  3. Adverbs sometimes, usually, normally and occasionally can also have initial or final position.

Adverbs of place:

  1. I looked everywhere

  2. He painted that picture here

  1. He ran hastily downstairs

  2. I will be here tomorrow.

Adverbs of manner:

  1. They walk quickly

  2. She ate the porridge quickly or She quickly ate the porridge

  3. He spoke English well

Adverbs of time:

  1. He is coming tomorrow or Tomorrow he is coming. (less common)

  2. She still dislikes him

  3. She is still in the bath

  4. He hasn’t finished yet or He hasn’t yet finished (less common)

Adverbs of degree:

  1. I just love this record

  2. I liked his first book very much

  3. It was too hot to work

  4. He didn’t work quickly enough

  5. He has enough knowledge to do it

2.2. Point out the adverbs and explain the place of their use.

  1. I never felt better in my life.

  2. I sometimes think there is nothing before me just hard work.

  3. She consulted her husband at once.

  4. He spoke little and listened much.

  5. He had never had a love for music.

  6. The man must have had diabolically acute hearing.

  7. Why had he lived such a life?

  8. She was driving too fast.

  9. Twice I visited them.

  10. The boy was due to go tomorrow.

  11. She seems to be simple enough.

  12. He looked at her hard.

  13. Obviously he loved her.

  14. They were dancing together.

  15. Young people are too self-assured nowadays.

  16. They went to the pool afoot.

  17. I have just finished the letter.

  18. The only thing is to cut the knot for good.

  19. He thinks he is always right.

  20. She still loves him.

  21. She just loves him.

  22. He has enough knowledge to do this.

2.3. Put the adverbs in their usual position.

  1. (usually) Is Pat at home in the evening? – Is Pat usually at home in the evening?

  2. (finally) They have finished their work.

  3. (often) Jack doesn’t write letters.

  4. (generally) I don’t stay up late.

  5. (probably) Susan will stay at home.

  6. (never) You should allow children play with matches.

  7. (hardly ever) Jerry is in low mood.

  8. (frequently) My chemistry lecturer comes to class late.

  9. (seldom) The temperature drops below zero in Miami.

  10. (always) Mary rides a bus to school.

  11. (often) Our classroom is too hot.

  12. (enough) He is old to drive a car.

  13. (lately) I have not seen him.

  14. (sometimes) I go swimming.

  15. (yesterday) I met him at the Barbers’.

  16. (never) She should be late for her classes.

  17. (always) Does he meet her?

  18. (just) Chuck has gone.

  19. (always) When abroad I am homesick.

  20. (finally) The exercise is over.

  21. (still) He works there.

  22. (anymore) She doesn’t work there.

  23. (already) I have finished my work.

  24. (still) I haven’t finished it.

  25. (easily) I translated the article.

  26. He went (slowly, there).

  27. It snowed (yesterday, lightly, there).