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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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7.1. Complete the sentences with who, whom, whose, what or which.

  1. Who will help me?

  2. ... of you will help me?

  3. … of these girls is the youngest?

  4. … is your hat?

  5. … is your telephone number?

  6. … pencil is this, Peter’s or Helen’s?

  7. … are you drinking?

  8. … are you expecting?

  9. … understands this rule?

  10. … of you understands this rule?

  11. … teaches you English?

  12. … is he? – He is a doctor

  13. … grows in this garden?

  14. … of you am I to thank for this?

  15. … English books have you read this term?

  16. … do you know about him?

  1. … gloves are these?

  2. … piece of cake will you have?

  3. … pencil is yours?

  4. … is the way to the theatre?

  5. … knows his address?

  6. … would you like to drink?

  7. … would you like to drink: mineral water or lemonade?

  8. … of these cakes may I take?

  9. … is the coldest season of the year?

  10. … shoes do you want to buy?

  11. … way did he go?

  12. Here are the books. … is yours?

  13. … am I speaking to, please?

  14. “My shoulder hurts,” I said . “… shoulder?” I touched my left one.

7.2. Put questions to the bold words.

  1. I am looking at him. Whom did I look at?

  2. My best friend is a doctor.

  3. They are talking about the international situation.

  4. They are painters.

  5. That is my sister’s dog.

  6. Some English books are lying on the table.

14) The children are sitting under the tree.

  1. He is waiting for me.

  2. These boys are my brothers.

  3. I went to the cinema with my sister yesterday.

  4. The handbag is made of leather.

  5. The man asked for a cup of tea.

  6. This telegram is from my father.

  7. Mathematics is the most difficult subject that I study.

15) George bought her a necklace.

16) George bought her a necklace.

7.3. Make questions. Use what, who, whom or whose.

  1. A: What did you see?

B: An accident (I saw an accident.)

  1. A: _______________

B: An accident. (Mary saw an accident.)

  1. A: _______________

B: Mary. (Mary saw an accident.)

  1. A: _______________

B: John. (Mary saw John.)

  1. A: _______________

B: Mary. (Mary saw John.)

  1. A: _______________

B: Pedro’s (I borrowed Pedro’s umbrella.)

  1. A: _______________

B: An accident. (An accident has happened.)

  1. A: _______________

B: Sue’s (That’s Sue’s.) This one is mine.

  1. A: _______________

B: A new coat. (Alice bought a new coat.)

  1. A: _______________

B: Alice. (Alice bought a new coat.)

  1. A: _______________

B: A map of the world. (I’m looking at a map of the world.)

  1. A: _______________these?

B: Eric’s. (These tapes are Eric’s.)

  1. A: _______________

B: The secretary. (I talked to the secretary.)

  1. A: _______________

B: His problems. (Tom talked about his problems.)

  1. A: _______________that?

B: Susan’s. (It’s Susan’s coat.)

Review Exercises (Interrogative Pronouns)

7.1. Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences.

  1. In Egypt the nobles (who, whom) ruled were rich.

  2. The people, (who, whom) the nobles ruled were extremely poor.

  3. At the end of the story who married (who, whom)?

  4. Dorothea Lange was the woman (who, whom) photographed us.

  5. Do you know (who, whom) she is?

  6. I consulted Doctor Braun, (who, whom) my mother recommended.

  7. Tom Green, (who, whom) sat next to you, fell asleep during the last act of the play.

  8. The man, (who, whom) you met at the party, was Mr Clyde.

  9. My mother, (who, which) is sixty-five, is having a party today.

  10. Give the job to the person, (who, whom) you can trust.

  11. Mr Doyle is a person, (whom, who) young people like.

  12. Her elder sister, to (whom, who) she send the card, moved to Madrid.

  13. It was Napoleon (who, whom) invaded Spain in 1808.

  14. She could hardly guess (who, whom) it was.

  15. Mrs Harvey, (who, whom) I work for on Saturdays, owns two farms.

  16. Is there anyone (who, whom) plans to get up early tomorrow?