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Review Exercises 5

1. on 2. in 3. for 4. on 5. in, on 6. by 7. on 8. by 9. on 10. on 11. at 12. by 13. at 14. with, in 15. by 16. by

Review Exercises 6

1. 1. on 2. in 3. by, in 4. to 5. by 6. By 7. to 8. on 9. for 10. with 11. in 12. for 13. to 14. for 15. with 16. to

2. 1. of 2. to 3. for 4. to/towards 5. in 6. between 7. in 8. of 9. to 10. between 11. to 12. of 13. with 14. in, with 15. to 16. to

Review Exercises 7

1. 1. on 2. at 3. about 4. of 5. of 6. with 7. from 8. for 9. about 10. to 11. with 12. with 13. of 14. of 15. of 16. for

2. 1. with, for 2. to 3. of 4. of 5. of 6. by/with 7. by/at 8. of, to 9. of 10 on 11. in 12. about 13. of 14. for 15. about 16. of

Review Exercises 8

1. (A). 1. into 2. of 3. for 4. about 5. of 6. in 7. after 8. for 9. of 10. at, of 11. to 12. to, for 13. on 14. to, about 15. about 16. at

(B) 1. for 2. of 3. on 4. of 5. of/ about 6. to 7. to 8. for 9. to 10. on 11. for 12. about 13. to 14. to 15. to 16. for

2. (A). 1. applied for 2. pay for 3. ask for 4. care about 5. caring of 6. suffering from 7. decided on 8. concentrate on 9. agree with

(B). 1. deal with 2. listening to 3. apologised for 4. reached – 5. laughing at 6. believed in 7. left –.

Progress Test

1. 1. to, for, in 2. to, about, in 3. about, in 4. of 5. between 6. with, in, on 7. of 8. of 9. for, with 10. from/to, to 11. for, about 12. with 13. in/at, for, at 14. on, on 15. on, under, in 16. in, for, in/during 17. in, in 18. from, since 19. at/in, in, since, in 20. on, at 21. In, on 22. during, to 23. at, on 24. in, in 25. at/in, in, for 26. of/about, to, on, in 27. in, in 28. at, in, at 29. to, in 30. on, by

2. 31. of 32. about 33. on 34. of 35. of 36. for 37. on 38. of 39. by 40. on 41. by 42. with 43. in 44. for 45. for 46. in 47. for 48. of 49. at 50. about

3. 51. on, on 52. by, on 53. on, in 54. with 55. to, for 56. to 57. in 58. on, since 59. on 60. out of/from 61. In, on 62. on 63. at 64. by, to 65. at, at 66. on 67. at, on 68. of/about 69. of 70. in, on 71. in 72. in 73. At 74. during/in 75. at, until 76. in, on 77. to, at, on 78. at 79. at, on 80. on

4. 81. for 82. for 83. at 84. of 85. with/by 86. after, at 87. at/by 88. on 89. to 90. about 91. of 92. with 93. for 94. with 95. in 96. in 97. at 98. with 99. about, at 100. to


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  5. Павлоцкий В.М., Тимофеева Т.М. Практикум по грамматике английского языка. – С.-Петербург: Оракул, 1998. – 535 с.

  6. Alexander, L.G. Longman English Grammar. – Longman, 1997.

  7. Azar, Betty Schramper. Fundamentals of English Grammar. – New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1985.

  8. Berry, R. Collins Cobuild English Guides Articles. – Harper Collins Publisher, 1993.

  9. Carter, R., Hughes, R. and McCarthy, M. Exploring Grammar in Context. – Cambridge University Press, 2000.

  10. Carter, R., Hughes, R. and McCarthy, M. Grammar Reference and Practice. – Cambridge University Press, 2000.

  11. Carton-Sprenger, J., Greenhall, S. Flying Colours. – Heineman, 1992.

  12. Craig, Ruth Parle. 1001 Pitfalls in English Grammar. – New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 1986.

  13. Collins Cobuild Student's Grammar. Practice Material by Dave Willis. Self-study edition with answer keys: – The University of Birmingham, 1993.

  14. Collins Cobuild English Grammar. – Birmingham: Harper Collins Publishers, 1994.

  15. Dooley, J., and Evans, V. Grammarway 4.– Express Publishing, 1999.

  16. Evans, V. FCE use of English. – Express Publishing, 2000.

  17. Hewings, Martin. Advanced Grammar In Use. A self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English. – Cambridge University Press, 1999.

  18. Super Review: English Language. – New Jersey: Research and Education Association, 2000.

  19. Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar In Use. A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English. – Cambridge University Press, 1997.

  20. Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press – Moscow: English Language Open Doors, Cultural and Business Centre, 1988.

  21. Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar In Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students. – Cambridge University Press, 1994.

  22. Side, R. and Wellman, G. Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency. – Longman, 1999.

  23. The Heinemann English Grammar. An intermediate reference and practice book. – Digby Beaumont and Colin Granger, 1992.

  24. Thomson, A.S., Martinet, A.V. A Practical English Grammar. – Oxford University Press, 1986.

  25. Thomson, A.S. and Martinet, A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Exercises I. – Oxford University Press, 1990.

  26. Vince, M.. Intermediate Language Practice. – McMillan Heinemann, 1998.

  27. Vince, M. Advanced Language Practice. –Heinemann, 1994.

  28. Willis, D. Collins Cobuild Student's Grammar. – Birmingham: Harper Collins Publishers.

  29. http:// awl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammer/ g-pronuse. html