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Entry test Unit 1

Convert the words in brackets into nouns by adding noun affixes or by affixless ways of word formation.

  1. Bill was given a medal in (to recognize) of his service.

  2. Let’s go for a (to sail) this afternoon.

  3. All (to apply) must be received before June 30, 2003.

  4. The (to transport) of goods by air is very costly.

  5. (Rich people) are not always generous to (poor people).

  6. (An adult person) is a person over an age stated by law, usually 18 or 21.

  7. I’m sure the whole problem is just a simple (to misunderstand).

  8. He gave an illusive (to answer).

  9. The meeting adopted a (to resolve) calling for the president to resign.

  10. There was a (to collide) between a lorry and a car.

  11. We needn’t leave yet. What’s all the (to rush)?

  12. Keep a (to record) of how much you spend.

  13. Lomonosov was one of the greatest (to think) of the country.

  14. The police said that they were waiting further (to develop).

  15. Bill assured us that the (to accuse) against him was untrue.

  16. We’ve got the enemy on the (to run) now!

  17. John is a (to comment) on football matches for local radio.

  18. When do you take your (final)?

  19. The failure of this scheme would have serious (to imply).

  20. What’s the (to use) of worrying?

Unit 2

1. Proofread the following sentences for errors in capitalization.

  1. we’re going to have a test next tuesday.

  2. the famous professor black teaches at the university of new mexico.

  3. the nile river flows into the mediterranean sea.

  4. japan is in the far east, east of china.

  5. john is a catholic and ali is a muslim.

  6. venezuela is a spanish-speaking country.

  7. the sun rises in the east.

  8. she works for the xerox corporation.

  9. the religion of saudi arabia is islam.

  10. on valentine’s day (february 14) sweethearts give each other presents.

2. Decide which nouns are countable and which are uncountable and complete the sentences with their correct form, singular or plural.

  1. (chair) I bought some … .

  2. (furniture) I bought some … .

  3. (fruit) (is, are) good for you.

  4. (vegetable) (is, are) good for you.

  5. The (money) (is, are) on the table.

  6. (knowledge) (is, are) power.

  7. (news) There (isn’t, aren’t) any interesting … today.

  8. (hair) My wife has dark … .

  9. (scenery) We saw a lot of beautiful … on our vacation.

  10. (progress) Lena’s English is improving. She’s making a lot of … .

Unit 3

Supply the plural form for the singular nouns listed below.

41) criterion

42) hero

43) day

44) mouth

45) horse

46) deer

47) datum

48) wife

49) mother-in-law

50) potato

51) swine

52) analysis

53) foot

54) loaf

55) life

Unit 4

1. Translate into English the phrases using the possessive case where possible.

56) мать друга

57) нос корабля

58) платье сестры

59) ноги лошади

60) окно комнаты

61) ножка стола

62) школа сына

63) квартира друга

64) смерть героя

65) экономика страны

2. Put in an apostrophe where necessary.

66) My brothers name is Jack.

67) My brothers friends know English.

68) A mans hands are stronger than a womans.

69) The wolfs howl was heard in the forest.

70) I buy my meat at Johnsons.

71) I shall be at the dentists.

72) Call me at Bills.

73) I spotted the brides fathers uncles silk hat on the seat of a straight chair.

74) A man stepped out from the tobacconists and waved to them.

75) Crime is a product of a countrys social order.

Unit 5

Give female nouns correspondent to the following male nouns:

76) groom

77) peacock

78) bull

79) cock (Br.) (rooster – Am.)

80) drake

81) host

82) nephew

83) fox

84) duke

85) waiter

Review Exercises

Translate into English.

  1. Я дам вам все сведения по этому вопросу. Они надежные.

  2. Шашки – популярная игра.

  3. Деньги на столе.

  4. Полиция здесь и уже ищет убийцу. Она сообщила, что он будет найден в ближайшее время.

  5. Скот пасется на лугу.

  6. Мои знания английского вполне хорошие.

  7. Он делает хорошие успехи.

  8. Это такие хорошие новости!

  9. Вчерашняя газета напечатала ее фотографию с совершенно седыми волосами.

  10. Это одежда хорошо защищает нас от холода.

  11. Крутая лестница ведет к морю.

  12. Товар прибыл, но он еще на корабле.

  13. Ее советы были мудрыми.

  14. Мои часы отстают.

  15. Окно комнаты выходило во двор.



1. A noun is a word used to name a person (a teacher), thing (a cup), place (London), idea (transparency), event (war) or even an action (reading).

In English, nouns make up the most numerous class of words. The potential number of nouns in English is infinite because almost any word there can be made into a noun with or without affixes: Don’t trouble (v) trouble (n) until trouble (n) troubles (v) you.

Nouns can besimple (a book, a ship, a window), compound (a blackbird, a bedroom, a dining-room) or derived (darkness, misprint, unemployment, a jump).

2. Derivation by suffixation (development) is more typical of nouns than derivation by prefixation (prehistory, subway, outlook).

The major concepts that are named in English by suffixational nouns are:

agent or instrument: -er, -ant, -ee, -ian, and -ist: worker, assistant, employee, communist; revolver;

result of an action: -ion, -ment, -ing, -ure, -ance, -age: revolution, transmission. development, building, pressure, tolerance, coverage;

abstract quality: -ness, -ancy/-ency,-ism, -ship, -th: darkness, fluency, modernism, hardship, truth.

Suffixational nouns are also used to name:

feminine agent: -ess, -ine, -ette: baroness, heroine, cosmonette;

diminution and endearment: -let, -y, -ling, -ette: booklet, doggie, duckling, kitchenette;

the one with a distinctive quality (usu. derogatory): -ard, -ster, -ton: drunkard, gangster, youngster, simpleton;

relatedness to a proper name:-an, -ese: Indian, Japanese;

belonging to, working in or as: -ary: missionary, functionary;

the state or time of being: -hood: childhood, motherhood;

collection: -age: baggage, trackage;

the amount needed to fill a certain container:-ful: a cupful, a handful.

Here are the most typical suffixes that make nouns:

from verbs:

-er/ -or: speaker, reader, actor, supervisor

-ent/-ant: assistant, student

-ee: employee, interviewee

-ion: education, relation, invasion, revision

-ment: government, development, imprisonment

-ing: building, writing, setting

-ance/-ence: resistance, difference

-ure: departure, pleasure

-age: leakage, marriage

from adjectives:

-ity/-ty: mentality, normality, reality, safety, certainty

-ness: happiness, darkness, deepness

-dom: freedom, wisdom

from nouns:

-hood: childhood, neighbourhood

-dom: kingdom, dukedom

-ship: friendship, leadership

-ism: capitalism, sexism

-ary: missionary, functionary

-age: hostage, orphanage

-ful: handful, cupful

-ette: kitchenette, launderette

3. Besides affixational there are also affixless ways of deriving nouns. The most common of them are:

conversion for deriving nouns from verbs (usually monosyllabic) as in to cut (v)a cut (n), to drop (v) – a drop (n). (Verbs are also derived from nouns by conversion as in dust (n) – to dust (v). For details see Chapter II);

substantivation for deriving nouns from other parts of speech as in poor (adj)the poor (n), adult (adj) – an adult (n), and

stress-shift for deriving some two-syllable nouns from verbs of Romance origin borrowed from French: trans`port (v)`transport (n), re`cord (v) `record (n), pre`sent (v) `present (n).

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