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4. Use the right word order or choose the right forms.

(1) (Shoes leather Italian expensive handmade): these are my pride and joy. I own a (2) (old beautiful pair) – or I did until yesterday, when I discovered that one of the shoes was missing. I had left the shoes on my (3) (doorstep back) to do some gardening. My neighbour has a (4) (dog friendly large) called Sam. When I saw that one of my shoes had disappeared, I knew that Sam had taken it. I can’t say he behaved (5) (bad/badly). He just behaved like a dog. Leather looks (6) (good/well) and tastes (7) (good/well), too. I unwillingly gave Sam the (8) (remaining Italian shoe) and then followed him. I not only found one (9) (Italian unchewed shoe), but also a pile of things Sam had been borrowing, including my wife’s (10) (slippers fur-lined red), which Sam had tried for dinner!

(Longman English Grammar Practice, p. 87)

Progress test

Unit 1

1. Convert the following verbs and nouns into adjectives by means of suffixes.

  1. The doctor gave me a very (favour) report on my health.

  2. He has a rather (bush) beard.

  3. The girl looked (thought) for a moment and then answered.

  4. It was (courage) of you to save a drowning man.

  5. It’s not (respect) to be drunk in the street.

  6. She speaks in a rather (book) way.

  7. A paid full-time official responsible for organizing and administrating activities of an organization is called a (to execute) secretary.

  8. She was born to an (intellect) family.

  9. You’ll find this little tool very (value) for cutting.

  10. It’s a warm (wool) coat.

2. Make the adjectives in brackets negative.

  1. John remained (violent) in spite of receiving racial insults.

  2. He was (obedient) to his mother.

  3. He was an (legitimate) child.

  4. (standard) expressions are not usually used by educated native speakers.

  5. His (reputable) behaviour made me feel sick.

  6. The very idea of cheating him is (tasteful) to me.

  7. It was a (decisive) victory.

  8. Using other people for one’s own profit is (moral).

  9. He is still (mature).

  10. I am (comfortable) in this chair.

3. Transcribe the following adjectives.

  1. Pressed

  2. Crooked

  3. Blessed

  1. wicked

  2. legged

  3. hooked

  1. learned

  2. dark-skinned

  1. ragged

  2. dogged

Unit 2

1. Put the adjective in the right place.

  1. (ready) a steamer to sail off

  2. (general) attorney

  3. (nice) the music sounds

  4. (interested) anyone is most welcome here

  5. (angry) she gets

  1. (available) data on this question

  2. (concerned) the doctor is on holiday

  3. (sweet) a rose smells

  4. (enough) energy for that

  5. (good) it sounds for me

2. Put the adjectives in the right order:

  1. a (cotton, white and pink, long, Indian, expensive) dress

  2. a (English, nice, old) lady

  3. a (summer, sunny, nice) day

  4. a (fat, black, old) cat

  5. a (metal, antique, expensive) box

  1. a (American, famous, funny) movie

  2. a (red, large, ugly) nose

  3. a (gold, new, fashionable) ring

  4. a (old, lovely, little) village

  5. a (plastic, red, old, big) bag

Unit 4

1. Give the comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives:

  1. tender

  2. good

  3. noble

  1. complete

  2. happy

  3. heavy

  1. big

  2. fine

  3. private

2. Complete the sentences using patterns indicating inequality.

  1. (bronzed) The skin was …a Tahiti native’s.

  2. (nice) You are … many people think.

  3. (hot) Today the sun is … it was yesterday.

  4. (proud) The mother is … her daughter.

  5. ((musical) John is … as his sister.

  6. (interested) You are … in my dress … my dressmaker.

  7. (active) She is … her brother.

  8. (deep) The Naroch is … the Baikal.

  9. (expensive) Gold is … silver.

  10. (experienced) This secretary is … as that one.

  11. (narrow) This street is … that street.

3. Translate into English.

  1. самый чистый

  2. намного чище

  3. самый лучший

  4. значительно лучше

  5. гораздо интереснее

  6. гораздо более занятый

  1. намного хуже

  2. чем ярче солнце, тем теплее дни

  3. чем больше пьешь, тем больше хочется пить

  4. чем больше женщину мы любим, тем меньше нравимся мы ей.

Unit 5

Choose the right adjective.

  1. We were (horrifying/horrified) to know about the accident

  2. Why do you look so (boring/bored)?

  3. The (exciting/excited) children were opening their Christmas presents.

  4. He told me an (amusing/amused) story.

  5. It’s sometimes (embarrassing/embarrassed) to ask for help.

  6. Are you (interesting/interested) in politics?

  7. The situation is rather (depressing/depressed).

  8. She looked (worrying/worried).

  9. The room hasn't been cleaned for a long time. It looks (disgusting/ disgusted).

  10. The most (fascinating/fascinated) insect was walking across the paper.

Unit 6