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Розовая книга: Соколовская, Лещева.doc
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Entry test

Unit 1

1. Convert the following verbs and nouns into adjectives by means of suffixes.

  1. A (to compare) car would cost far more abroad.

  2. The dollar is (to convert).

  3. You’ll find this little tool very (value).

  4. Mathematics is an (intellect) subject.

  5. He is very (to insist) that he’ll finish in time.

  6. The politician’s statement was (to contradict).

  7. A (wood) bed will cost more.

  8. That was a very (fruit) meeting.

  9. It was (courage) of you to save the drowning girl.

  10. It was a cold (frost) day.

2. Make the adjectives in brackets negative.

  1. She is very (like) her mother.

  2. These are (regular) verbs.

  3. Keep your broken leg (mobile).

  4. It’s (legal) to bring these things into the country.

  5. He got his money by (honest) means.

  6. (standard) vocabulary is usually not used by educated people.

  7. She gave a (gracious) refusal.

  8. Their natures are (compatible).

  9. (experienced) people lack the knowledge.

  10. She used (direct) methods of measurement.

3. Name adjectives related to the following participles:

  1. shaved

  2. drunk

  3. shrunk

  1. wicked

  2. legged

  3. crooked

  1. learned

  2. blessed

  1. ragged

  2. dogged

Unit 2

1. Put the adjective in the right place.

  1. (something) new today

  2. (martial) court

  3. (sweet) the peach tastes

  4. (interested) anyone

  5. (happy) she seems

  1. (available) figures on this question

  2. (public) notary

  3. (afraid) she is of him

  4. (enough) brave to do it

  5. (nice) you look

2. Put the adjectives in the right order.

  1. a (woollen, black, extravagant, Scottish, expensive) suit

  2. a (Irish, beautiful, young) woman

  3. a (winter, calm, beautiful) day

  4. a (big, good, black, old) dog

  5. a (ceramic, antique, expensive) vase

  1. a (Russian, famous, historic) film

  2. a (nice, straight, Roman) nose

  3. a (silver, old, impressive) ring

  4. a (old, nice, little) town

  5. a (plastic, red, old, little) toy

Unit 4

1. Give the comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives.

  1. clumsy

  2. bad

  3. narrow

  1. regular

  2. complete

  3. merry

  1. far

  2. old

  1. little

  2. stupid

2. Complete the sentences using patterns indicating inequality:

  1. My brother is (old) … his brother.

  2. Her lips are (red) … his lips.

  3. The hotels here are (expensive) … as there.

  4. The weather this summer is (good) … as last summer.

  5. The snow today is (heavy) … as it was yesterday.

  6. She is (pretty) … her mother.

  7. The Svisloch is (long) … the Volga.

  8. Gold is (heavy) … platinum.

  9. St Petersburg is (ancient) … Minsk.

  10. This street is (narrow) … that street.

3. Translate into English.

  1. самый громкий

  2. намного красивее

  3. самый умный

  4. значительно хуже

  5. гораздо выше

  1. гораздо более забавный

  2. намного лучше

  3. чем больше, тем лучше

  4. чем больше учишься, тем больше знаешь

  5. чем сильнее становишься, тем меньше устаешь

Unit 5

Choose the right adjective.

  1. It was really a (terrifying/terrified) experience.

  2. Everybody was (shocking/shocked).

  3. His (exciting/excited) story touched my heart.

  4. I am (amusing/amused) to find you here.

  5. I feel (embarrassing/embarrassed) when people ask my age.

  6. As he had an (interesting/interested) look on his face I continued.

  7. The (depressing/depressed) news discouraged him.

  8. She seemed very (worrying/worried) about something.

  9. The lesson was (boring/bored) and the students were (boring/bored).

  10. I am (fascinating/fascinated) with their ceremonies.

Unit 6