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2.1. Proofread the following sentences for errors in capitalization.

  1. In management, professor Crawford made all his students listen to the lectures, take notes and understand Management.

  2. The english instructor asked his students if they had read look back in anger.

  3. The Senator from California voted against the banking act.

  4. Are you going to join the Smith College chapter of the rotary club?

  5. The President of the company spoke at my college graduation.

  6. Will you meet Grandpa Chuck, please?

2.2. Decide which nouns are countable and which are uncountable.

    1. People sell all kinds of things at a flea market. Some vendors sell old jewelry. Others sell old wine bottles and medicine bottles. Old glass is interesting because it was blown by hand. Not everything at the market is antique, however. You can also buy ordinary dishes and glasses, furniture and used clothing. For example, you can pick up a sweater or a dress for just a few dollars. You can save money at a flea market, but you can spend a lot of money, too.

    2. The animals on the Bells’ farm provide many things for the family. The cow produces milk. The sheep produce wool and meat, and the chickens produce eggs and meat. The horse doesn’t do much work, but it provides entertainment for the children, who like to ride it.

2.3. Many countable nouns can be used as uncountable. Notice the difference in their meaning.

  1. War is a poor way to solve problems.

  2. There have been two world wars in the last century.

  3. Wine is very good with good meals.

  4. Moldova produces many fine wines.

  5. It is a good wine.

  6. Please give me a milk and two coffees with cream.

  7. Do you speak German?

  8. There are two Frenchmen and a German in my class.

  9. Language is a fascinating subject.

  10. How many languages do you speak?

2.4. Say according to the model if the following nouns, or rather their senses, are countable [C] or uncountable [U]. Check up an explanatory dictionary:



  1. [U] a place to live; a room, a flat, a house, a hotel room, etc.

  2. [U] the act of changing something so that it suits new conditions

  3. [U; C] the act of settling a business disagreement or the ending of a disagreement

  4. [C] something that helps, or makes an action easier

People, advice, departure, fear, fish, friendship, frost, fruit, fun, gossip, grass, hair, homework, joy, job, knowledge, loss, luck, money, news, permission, progress, scenery, terror, travel, trouble, view, wind, work.

2.5. Translate into Russian and then back into English. Pay attention to the use of countable and uncountable nouns.

      1. Ann hasn’t got accommodation.

      2. She gave me plenty of good advice.

      3. We shall meet at “Arrivals and departures”.

      4. I have some fears that he would get lost.

      5. It’s a picture of a fish.

      6. I like to eat fish.

      7. There are many fish here.

      8. Real friendship is more valuable than money.

      9. His friendships never last very long.

      10. Frost has killed our young plants.

      11. Early frosts spoil the last of the flowers.

  1. Don’t walk on the grass.

  2. He hid behind some tall grasses.

  3. She has beautiful hair.

  1. There was a hair in the soup.

  2. There is a lot of homework to do.

  3. He was filled with joy.

  4. I saw the joy in her smiling face.

  5. She is such a great joy to me!

  6. He is looking for a new job.

  7. Knowledge is power.

  8. Did you report the loss of your jewellery to the police?

  9. I want to wish you good luck.

  10. Money doesn’t always bring happiness.

  11. I have good news and bad news.

  12. The good news is that he is alive.

  1. Fruit is good for you.

  2. There are many fruits in this store.

  3. We still have much fruit; don’t buy any.

  4. We had a lot of fun.

  5. I don’t listen to gossip.

  6. She is a gossip.

  7. Grass is green.

  1. The bad news is we don’t know where he is now.

  2. Bad news doesn’t make people happy.

  3. The ship made slow progress through the rough sea.

  4. What lovely scenery!

  5. What a lovely view!

  6. I am looking for work.

  1. We made a loss on these shoes.

  2. It’s a great loss for us.

  3. What is the departure time of the flight?

  1. The new system is a departure from our usual way of keeping records.