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Market Report - a Rocky Road for Tech Stocks.

European investors ….. (watch) US stock markets nervously over the last few months. The problems with US technology and telecomms stocks ….. (begin) last March, and since then share prices at companies like Intel, Apple and Dell ….. (crash). Over the summer all these giants …… (announce) lower than expected profits, and investors fear that demand for PCs in the highly developed US market ….. (peak). Now it’s the turn of European stocks. On Monday stocks in companies like Germany's SAP and Finland’s Nokia ….. (fall) sharply. SAP …..(be) down 3% in Frankfurt, and Nokia ….. (drop) 7% in Helsinki.

But there was some good news for investors yesterday. Yahoo! ….. (release) figures which showed that in the last quarter revenues ….. (rise) to $295 million, up from $115 million a year earlier. Yahoo! relies on online advertising for most of its income, and this year it….. (gain) significant market share in Europe and ….. (manage) to achieve the position of top Web-navigation company.

Analysts believe that the market ….. (not hit) the bottom yet. Earlier this year investors …… (buy) any Internet stocks that were available, creating a stock market bubble. Now it’s just the opposite. Investors ….. (become) so nervous that they are selling everything, even if the company is sound and the stock looks cheap.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Active or


Less than a month after the fire at its plant in Ludwigshafen, Germany, the air bag manufacturer HTS is back in business. Sales Director explained that the factory in Ludwigshafen ….. (work) again, because one part was not destroyed by the fire. So, for the moment, some of the other components ….. (import) from the US, and the bags ….. (assemble) at the other plant in Poland.” The company ….. (plan) to build a much larger production plant at Ludwigshafen. This will be a large investment, but the air bag market ….. (grow) rapidly, and more and more air bags ….. (fit) in cars as a standard safety device.

Exercise 10. Complete the report by putting the verbs in brackets into the

Present Perfect Active or Passive.

Investment Opportunities

Brazil ..... (transform) from an economy based on sugar and coffee into a leading industrial power, and this ….. (happen) over a relatively short time period. Over recent years inflation …. (bring) under control, and foreign direct investment …. (encourage).

The Government ….. (privatise) many state-owned companies, and they ….. (also / invest) a lot of money in advanced infrastructure. In an attempt to decentralise the economy, Campinas was chosen to be Brazil’s IT capital, and car production ….. (move) away from traditional centers to states such as Rio Grande do Sul in the south. No one pretends that all the old problems ….. (solve), but Brazil is finally taking its place on the world stage.

Exercise 11. Complete the second email with the verbs from the first email it

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