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The Company Organization.doc
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board – правление, совет

chairman – председатель

to head – возглавлять

individual – личность, человек

shareholder – акционер

to elect – выбирать

to manage – управлять

operation – действие, работа, процесс

to purchase – покупать

employee – служащий, работник

staff – штат, персонал

engineering – машиностроение, техника

vehicle – средство перевозки (автомобиль, вагон и т.п.)

space – космос, пространство

shipping – грузовые перевозки

catering – сфера общественного питания

insurance – страхование

branch – филиал, отделение

subsidiary – дочерняя компания, филиал

wholesale – торговля оптом

retailing – торговля в розницу

I. Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian


  1. chairman a. правление компании

  2. managing director b. председатель

  3. marketing manager c. менеджер по рекламе

  4. production manager d. менеджер по маркетингу

  5. research manager e. начальник производства

  6. personnel manager f. менеджер по исследованиям

  7. sales manager g. менеджер по закупкам

  8. chief accountant h. менеджер по продажам

  9. advertising manager i. главный бухгалтер

  10. training manager j. менеджер по подготовке кадров

  11. board of directors k. главный управляющий

  12. purchasing manager l. менеджер по персоналу (кадрам)

II. Answer the questions.

  1. How is the company defined?

  2. What body is usually at the head of the company?

  3. Who elects it?

  4. Is the board of directors responsible only for day-to-day operation of the


  1. What directors and managers may compose the board of directors?

  2. What departments are headed by the managers?

III. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

shareholders management workforce board of directors chairman managing director

department managers

Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the _________ who provide the capital, the ______ who operate the business and the _______ who is employed to do work.

At the top of a company there is the ______ who is responsible for making policy decisions and for determining the company’s strategy. It is usually headed by a _____ and appoints a ______ who has responsibility for the running of the business. _______ head various departments within a company.

IV. Answer the questions choosing the replies from the definitions.




What is a board?


a person who own shares


Who is a chairman?


a person employed to manage


What is a department?


a group of directors who control a company


Who is a manager?


a part of a company where people do a particular job


Who is a shareholder?


people who work for a company for money


What is a company?


a plan that is used to achieve something


What is strategy?


the head of a company


What is workforce?


a group of people formed for some business

V. – Circle the word that does not belong to each horizontal group.

  1. business company society subsidiary

  2. salary manager director employee

  3. finance product research marketing

  4. distributing selling assembling promoting

  5. components tools hardware strategy

  6. end user customer client distributor

Which group of the words refers to the following definitions?

  1. people who buy goods or services

b) types of commercial organizations

c) different departments or functions

d) people who work inside a company

e) activities that involve meeting customers

f) products that can be sold

VI. Mind the most common verbs and phrases for describing company


to consist of = to be composed of =

to be made up of

– состоять из

to include

– включать, заключать

to be divided into

– делиться, подразделяться на …

to be in charge of

– заведовать, руководить

to be responsible for

– отвечать за

to be responsible to

– отчитываться перед кем-либо

to be accountable to

– быть подотчетным

to deal with

– иметь дело с чем-либо, заниматься


Translate the sentences using the above verbs and phrases.

  1. The company consists of five main departments.

  2. The marketing department is made up of three units.

  3. The sales department is divided into two sections.

  4. This group of companies includes subsidiaries in different countries.

  5. The personnel department is in charge of the workforce.

  6. The marketing department is responsible for advertising, sales and market


  1. They deal with the contracts with English partners.

  2. All the department managers are accountable to the managing director.

  3. The sales manager and the advertising manager are responsible to the

marketing manager.

10. Management is responsible for the day-to-day running of the company.

11. Various departments are included into the company structure.

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