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The Company Organization.doc
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IV. Match the following qualities with the appropriate explanations.

Do you have such qualities?

1. self-starter, self-motivated

a. be very keen to do well in their job

2. systematic and organized

b. people who work well with other people

3. motivated

c. be good at working on their own,


4. talented

d. can work in a planned, orderly way

5. team players

e. naturally very good at what they do

V. Answer the following questions.

  1. Do you want to work mainly (в основном):

  1. for money?

  2. for power?

  3. for fame?

  4. for self esteem (самоуважение)?

  1. If you won a lot of money, would you:

    1. invest in your company?

    2. start your own company?

    3. retire? (оставлять должность)

    4. spend it?

  1. Which is the most important for you in your future work:

  1. chances to meet people?

  2. friendly colleagues?

  3. a sympathetic boss? (благожелательный)

  4. a good working environment? (окружающая обстановка)

  1. If you found your colleagues very difficult, would you:

  1. try to discuss the problem with them?

  2. try to tolerate the situation?

  3. ask for a transfer to another department?

  4. leave the company?

  1. Do you prefer to work:

  1. mostly in an office?

  2. mostly at home?

  3. mostly travelling around?

  4. a mixture of working at the office, at home, and travelling around?

  1. Which of the following would most increase your own productivity at work:

  1. more autonomy?

  2. more time?

  3. more computers’?

  4. more money?

  1. If someone asked you know much you earned, would you:

  1. tell them the right figure?

  2. tell them the wrong figure?

  3. ask them to reply to the same question first?

  4. refuse to tell them?

VI. Speak about your personal features.

    1. Do you understand what kind of person you are? Characterize yourself.

    2. Which qualities do you need in your future job? Write a few sentences

about it.

Use the following expressions in your story.

  • to be the adventurous (предприимчивый, любящий приключения) type

  • to enjoy new challenges and taking risks

  • to dislike having responsibility for other people

  • to be a little shy (застенчивый, робкий)

  • to find it difficult to mix with new people

  • to be confident (уверенный, самоуверенный) in abilities (способности, талант)

  • to prefer to be in charge

  • to prefer to take orders (выполнять распоряжения)

  • to enjoy having lots of people around

  • to do well in a managerial post (успешно справляться, хорошо себя проявить на административной должности)

  • to be fluent in some languages

  • to have good working knowledge of something

  • to attend a training course in order to perfect (совершенствовать, улучшать) a language

  • to feel not to use smb’s knowledge of smth to the full

  • to look for a more challenging position (интересная работа) where one’s field of specialization can be exploited

  • to work in more stimulating environment

  • to contribute (внести вклад, содействовать) to the growth of the company

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