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V. Use information from the above texts and complete the table.

aims of a advertising

ways of advertising

VII. Translate the sentences.

  1. Компании используют рекламу для продвижения своих товаров.

  2. Компании производят товары и предлагают услуги.

  3. Компании используют различные средства массовой информации для рекламы.

  4. Товары и услуги рекламируются в газетах, журналах, телевизионных роликах.

  5. Потребитель может видеть рекламу на улицах на рекламных щитах или увидеть ее дома в рекламных листовках, которые присылают большие и маленькие магазины и фирмы.

  6. Реклама необходима для того, чтобы сообщить потребителю, какие товары и услуги есть на рынке.

  7. Отделы рекламы различных компаний устраивают рекламные акции, чтобы привлечь покупателя и заставить его приобрести какой-либо продукт или услугу.

VII. Read, translate the text and speak about the ways the company

advertised its product.

Coca-Cola and its Advertising

John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886. His partner suggested to publish an advertisement for the drink in the Atlanta Journal that very year. In 1888, Asa Candler bought the Coca-Cola business and decided to make the product known through signs, calendars and clocks.

The company began building its global network when Robert Woodruff was elected president of the company in 1923. He succeeded in transforming Coca-Cola into a truly international product by setting up a foreign department, which exported Coca-Cola to the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928. During World War II, he promised to bring Coca-Cola to every soldier in every part of the world.

Coca-Cola’s advertising always attempts to reflect changing contemporary lifestyles. Creating an international advertising campaign requires the talents of professionals in many areas, and extensive testing and research are always done before deciding which advertisements will finally be used. Big film starts and pop singers agree to appear in Coca-Cola commercials.

After launching Diet Coke in 1982, the company saw its sales grow quickly. The drink is now the third most popular in the world. In 1985, the company tried to change the secret formula of Coca-Cola, but realised that Americans were very attached to the original recipe. The company listened to its consumers and quickly responded by returning the original formula to the market as “Coca-Cola Classic”. Today, people in more than 160 countries around the globe enjoy drinking Coca-Cola. It is asked for more than 524 million times a day in more than 80 languages. The company intends to expand its global presence even further particularly in developing markets.


I. – Read information about the company and describe its position in the


Kristal Water

Kristal is a bottled water, manufactured by a US company, Hamilton Food and Drink Products (HFDP). According to HFDP, it comes from a spring deep under the rocks in Alaska, US. It is advertised as the purest water in the world. It has few minerals, and nothing is added to the water to change its taste. The water is targeted (нацеливать, предназначать) at people who want to have a healthy lifestyle.

Kristal was launched last year in California, US. It was advertised in health magazines with the slogan “There is no purer drink in the world”. It is sold in clear glass bottles, in 1-litre sizes. Its price is $3, which is higher than most competing brands (марка). The brand name Kristal is printed in large black letters on the label, with a picture of a waterfall. The water is available in health food shops.

After six months, it was clear that the product launch was a failure (провал, неудача). Sales were 60% below forecast (предсказывать, предполагать), and very few people knew that there was a new bottled water product named Kristal.

The Marketing Department interviewed members of the public to find out what was going wrong.

Read the dialogues and sum up customers’ opinions.

Describe the position of the company in the market.


  • Have you ever bought Kristal bottled water?

  • Yes, I tried it when I saw it on television.

  • What did you think of it?

  • Nothing special. Just like any other water, but a bit more expensive.


  • Kristal is more expensive than some other bottled waters. Do you think it’s worth paying extra for this brand of water?

  • Not really. It’s got a fresh taste, I suppose.

  • Do you think it’s healthier than other bottled waters?

  • Well, they say it is in the advertising, It could be, but I don’t really know. I’ll tell you in 40 years’ time.


  • Do you buy Kristal bottled water regularly?

  • No. I can’t find it in the supermarkets. If it’s not in the supermarkets, where am I supposed to buy it?


  • When I say Kristal bottled water, what word do you think of?

  • Expensive. I haven’t tried it because I can get a similar bottled water for half the price.


  • Have you tried Kristal water?

  • I’ve never heard of it. Where can I buy it?

Discuss what you should do to improve sales of Kristal.

Use the questions below as a guide.

  1. Does the product need to be changed, for example, offer it in a range of sizes?

  2. Is the price correct?

  3. Was it promoted in the correct way?

  4. Is Kristal targeted at the right segment of the market?

  5. If not, who should it be targeted at?

  6. Is it being sold in the right places?

  7. What changes need to be made to relaunch the product?

  8. What should attract attention of the customers?

  9. What are the reasons why people should buy Kristal?

  10. What slogan should be used?

II. – Complete the following definition of marketing, by inserting the verbs

from the box.

design develop identify influence modify persuade

Marketers have to: __________ or anticipate a consumer need; ________

a product or service that meets their requirements better than any competing products or services; ________ target customers to try the product or service; and, in the long term, ________ it to satisfy changes in consumer needs or market conditions. Marketers can ________ particular features, attractive packaging, and effective advertising, that will _______ consumers’ wants. Marketing thus combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, product improvement, and so on.

Match Russian and English phrases.

  1. определить потребности покупателя – to persuade a customer

  2. отвечать требованиям – to influence consumer’s wants

  3. придумать продукт или услугу – market research

  4. конкурирующий продукт или услуга – product distribution and promotion

  5. удовлетворять изменениям – new product development

  6. условия рынка – attractive packaging

  7. действенная реклама – to identify consumer needs

  8. развивать характерные особенности – to satisfy changes

  9. привлекательная упаковка – to meet the requirements

  10. влиять на желание потребителя – market conditions

  11. исследование рынка – to design a product or service

  12. разработка новых товаров – to develop features

  13. распределение и продвижение – effective advertising

товаров на рынок

  1. убеждать покупателя – competing product or service

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