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    1. Perform the following writing task:

Write a descriptive composition describing events / festivals / celebrations based on the module and extra vocabulary. Remember the notes above how to write descriptive compositions describing events / festivals / celebrations.

Module 8 Things you can’t live without


Write a discursive “for-and-against” essay based on the module and extra vocabulary. Learn the notes below how to write discursive “for-and-against” essays.

Writing notes

For and Against Compositions

An argumentative composition is always formal, impersonal piece of writing in which you are expected to consider a topic from opposing points of view and give a balanced consideration or your opinion. Personal expressions such as I believe, I think should only be used in the final paragraph where you can give your opinion.

A good argumentative “for-and-against” composition should consist of:


state topic

Main body

Para 1. Arguments for with justification

Para 2, Arguments against with justification


balanced consideration/ opinion

Points to remember:

  • Decide on the points for and against the topic before starting your composition.

  • Never write an argument for or against a topic without supporting it with justification, e.g. One disadvantage of driving a car is that it creates pollution. This is evident from the poor air quality found in cities where there is a lot of traffic.

  • Do not use short forms or strong personal expressions.

  • Each paragraph should start with a sentence (topic sentence) which summarises what the paragraph is about, e.g. There many advantages to driving a car. To begin with, it allows you… However, driving a car has a number of disadvantages as well. Firstly, you need to … Secondly, … Finally …etc

  • The use of linking words is absolutely necessary when writing an argumentative composition:

To introduce points: Firstly / To begin with / In the first place /One point in favour of is / One point against is / One advantage / disadvantage of…is

To add more points: Secondly / What is more / Furthermore / A further advantage

To make contrasting points: However / On the other hand / Although / In spite of

To conclude: To sum up / In conclusion / On balance / All things considered

First and Last Paragraph Techniques

In the first paragraph you can state the topic by:

  • making references to unusual scene or situation, e.g. The sight of a huge lion dozing in the corner of the cage with no interest in its surrounding…

  • addressing the reader directly, e.g. Have you ever wondered whether animals in captivity are happy?

  • starting with a rhetorical question which states the topic, e.g. Are there really more advantages than disadvantages to keeping animals in zoos?

  • If you feel there are more arguments for than arguments against a topic, give them before the final paragraph to lead the reader to a proper conclusion.