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  1. Memorize extra vocabulary: idioms / proverbs

Beneath criticism

Devour the book

Out of the common

A pirated book / film

Capture sb’s imagination

Man cannot live by bread alone

Read between the lines

Bad news travels fast.

You can’t judge a book by its cover.

The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper

Words of wisdom:

A community needs news for the same reason that a man needs eyes. It has to see where it is going.

D West (British author)

TV is chewing gum for the eyes.

F.Wright (US architect)

The public is like a piano. You just have to know what keys to poke.

Al Capp (US cartoonist)

  1. Make up as many sentences as you can using words and phrases suggested above.

  2. Perform the following pre-writing tasks part 1

Pre-writing task 1

Read the following film review and fill in the gaps with the verbs from the list. Use correct active/passive tense forms.

decide, become, play, fill, find out, teach, set, develop, meet

A Film Review

Free Willy, directed by Simon Wincer, is a fascinating and moving adventure. It 1) ………… on the west coast of North America. The film is about the relationship between a boy and a whale, called Willy. Jason James Richter 2)……………. Jesse, a young street child who 3)…………… the meaning of love and friendship.

Jesse first 4)…………….. Willy in the sea park where the whale is kept. They 5)……………. good friends as they have been both separated from their families. As the story 6)………… Jesse becomes so fond of Willy that he 7) …………….to try and free him

All the actors, especially Lori Petty and Michael Madsen, are excellent. The film 8)………….. with suspense and emotion. The scenes involving Jesse and Willy 9)……………us how close animals and human beings can be to each other.

This is a wonderful film for the whole family. Don’t miss it as it will change the way you see life and relationships forever.

Pre-writing task 2

The people below all want to buy a book. Decide which book would be most suitable for the following people:

Jan is sixteen and she loves shopping for clothes and reading stories about people and things in the news. She wants to read some entertaining light fiction.

Paul is nineteen and he is very keen on sport. He doesn’t enjoy fiction much, but does like reading about the lives of sporting heroes of the past

Susan is eighteen and she enjoys good reading. .She would like something which offers information as well as entertainment. She’s interested in history and plans to travel round Europe this summer.

Michael is twenty three, a computer expert, whose interests include travel and sport. He has to go abroad for work and wants a novel to read on his journey with plenty of action and excitement.

Sonia is twenty four and works for an international airline. She enjoys love stories of the past, especially if they contain descriptions of beautiful houses, clothes and parties.