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Методичка письмо 22.doc
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  1. Use the similes to complete the following sentences. Then make up the sentences of your own.

  1. Grace dived in the sea and started swimming. She was a very good swimmer. She swam like ……..

  2. It was ……..……….. night inside the cave. Jeff looked for his torch.

  3. Tom forgets about everything. He ……………………a sieve.

  4. The children were …..……….……bees helping their parents prepare the garden for the party.

  5. Sally was so scared that she was shaking like …………… .

Pre-writing task 4

Match the beginnings with the endings. Choose any of them as the introduction and conclusion of the story you would like to present.



My 15th birthday party was a really memorable occasion. My family had just bought a house by the sea and as it was summer, my parents let me have a barbeque on the beach.


The sight of my friends and family standing in the living room on my arrival made tears come to my eyes. I had felt so lonely all those months away from home and their surprise welcome reminded me of how much I’d missed everyone.



At the end of the evening when the last guests had left, I sat by the fireplace to have a cup of tea with my parents before I went to bed. What a relief I was to be at home again surrounded by familiar objects and people who really cared.


It certainly was the best party I have ever had! Not only because it was the first time I had ever cut my birthday cake on a beach, but also because of the great pleasure it gave me to see so many of my friends and relatives together in the same place.

Pre-writing task 5

Read the rubric and the plot line, then put the events in the order they happened. Finally, use the plot line to tell the whole story.

1got off the train.

I found a wallet on the station floor.

I picked the wallet up.

I gave her the wallet.

I found the owner’s address.

I was able to buy myself a watch.

She was very happy.

I went to the owner’s house.

I first met my future wife.

I opened it and looked inside.

  1. Perform the following writing task:

Write an essay describing a memorable story happened in your life which is supposed to be written in the first person (first-person narratives). Remember the notes above how to write discursive essays..

Module 3. Around the world


Write a composition describing the places that are worth visiting based on the module vocabulary. Learn the notes below how to write compositions describing places..

Writing notes

Describing places

We can find descriptions of places as parts of stories, in tourists magazines or brochures, articles, parts of letters etc. When describing a place, your composition should include: