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Чехович Д.Р..doc
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Exercise 26

Choose am / is / are.

  1. Her name ............... Natalie.

  2. I ................. from Poland.

  3. Where ............... you from?

  4. She ................. from England.

  5. They .................. doctors.

  6. It .................. a computer.

  7. We .................. in Russia.

  8. Clive ……. a managing director.

  9. It …… a letter from England.

  10. I …… a secretary.

  11. The engineers …… very busy all day long.

  12. My friend ….. a sales representative.

  13. Our companies ….. in Europe.

  14. What….. your name?

  15. Where …… she from?

  16. How ….. you? I …… fine.

  17. Where ….your office?

  18. We ….. not a big company.

  19. I ….. here and you …. there.

  20. His telephone number ….. in my notebook.

  21. We ….. Spanish.

  22. Peter and Clark ….. upstairs.

  23. Who ….. your boss?

  24. That… a good idea.

Grammar notes

Структура предложений с глаголом “to be”.

Table 11

утвердительная форма

отрицательная форма

вопросительная форма

I am a student (I’m)

You are a student (You’re)

He is a student (He’s)

She is a student (She’s)

It is a school (It’s)

We are students (We’re)

You are students (You’re)

They are students (They’re)

I am not ... (I’m not)

You are not ... (You aren’t)

He is not ... (He isn’t)

She is not ... (She isn’t)

It is not ... (It isn’t)

We are not ... (We aren’t)

You are not ... (You aren’t)

They are not ... (They aren’t)

Am I a student?

Are you a student?

Is he a student?

Is she a student?

Is it a school?

Are we students?

Are you students?

Are they students?

Короткие ответы:

Yes, I am. Yes, we are No, I’m not. No, we aren’t.

Yes, you are Yes, you are No, you are not. No, you aren’t

Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, they are No, he/she/it isn’t. No, they aren’t.

Exercise 27

Choose am / is / are:

  1. ……. they receptionists? Yes, they …..

  2. …….. she married? No, she …..

  3. …. …you from Canada? No, I ……….

  4. …….. he a sales representative? No, he ………

  5. …….. you at work? No, I ………..

  6. …….it your office? Yes, it ….

  7. …… they shop assistants? Yes, they …….

  8. …… you German? Yes, we …….

  9. …… he single? No, he …….

  10. …… they your colleagues? No, they ………

Exercise 28

Make up sentences. Use the needed forms of the verb “to be”.

( The capital Paris France of)

Paris is the capital of France.

  1. My head mother administration of the

  2. At moment the Jenny not office the in

  3. Company our old very

  4. Very catalogues beautiful the

  5. Not in interested your we product

  6. They computer company graphics at managers a

  7. The manager production who ?

  8. what company's your address?

Exercise 29

Read the dialogue and put the verbs in brackets into the right form.

PH: Hello, I …. (to be) Peter Hay. Where ….. (to be) you from?

JF: We …. (to be) from Seattle in the USA.

PH: Oh, …. (to be) you American?

JF: I …. (to be). But Arnold …. (to be/not).

AW: I …. (to be) from Austria. But we …. (to be) from the same company, Inter Corp.

PH: Oh, yes, Inter Corp. What ….. (to be) your names?

JF: My mane …. (to be) Jane Field. This …. (to be) Arnold Weiss.

PH: Pleased to meet you. …. you (to be) in banking?

AW: No, …. (to be/not). We …. (to be) in insurance.