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Invitations приглашения

Active vocabulary

Days of the week.

1. week - неделя

2. day - день

3. Monday - Понедельник

4. Tuesday - Вторник

5. Wednesday - Cреда

6. Thursday - Четверг

7. Friday - Пятница

8. Saturday - Суббота

9. Sunday - Воскресенье


10. idea - идея

11. suggestion - предложение

12. invitation - приглашение

13. a diary - дневник

14. a reply - ответ

15. hospitality - гостеприимство


15. to go out - провести время вне дома

16. to go to the theatre - пойти в театр

17. to have dinner - поужинать

18. to see a film - посмотреть фильм

19. to have lunch - пообедать

20. to go to a disco - пойти на дискотеку

21. to come to Jane’s party - пойти на вечеринку Джейн

22. to drive to the seaside - поехать к берегу моря


23. I’m busy - Я занят

24. Let’s go - Пойдем

25. That’s a good idea - Это хорошая идея

26. together - вместе

27. in a diary - в дневнике

28. to look forward to - ждать с нетерпением

29. I’m afraid - боюсь...

30. a previous engagement - заранее договоренная встреча

31. at another time - в другое время

Exercise 38

The answers are all days of the week.

  1. The day before Thursday.

  2. The day after Monday.

  3. The day before Tuesday.

  4. The day between Wednesday and Friday.

  5. The day before Sunday.

  6. The day before Saturday.

  7. Everybody’s day off.

Exercise 39

This is Simon’s diary. He would like to go out with Anne. There are suggestions for places to go on his diary. In pairs, invite Anne out as Simon does and reply as Anne does:

Simon: Would you like to go to the theatre with me on Monday?

Anne: Yes, I’d love to.

I’m sorry. I’m busy on Monday.


go to the theatre?


have lunch ?


have dinner?


go to a disco ?


see a film?


come to Jane’s party ?


drive to the seaside ?

Exercise 40

Mary and Helen are discussing what they would like to do together this week. Take your ideas from Simon’s diary. Make suggestions and reply as Mary and Helen do:

Mary: Let’s go to the theatre together on Monday.

Helen: That’s a good idea.

I’m sorry. I’m busy on Monday.


Go to an exercise class


See friends


Go shopping


Go for a walk


Go to a restaurant


Watch television


Play tennis

Exercise 41

Look at this invitation and the reply.

John and Susan invite you to a party at 33 Honister Avenue,

Newcastle NE23PA on Saturday 7th November at 8 pm

7 Park Avenue

Newcastle NE1 4AJ

2nd November

Dear John and Susan,

Thank you very much for your invitation to the party

on the 7th of November. I’d love to come.

I look forward to seeing you both.

Love, Carolyn

NB To refuse an invitation you can write.

Thank you very much for your invitation to the party on 7th November.

I’m afraid I have a previous engagement for that evening.

I look forward to seeing you at another time.

Exercise 42

Write an invitation to a party or to dinner and send it to someone else in the class. Reply to the invitation you receive.



Exercise 43

Write about yourself.

  • What would you like to do this week?

  • What would you like to do this weekend?

Exercise 44

Can you find seven mistakes in this invitation?

15 Mobray road

Newcastle NE2 3PA

2 November

Dear Susan,

I is having a dinner party 21st november for a few friends.

It starts about 8. Would like to come?

I’d love to see you again.

Yours sincerely, Сarolyn

Exersise 45

Reply to this invitation:

109 Claxton Grove

Newcastle NE1 5JD

2nd November

Dear John and Susan,

Would you like to come to dinner on Wednesday 11th November at 7.30?

We look forward to seeing you.


David and Ann

Exercise 46

Read the text.

Alexandra Adler continues her seminar on cross-cultural issues. Entertainment and hospitality vary a lot in different cultures.

  • In country А, entertaining is important. There are long business lunches in restaurants, where deals are discussed. Professional and private lives are separate, but clients are never invited home.

  • In country B, evenings are spent drinking and singing in bars with colleagues and clients.

  • In country C, lunch can be important, but less so than in country A. Important contacts may be invited to dinner at home. Corporate hospitality is a big industry, with clients invited to big sports events.

  • In country D, restaurants are rare outside the capital. Some entertainment takes place when important clients are invited to people’s houses for dinner, or go sailing or to country houses for the weekend, etc.

Exercise 47

In which country might you hear these things?

  1. How about a trip out tomorrow afternoon? We could see some horse racing and have a glass of champagne.

  2. Do come out with us this evening! I know some great bars. How’s your singing?

  3. What are you doing this weekend? You should come to our summer cottage. You’ll meet my family and we can take the boat out.

  4. Let’s get out of the office to discuss the deal. I know a nice restaurant near here, with some very good local dishes.

Exercise 48

Read the sentence 1-12. Put the numbers in the appropriate box below.


Declining an invitation

Offer to buy a drink




Negative and alternative

  1. How about a meal in a restaurant tonight?

  2. Unfortunately, I’ve got to leave this afternoon.

  3. Would you like a Martini?

  4. Actually, I’d like a white wine, please?

  5. What can I get you to drink?

  6. I’ll have a dry white wine, please.

  7. That would be very nice.

  8. Would you like meat or fish?

  9. Well, I’d prefer something vegetarian.

  10. I think I’d like the roast duck, please.

  11. How’s the duck?

  12. It’s delicious. How’s your fish?

Exercise 49

Complete the exchanges below. The first has been done for you.

  1. We’d like to invite you for a drink. (decline) - Thank you. But unfortunately I have an appointment.

  2. How about a meal tomorrow evening? (accept) - Thank you. That __________ .

  3. Can I get you a drink? (accept) - That’s very ______. I _______ an orange juice.

  4. Would you like a beer? (decline) - No, _______ . Could ______ a glass of wine?

  5. (in a restaurant) Have you tried the local fish? (no, but accept the suggestion) - No, _____ that.

  6. I’d recommend the roast lamb. (decline/you like chicken) - No, actually, ____________ chicken.

  7. (after the meal) Thank you for coming. It’s been a pleasure. (thank your host) - Thank you _______________ .

Exercise 50

What would you say in the following situations?

  1. Your host invites you to the theatre. Accept the invitation.

  2. Invite someone to eat with you tomorrow night.

  3. In the restaurant, recommend the fish.

  4. In the restaurant suggest wine.

  5. Comment on your meal.

  6. Ask your partner what his/her prawn cocktail is like.

  7. Say what your roast chicken is like.

  8. Suggest more water.

  9. At the end of the meal, your guest thanks you. Respond.

  10. At the end of the evening at the theatre, thank your host.

Exercise 37

Translate from Russain into English

  1. Давай пойдем завтра в кино.

  2. Спасибо за приглашение, но у меня важная встреча.

  3. Было бы замечательно.

  4. Что ты делаешь в выходные? Мы едем за город. Не хочешь с нами?

  5. Хочешь еще кофе?

  6. Не хочешь поехать за город в субботу?

  7. С удовольствием.

  8. К сожалению, я не смогу. У меня экзамен в понедельник.

  9. Как насчет ужина в ресторане завтра?

  10. Спасибо большое, ужин был чудесным (вкусным).



Active vocabulary


1. a presenter - ведущий

2. world - мир

3. a year - год

4. a winner - победитель

5. a competition - конкурс

6. truth - правда

7. a quality - качество

8. congratulation - поздравление

9. a viewer - телезритель

10. a survey - обзор

11. a result - результат


12. can - мочь

13. to need - нуждаться

14. to watch - смотреть

15. to think - думать

16. to use - пользоваться


17. presumably - вероятно

18. nowadays - в наши дни

19. a bit more - немного больше

20. tonight - сегодня вечером

21. once again - снова

22. always - всегда


23. to be late for - опаздать на

24. I’m afraid that .. - боюсь, что ..

25. that’s all - это всё

26. not very well - не очень хорошо

27. at all - совсем

28. on time - во время

Grammar notes

Модальный глагол “саn”. В английском языке имеется группа глаголов, лексическое значение которых не обозначает действия, а выражает возможность, вероятность, необходимость действия. Такие глаголы называются модальными.

Модальный глагол can употребляется для выражения возможности, умения, способности.

He can do this work. Он может выполнить эту работу.

She can type well. Она хорошо умеет печатать.

  • Для образования вопросительной формы модальный глагол can ставится перед подлежащим:

Can you do it now? Вы можете сделать это сейчас?

  • Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицатальной частицы not.

His secretary cannot speak Russian. Его секретарь не умеет говорить по- русски.

Her boss cant type. Её начальник не умеет печатать.

  • Короткие ответы строятся следующим образом:

Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Exercise 51

Make up sentences using can or can’t

1. a child / drive a car A child can’t drive a car.

2. an adult / drive a car

3. a fish / swim

4. you / use a computer

5. a boss / type a letter

6. a secretary / make plans

7. a woman / make money

Exercise 52

Look at the table 19 below, then ask and answer the questions.

Table 19






send telexes

do the filing

welcome a visitor

Can Fred drive? Yes, he can.

Exercise 53  (We Mean Business p 55)

Mary Macky is on a television programme. The presenter is Michael Walton. Listen to the tape, read and translate the dialogue.

Michael: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome, once again to World at Work. Tonight in the studio we’ve got the winner of this year’s ‘Ideal Secretary’ competition, Mary Mackie. Hello, Mary.

Mary: Good evening, Michael.

Michael: Now, Mary, presumably an ideal secretary can type and take shorthand.

Mary: Well, yes, but nowadays...

Michael: And she’s well-dressed and never late for work.

Mary: That’s true, but there’s a bit more to it than that. An ideal secretary needs a lot of other qualities. ...

Michael: I’m afraid that’s all we’ve got time for.

Mary: Yes, but...

Michael: Well, there you are, viewers. Mary Mackie, the ideal secretary. Thank you, Mary. Congratulations and good night.

Mary: Er....good night.

Exercise 54

Read and answer the questions.

1. What is the television programme called?

2. What are the people who watch television called?

3. Why is Mary on the programme?

4. Is Mary always on time for work?

5. What qualities does Michael Walton think an ideal secretary needs?

6. What qualities does Mary Mackie think an ideal secretary needs?

7. Do you think Michael Walton is an ideal interviewer?

Exercise 55

Pretend you are Simon Young and ask the BOS staff about things they can do.

A.: Can you speak French? B.:Yes I can.

type? No I can’t.

use the photocopier? Not very well.

Fill in the results of your survey, like this.


speak French


use the photocopier






not very well



Exercise 56

Write a memo to Sheila Baker from Simon Young telling her the results of the survey. Use the correct memo format and begin your memo like this:

Here are the results of the survey:

( Four ) people can speak French well, ( five ) people cannot speak French very well and ( three) people cannot speak French at all.

Exercise 57

Make questions and answer them.

Can you use a switchboard? - Yes I can./ -No I can’t.

1.use a word processor_________________________________________

2. drive_____________________________________________________

3. play tennis________________________________________________

4. ski______________________________________________________

5. speak Italian_______________________________________________

6. answer easy questions in English _______________________________

7. send faxes________________________________________________

8. use an answering machine ____________________________________

9. cook Chinese meals _________________________________________

10. write memos _____________________________________________

Exercise 58

Make as many sentences as you can.

I can

Can you


speak three or four languages

speak French

play a musical instrument

play golf

ride a motorcycle

I can’t

use a computer

use the Internet

do this exercise

write e-mail messages

Exercise 59

Write the short answers to these questions.

  1. Can you type? Yes I can./ No I can’t.

  2. Are you English? Yes I ...... ./ No I ........

  3. Do you work in an office? .....................................

  4. Have you got a secretary? .....................................

  5. Are you doing this exercise at home? .....................................

  6. Can you use a photocopier? .....................................

  7. Does your friend speak Japanese? ………………………..

  8. Do your parents live with you? ……………………….

  9. Is the teacher typing a letter? ……………………….

  10. Are the students of your group at the break? ……………………



Active vocabulary


1. quality - качество

2. pleasant - приятный

3. ambitious - амбициозный

4. intelligent - умный

5. efficient - исполнительный

6. reliable - надёжный

7. creative - творческий

8. considerate - внимательный

9. hard-working - трудолюбивый

10. polite - вежливый

12. well-dressed - хорошо одетый

13. attractive - привлекательный

14. helpful - полезный, услужливый

15. experienced - опытный

16. thoughtful - предупредительный

17. well-educated - образованный

18. lucky - удачливый

19. perfect - совершенный

20. ideal - идеальный

21. easy - лёгкий

22. important - важный

23. friendly - дружелюбный


24. to plan - планировать

25. to organise - организовывать

26. to make decisions - принимать решения

27. to prepare reports - готовить доклады

28. to give presentations - давать презентации

29. to communicate clearly - чётко сообщать

30. to give/follow instructions - давать/следовать инструкциям

31. to manage other people - руководить людьми

32. to decide - решать

33. to discuss - обсуждать

34. to be good to... - быть хорошим для

35. to agree - соглашаться

36. to make up - составить


37. typing speed - скорость печатания

38. wpm (words per min) - знаков в минуту

39. the latest - новейший

Exercise 60

Read and translate the text.

The Ideal Secretary and her lucky boss

Mary Macky, who lives in Epping, is the winner of this year’s “Ideal secretary” competition. Her prizes are a typewriter, a cassette recorder and a weekend in Paris.

Miss Macky works in Harlow for Brighter Office Supplies Ltd. She is twenty nine and single. Her boss is BOS managing director, Fred McLean.

Mr McLean says, “Mary is the ideal secretary. She’s friendly and very efficient. Her shorthand speed is 140 wpm and her typing speed is 70 wpm. She can speak two foreign languages, French and German. She organises her own time and mine very well, and she can use all the latest office equipment. She is never late for work and she makes very good coffee.”

Mary says, “It’s easy to be a good secretary when you’ve got a good boss.”

Exercise 61

Write questions to these answers using question word Who? What? Where? How?

Mary Macky - Who is the winner of this year’s Ideal secretary competition?

1. Epping 4. Twenty nine

2. A typewriter, a cassette 5. Fred McLean

recorder and a weekend 6. Two - French and German

in Paris

3. In Harlow

Exercise 62

Decide which of these qualities are good for “a perfect boss” and for “a perfect secretary”.

He / She is : pleasant ambitious intelligent efficient reliable

creative considerate hard-working polite

well-dressed attractive helpful

experienced thoughtful well-educated

He / She can : plan type organise take shorthand

make decisions prepare reports

speak foreign languages give presentations

communicate clearly use a word processor

give/follow instructions manage other people

Discuss your opinion with other people using sentences like this:




important that a



is not



B.: I agree / Yes it is / No it is not / I don’t agree

Exercise 63

Jacques de la Plaine is the winner of this year’s “Perfect Boss” competition. Write a short article about Jacques - the “Perfect Boss”. You can use some information from Part 1 and also make up some information about him.

Exercise 64

Write an article about anyone you know as “A Perfect Boss” or “A Perfect Secretary”.

Exercise 65

Here’s a list of adjectives describing qualities certain professions need. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective.

Persuasive brave creative patient intelligent polite accurate fair friendly

  1. Salespeople need to be ……………………… to get people to buy their products.

  2. A scientist has to be ………………… in order to understand complex theories.

  3. Receptionists should be ………………… in order to make people feel welcome.

  4. Surgeons must be very …………as they should not make mistakes in their work.

  5. A shop assistant has to be …………… even when dealing with a rude customer.

  6. Lifeguards have to be …… as they often find themselves in dangerous situations.

  7. Teachers need to be very ……. as students sometimes take a long time to learn things.

  8. Judges should be ………………. and give all the evidence equal consideration.

  9. Fashion designers should be very ……………. so that they can come up with new designs.

Exercise 66

Look at another list of qualities and make up your own sentences describing the following professions: a cook, a policeman, a secretary, a reporter, a clown.

Brave imaginative courageous helpful efficient careful fit cheerful creative patient original hard-working

e.g. A secretary has to be efficient and careful in order to do her work quickly and accurately.

Exercise 67

Read the following dialogue, translate and then describe each profession.

Radio Presenter: We all have our own ideas about what certain jobs are like, but are we right? Today, we’re going to hear three people talking about their very different jobs. Our first guest is James Barnes, a business executive. James, what kind of qualities do you need to be a business executive?

Business executive: Being a business executive requires a number of qualities. You definitely have to be hard working or you’ll never succeed. You also have to be persuasive, since doing business is all about getting people to see things your way. There are plenty of good things about being an executive: I mean, it’s a well paid job, and people respect me for what I do. On the other hand, there’s a lot of traveling and I don’t have much free time. I enjoy it, though – it’s the right kind of work for me.

Radio Presenter: Thank you, James. Our next guest today is Reg Bowls. Reg, what does it take to be a fire-fighter?

Fire-fighter: Well, the first thing you have to be is courageous. You have to keep calm at all times, and of course you have to be fit as well. The great thing about the job is helping people – you have the chance to save lives. It can be exciting, as well. Unfortunately it’s a dangerous job. It’s possible to get injured or even die on the job. Considering the risks, it’s not well paid either. On the whole, though, I think the good things outweigh the bad ones.

Radio Presenter: I see. Thank you Reg. Finally, our last guest today is Jenny Baxter, a nurse. Jenny, what are the most important qualities for a nurse to possess?

Nurse: First and foremost, a nurse has to be patient. Sick people can be very difficult, and the worst thing you can do is lose your temper. You have to be sympathetic and caring too, so that people know you care about them. It’s not a well paid job, not in Britain anyway. It can be very upsetting as well, especially when people die. I can’t imagine doing another job, though – nursing is my life.

Radio Presenter: Thank you, Jenny, and thank you again James and Reg.

Exercise 68

What are the qualities, advantages and disadvantages of being a) a pilot, b) a miner and c) a fashion model? Write a short paragraph.

Exercise 69

The following adjectives describe people’s character. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjectives.

Generous impatient helpful persistent selfish reliable optimistic stubborn

  1. Tom tends to be quite a …………………………. child; he seldom shares his toys with his friends.

  2. Ann is a very ……………………….. worker; I can always depend on her if I want something on time.

  3. Mr James is a ………………………… man; he gives a lot of money to the children’s hospital.

  4. Joe seems ……………………… at times; he never changes his mind and he always does what he wants to.

  5. Seb is a(n) ……………………. person; he always sees positive side of even the most difficult situation.

  6. Steve tends to be ………………..; he becomes very annoyed when he has to wait in long queues.

  7. John is ……………………; he never gives up and always finishes what he starts.

  8. Mary is very ………………….; when I have a lot of work to do, she always lends a hand.

Exercise 70

Read and translate.

Bruce is definitely a sociable man. He has a lot of friends because he is always cheerful, reliable and ready to help anyone in need. When it comes to dangerous situations, Bruce always acts quite bravely. For example, a few weeks ago he saved a little boy’s life by pulling him out of the path of a speeding truck. When it comes to giving advice, he is always very helpful and supportive. However, he can be rather aggressive, especially when he is driving – sometimes he drives so carelessly that his friends are too frightened to get in the car with him.

Grammar notes

Объектный падеж местоимений. В английском языке личные местоимения имеют объектный падеж.

Table 20

именительный падеж

объектный падеж

who - кто

whom - кому

I - я

you - ты

he - он

she - она

it - он, она

we - мы

you - вы

they - они

me - мне

you - тебе

him - ему

her - ей

it - ему, ей

us - нам

you - вам

them - им

Личные местоимения в английском языке употребляются в функции прямого и косвенного дополнения. Прямое дополнение отвечает на вопросы whom? (кого?).

We know him. Мы знаем его.

Косвенное дополнение отвечает на вопрос to whom? (кому?).

Give me your pen. Дай мне твою ручку.

В английском языке косвенное дополнение обычно предшествует прямому. В тех случаях, когда косвенное дополнение стоит после прямого, оно употребляется с предлогом to.

I give her money. Я даю ей деньги.

I give money to her. Я даю деньги ей.

Exercise 71

Look at the word order with the verb to give.

They are giving Mary a prize. They are giving a prize to Mary.

They are giving her a prize. They are giving a prize to her.

They are giving it to Mary. They are giving it to her.

Write the words in these sentences in the right order.

  1. him give please book the ___________________________________

  2. always gives presents her he ________________________________

  3. to me please it give _______________________________________

  4. Joy they giving present to a are _____________________________

  5. present Joy they giving are a ________________________________

  6. typewriter Christmas for him a giving is she ____________________

  7. him to she gives sometimes them ____________________________

  8. you give can me file the please ______________________________

Exersice 72

Complete the sentences using the proper pronouns.

  1. Rita has a book. She bought it last week.

  2. I know the new students, but Tony doesn’t know _______ yet.

  3. I wrote a letter, but I can’t send ______ because I don’t have a stamp.

  4. Tom is in Canada. I like to get letters from ______.

  5. Ann is my neigbour. I talk to _______ every day.

  6. Yoko and I are going to go to downtown this afternoon. Do you want to come with ______?

  7. Do you know Kate and Judy? – Yes, ____ do. I live near ________.

  8. Would Jim and you like to come to the movie with us? – Yes, ____ would. Jim and _____ would enjoy going to the movie with______.

Exercise 73

Make up sentences using the words from the table.

Give me some clean paper.




me, him, her, us, them, your friend

some English books,

the new plan,

your pen,

the design of a car,

this article,

some tomato juice

Exercise 74

Finish the sentences with him/her/them.

  1. I don’t know those women. Do you know …..them……?

  2. I don’t know that man. Do you know ………………….?

  3. I don’t know those managers. Do you know ……………?

  4. I don’t know Fred’s assistant. Do you know ……………?

  5. I don’t know her children. Do you know ……………….?

  6. I don’t know Sheila’s secretary. Do you know ………….?

  7. I don’t know Mr Stevens. Do you know ……………….?

  8. I don’t know Mrs Baker. Do you know ……………….?

Exercise 75

Finish the sentences. Use I/me/we/us/you/he/him/she/her/they/them/it.

  1. Who is that woman? Why are you looking at ….her…….?

  2. “Do you know that man?” “Yes, I work with …………”

  3. I’m talking to you. Please, listen to ………..

  4. These photographs are nice. Do you want to look at ………?

  5. I like that camera. I’m going to buy ……… .

  6. Where are the tickets? I can’t find ………… .

  7. We’re going out. Would you like to come with……… .

  8. I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid of ……… .

  9. Where is she? I want to talk to ………. .

  10. Those apples are bad. Don’t eat ……… .



Active vocabulary


  1. skill - навык

  2. activity - деятельность

  3. alternative - альтернатива

  4. decision - решение

  5. decision making - принятие решений

  6. interpersonal skill - умение общаться с людьми

  7. ability - способность

  8. duty - обязанность

  9. super goal - сверхцель

  10. objective - цель (краткосрочная)

  11. course - курс

  12. cause - причина

  13. investigation - расследование

  14. rule - правило

  15. opinion - мнение

  16. relation - отношение

  17. support - поддержка, поддерживать

  18. competence - компетенция

  19. task - задача

  20. connection - соединение

  21. guidance - направление

  22. subordinate - подчиненный

  23. explanatory note - объяснительная записка


  1. fit together - согласовываться

  2. implement - осуществлять

  3. distribute - распределять

  4. carry out - выполнять

  5. identify - определить

  6. require - требовать

  7. keep to - придерживаться чего-либо

  8. specify - выделить, специфицировать

  9. flow - течь, поток

  10. enable - позволить

  11. hold - держать

  12. deal with - иметь дело с

  13. accomplish - выполнить


  1. decisive - решительный

  2. certain - определенный

  3. conceptual - концептуальный

  4. proper - соответствующий

  5. whole - весь, целый

  6. complex - сложный


  1. approximately - примерно

  2. thus - итак

  3. inside - внутри

  4. outside - снаружи

  5. consequently - впоследствии

  6. within - внутри, в пределах

  7. orally - устно

Exercise 76

Read and translate.

Effectiveness of a manager’s activity depends on certain important skills. These skills can be divided into seven different categories: conceptual, decision making, analytic, administrative, communicational, interpersonal and technical.

1. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see the “general picture” of an organization. Managers must understand how their duties and the duties of other managers fit together to plan their activity in a proper way and get the required results. This skill is very important for top managers because it helps them plan “super goals” and develop proper strategies for the whole organization.

2. A decision making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of two or more alternatives. A manager must decide the following:

  1. What objectives and goals must be reached?

  2. What strategy must be implemented?

  3. What resources must be used and how they must be distributed?

  4. What kind of control is needed?

In short, managers are responsible for the most important decisions which are required to carry out any organizational activity.

3. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problem of many other problems and identify the causes of each problem before implementing the proper action plan. This ability is especially important for top managers because they have to solve complex problems.

4. An administrative skill is the ability of a manager to keep the organizational rules specified for the production progress, within a limited budget, and coordinate the flow of information and paper work in this group and in other groups.

5. A communicational skill is the ability of a manager to share his ideas and opinions with other people both orally and in writing. This skill is a decisive factor of a manager’s success. Some investigators show that top managers and middle managers spend approximately 80% (percent) of their work time communicating with each other.

Thus, a communicational skill enables managers to hold meetings, write clear letters and explanatory notes, make reports, etc.

6. An interpersonal skill (psychological skill) is ability to deal effectively with other people both inside and outside the organization. It is the ability to understand the needs and motives of other people. This skill is very important for a good psychological atmosphere for successful activity in the common work in future. If the interpersonal relations are good, a manager will be successful in getting a support in the development and implementation of organizational plans.

7. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish a task. The lower is a manager’s level in the organization, the closer is his/her connection with the production process. Thus first-line managers have the closest connection with the production process. They need high technical skills to provide technical guidance for the subordinates. Top managers don’t need these skills as much as first-line managers but the knowledge of the technical sphere is useful for all managers.

Exercise 77

Find the English equivalents for the following.

Эффективность; мастерство; мастерство принятия решений; производственный прогресс; психологическое мастерство; цель; обязанность; стратегия; концептуальное мастерство; доклад (отчет); требуемые результаты; разрабатывать соответствующие стратегии; способность; курс действий; хорошая психологическая атмосфера; отношения между людьми; осуществление организационных планов; обеспечивать техническое руководство; подчиненный; делить; согласовать(ся); выбирать; решать проблемы; достигать; осуществлять; распределять; выполнять; давать возможность; проводить (собрание).

Exercise 78

Complete the following sentences according to the text.

  1. Effectiveness of a manager’s activity depends on …….. .

  2. A conceptual skill is the ability of a manager to see …… .

  3. A decision making skill is the ability of a manager to choose the best course of actions of …… .

  4. An analytic skill is the ability to determine the most important problem of many other problems and identify the causes of each problem before …. .

  5. An interpersonal skill is important for …… .

  6. A technical skill is a specific competence to accomplish …… .

  7. First-line managers have the closest connection with ….. .

Exercise 79

Translate into English.

  1. Мастерство человеческих отношений (психологическое мастерство) – это способность менеджеров эффективно взаимодействовать с другими людьми.

  2. Это мастерство имеет большое значение для хорошей психологической атмосферы в организации.

  3. Концептуальное мастерство - это способность менеджера представлять (see) «общую картину» организации.

  4. Концептуальное мастерство имеет очень большое значение (very important) для высших менеджеров, потому что оно помогает им планировать и разрабатывать стратегии для организации в целом.

  5. Административное мастерство - это способность менеджера исполнять организационные правила (предписанные) для процесса производства.

  6. Аналитическое мастерство особенно важно для высших менеджеров, потому что они должны решать сложные проблемы.

  7. Менеджеры должны понимать, как их обязанности согласуются с обязанностями других менеджеров.

  8. Менеджеры ответственны за наиболее важные решения, требуемые для выполнения любой организационной деятельности.



Active vocabulary


  1. part - часть

  2. letter - письмо

  3. reader - читатель, адрессант

  4. writer - писатель, отправитель

  5. salutation/greeting - приветствие

  6. opening/closing - открывающий/закрывающий

  7. body - основная часть

  8. letterhead - шапка письма

  9. date - дата

  10. reference - ссылка, поручитель

  11. enclosure - приложение

  12. signature - подпись

  13. position - положение, должность

  14. dear - дорогой (-ая, -ие)

  15. place - место

  16. list - список

  17. envelope - конверт

  18. stamp - марка

  19. paper - бумага

  20. piece - лист

  21. line - строка


  1. to know - знать

  2. don’t know - не знаю

  3. to begin - начинать

  4. to recieve - получать

  5. to post - отправлять


  1. correct - правильный


  1. Yours faithfully - Преданный Вам

  2. Yours sincerely - Искренне Ваш

  3. for instance - например

Reader’s name and address

Simple Stationers

15 Mowbray Road London NW6 5EJ

Sales Manager

Simple Stationers

15 Mowbray Road London NW6 5EJ

Ms A Meiners

Simple Stationers

15 Mowbray Road London NW6 5EJ

Opening salutation

Dear Sirs

Dear Sir

Dear Sir/Madam

Dear Ms Mainers

Closing salutation

Yours faithfully

Yours faithfully

Yours sincerely

You don’t know the reader’s name

You don’t know the reader’s name

You know the reader’s name

Exercise 80  (We Mean Business ex 23, p 15)

Look at this business letter and listen to the tape. A business school teacher is explaining the parts of a business letter to a student. Make a list of the numbers and the correct parts of the letter, like this: 1 - letterhead

These are the parts of the letter:

body of the letter; letterhead; write’s name and address; date; references; enclosures; signature; opening salutation; closing salutation; writer’s position in the company; reader’s name and address