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Exercise 69

Translate into English.

  1. Я работаю на крупного производителя автомобилей.

  2. Майкл работает над новым проектом.

  3. Регина руководит отделом дизайнеров. Она управляет 5 сотрудниками.

  4. В круг его обязанностей входит финансовое планирование проектов.

  5. Он также отвечает за мотивацию персонала.

  6. Обычно я ухожу из дома на работу в 8 утра и прихожу в офис в 8.30.

  7. Число людей без работы увеличивается.

  8. Летом студенты ищут временную работу.

  9. Я работаю на полную ставку.

  10. В наши дни люди счастливы иметь постоянную работу.



Active vocabulary


  1. structure - структура

  2. department - отдел

  3. position - должность

  4. job title - название профессии

  5. head - глава, заведующий

  6. development - развитие

  7. board - совет директоров

  8. executive - исполнитель

  9. finance - финансы

  10. chief - шеф, главный

  11. research - исследование

  12. hierarchy - иерархия

  13. responsibilty/function - ответственность/функция

  14. affiliate - дочерняя компания

  15. subsidiаry - филиал


  1. to report to - докладывать

  2. to be responsible for - быть ответственным за

  3. to be headed by - быть возглавляемым

  4. to be under somebody - быть под ч-л руководством

  5. to be accountable for - отчитываться за

  6. to support - поддерживать

  7. to assist - помогать

  8. to take care of - заботиться

  9. to be in charge of - отвечать за

  10. to consist of - состоять из

  11. to comprise - включать в себя

  12. to be made up of - состоять из

  13. to allocate - выделять, ассигновать

Grammar notes

Притяжательный падеж одушевленных существительных единственного числа образуется путем прибавления к основе окончания ‘s (т.е. апострофа и буквы s):

the students bag - сумка студента

Во множественном числе прибавляется только апостроф:

the studentsbags - сумки студентов

Сложные существительные прибавляют ‘s к последнему слову:

my mother-in-law’s house - дом моей свекрови

Peter and John’s book - книга Питера и Джона

Exercise 70

Ask and answer the questions, using the notes of the BOS organisation chart:

Who is Mary’s boss? - Fred.

1 Mary - boss 5 Fred - personal secretary

2 Paul - boss 6 Simon - boss

3 Sheila - boss 7 Sheila - secretary

4 Sheila - assistant 8 Howard - boss

Exercise 71

Write 8 sentences about overseas staff:

Jacques de la Plaine Chantal Dubois

S ales representative Secretary

Mary-Jo Braun

Sales assistant

  1. Mary-Jo is Jacques’ assistant.

  2. Jacques ................................... boss.

  3. Jacques ........ Chantal’s ....................

  4. Chantal ...............................................

L orenzo Magnani Francesca Albarosa

Sales representative Secretary

Marisa Balzarini

Sales assistant

5 ............................................................

6 ............................................................

7 .............................................................

8. ………………………………………

Exercise 72

Underline possessive case forms in the following extract from a speech by Alex Conrad, Chief Executive of Tambo Inc., a food manufacturer.

“Tambo’s results are very good. Last year’s figures were also pleasing, but now our turnover has improved by 15%. Our competitors’ results are not as good. The work of all our staff has been excellent. Our products have answered the needs of our customers. The company’s dedication to quality has been total. The decision of the Board to enter new markets was also very important. The former Chief Executive, Bill Machin, made a very big contribution – Bill’s ideas made Tambo the success it is today.”

Exercise 73

Complete the text below about the future for Frodo, an engineering company. Write appropriate possessive case forms to combine the words in brackets.

The results of the tests (results/tests) were very good. The ________________ (report/Research Director) was very positive. We hope that all ________________ (customer/Frodo) will like the new product. We think it will meet ______________ (needs/our customers). I agree with ____________________ (opinion/John Tudor). He thinks __________________ (market share/Frodo) will increase. With this new product, _________________ (performance/next year) will be very good. As always, we must focus on the _____________________ (quality/our products and services). The _____________________ (speech/Chairman) at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) will say that quality and new products are most important.

Exercise 74 (Starting Business English ex 10, p 10)

Listen to the tape, look and write down the sentences.


Kate MacKenna

Don Bradley

Edward Green


Bibury Systems

Bibury Systems

Bibury Systems

Job Title

Head of Sales


Marketing Executive






Reports to Don

On the Board

Reports to Don


This is Kate MacKenna. She works for Bibury Systems in the Sales Department. She reports to Don Bradley.

Exercise 75 (Starting Business English ex 9, p 10)

Listen to the tape and fill in the table.


Bob Jackson

Sally Carter

John Mason

Sue Peters



Job Title


Reports to Derek Jones